carpal tunnel aggravated by chemo and water retention

mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had mild Carpal Tunnel a year and a half ago. I adjusted my desk at work and home, wore a brace for a few weeks and it seemed to clear up and I had no problems.

Anyway after 12 weeks of Taxol, the neuropathy set in and started getting worse. My Onc. told to go see the neurologist which I did yesterday and he did an EMG and said I did indeed have Carpal Tunnel and he highly recommends I go have the steroid shots in my wrists to reduce the inflamation and pain. If that doesn't work then surgery will need to be considered. He thinks that the injections will help and possibly just clear up the Carpal Tunnel over a period of several months because it is more chemo and water retention related than computer related.

Anyway had anything like this as a result of chemo and water retention? Anyway ever had those injections? Do they really work? I hear with some people they don't. Not sure if I should go through the injections but then there are days I can hardly use my hands, can't even write with a pen.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    steroid injections
    I haven't had carpal tunnel, but I often go to emedicine to learn more about a condition as their articles are usually written by experts in the field. Here is what the emedicine article (this is an article about carpal tunnel presenting in the ER) has to say about steroid injections:

    Although not typically performed in the emergency department, corticosteroid injections have been shown to have a statistically significant benefit in CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) at 1 month compared with placebo. The effects of corticosteroid injection appear to be time limited, and the benefit beyond 1 month is unclear. Two steroid injections do not appear to add significant clinical benefit to one injection.18 Local injections have been shown to be superior to systemic corticosteroids.16 Steroid injection combined with splinting has been shown to be superior to splinting alone.19
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists 6 years ago. Before I had the surgery for carpal tunnel I had gotten a couple of injections in the wrists but they are temporary fixes. I had gotten to the point where my hands hurt on the steering wheel and I could no longer hold a purse, etc. I'm an avid needlepoint and crocheter. I do this while watching tv at night. I've had a lot of swelling in my feet, ankles, lower legs, hands, abdomen, face and eyelids. A couple of weeks ago I had to stop crocheting because the cramps in my hands were so bad. Other than the chemo cramps my hands have been ok. However, I don't have a lot of strength in my hands or wrists. I just had chemo #4 of 6 and I was told my swelling, neuropathy, etc will last until I'm done. I hope you find a resolution to your carpal tunnel issue. For now the injections might be enough to get you to a better place.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists 6 years ago. Before I had the surgery for carpal tunnel I had gotten a couple of injections in the wrists but they are temporary fixes. I had gotten to the point where my hands hurt on the steering wheel and I could no longer hold a purse, etc. I'm an avid needlepoint and crocheter. I do this while watching tv at night. I've had a lot of swelling in my feet, ankles, lower legs, hands, abdomen, face and eyelids. A couple of weeks ago I had to stop crocheting because the cramps in my hands were so bad. Other than the chemo cramps my hands have been ok. However, I don't have a lot of strength in my hands or wrists. I just had chemo #4 of 6 and I was told my swelling, neuropathy, etc will last until I'm done. I hope you find a resolution to your carpal tunnel issue. For now the injections might be enough to get you to a better place.
    {{hugs}} Char

    C.C. .. Thank you for posting, and offering such
    a valuable website .. 2nd opinion, sounding tool!

    I am currently having difficulties with my left ankle, and Ortho suggested - surgery! Chemo side efforts -

    Strength and Courage:

    •☆.•*´¨`*••♥ Vicki Sam ♥••*´¨`*•.☆•
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    steroid injections
    I haven't had carpal tunnel, but I often go to emedicine to learn more about a condition as their articles are usually written by experts in the field. Here is what the emedicine article (this is an article about carpal tunnel presenting in the ER) has to say about steroid injections:

    Although not typically performed in the emergency department, corticosteroid injections have been shown to have a statistically significant benefit in CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) at 1 month compared with placebo. The effects of corticosteroid injection appear to be time limited, and the benefit beyond 1 month is unclear. Two steroid injections do not appear to add significant clinical benefit to one injection.18 Local injections have been shown to be superior to systemic corticosteroids.16 Steroid injection combined with splinting has been shown to be superior to splinting alone.19

    What a great website. Thank

    What a great website. Thank you for sharing this. It helps a great deal.

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists 6 years ago. Before I had the surgery for carpal tunnel I had gotten a couple of injections in the wrists but they are temporary fixes. I had gotten to the point where my hands hurt on the steering wheel and I could no longer hold a purse, etc. I'm an avid needlepoint and crocheter. I do this while watching tv at night. I've had a lot of swelling in my feet, ankles, lower legs, hands, abdomen, face and eyelids. A couple of weeks ago I had to stop crocheting because the cramps in my hands were so bad. Other than the chemo cramps my hands have been ok. However, I don't have a lot of strength in my hands or wrists. I just had chemo #4 of 6 and I was told my swelling, neuropathy, etc will last until I'm done. I hope you find a resolution to your carpal tunnel issue. For now the injections might be enough to get you to a better place.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Thank-you Char, it is good

    Thank-you Char, it is good to hear the experience of others. I am leaning towards getting the injection to ease the pain and see me through the next months, then take it from there. Like you I also crochet but have put it aside for the moment, the neuropathy makes touching the yarn very painful and then my right thumb is next to useless because of the carpal tunnel. IN fact the only thing I can use my hands for is typing, it doesn't seem to bother it at all.

    The swelling and neuropathy for me came with the Taxol. I was told by the Onc. and Neurologist that the neuropathy can peak a couple of months after chemo then start to get better. This took me by surprise.
