Her 2 Positive 3cm IDC

EuRui Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
HI Iam new to this board and newly diagnosed ..anyone board who shares this with me?
i will apreciate any advice ..
I am having mastectomies on Thursday and need to know what to expect as time passes in regards to treatments ...


  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I am sorry you needed to find this board but you will be glad you did. I cannot give you any advice on your situation since mine was different but you will find a lot of sisters here that will be able to help you. I was able to get a lot of support and information from everyone here. Just remember you can do this!

  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I was HER 2 positive, ER/PR negative, Invasive ductal carcinoma. Stage IIIa.
    I know that there are others here on the board, who are also HER 2+.

    I had mastectomy, lymph nodes were involved, so they were removed. Then A/C chemo. After that, I had Abraxane chemo (a cousin to Taxol). Then 33 rounds of radiation. Then, a year of Herceptin infusions every three weeks.
    The Herceptin infusions are pretty standard now, in the treatment of HER 2+ bc. And it is a blessing that we have the drug. And the Herceptin does not make you lose hair, although the other chemo drugs I had, do.

    It sounds like a lot. And, well, it is. But you can do everything that it takes to make yourself healthy again.

    All told, I was in treatment for 15 months.

    Sending you strength and encouragement...

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Welcome to the board and so sorry you have to be here. I was dxed 4/09 with IDC, stage IIIa, 6.5 cm, 2/14 nodes. I however did a lumpectomy followed by 4 A/C and 12 weeks of taxol. Then 33 rads. I finished in January and should be on femera but had way too many side effects.
    Believe it or not all this will be old hat to you soon. This board is filled with awesome people who will help you get thru this and become your place to ask questions, vent, whatever makes it easier for you.
    My advice, take someone with you to appts since two heads will remember better than one. Write down your questions and the answers you get. Ask, ask, ask until you're comfortable with the answers. Tell you docs WHENEVER something bothers you, whether you think it's related to BC or not. You'll be surprised as you go what is related that you'd never imagine.
    Above everything else, be good to yourself.
    Good luck hope it's all as easy for you as possible.

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Hi EuRui!
    Welcome, I had a very similar dx, except for I'm triple negative. Where you at now is hard, it's the beginning, I was terrified, I cried profoundly, my mortality became very apparent, and I was afraid of the sugeries, the treatments, and the possible bad outcome!
    The good new is you will get past all that, and find strengths, friends, loves, and appreciation for things you never noticed before. This board will be yor life line of you need, and you too, will survive! God bless you and I look forward to hearing more..hugs alison.
    I had bilat. mast in June 09, if you have any questions there are many of us who can hopefully help.