Getting ready for the next step

mrs gadget
mrs gadget Member Posts: 118
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, now that I am halfway thru chemo and starting to feel a little better, I am trying to get my arms around the next steps in the process. I guess after my 4th (the next one) of the 6 TC treatments, I call my surgeon and look into getting my lumpectomy w/node removal scheduled. If any of you can lend any insight to what that experience of surgery and the follwing radiation is like, I would greatly appreciate it...I am hoping that these experiences are a little better than the chemo has been. I am just kind of being proactive now and trying to geer up for what comes next...


  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I thought the chemo was the

    I thought the chemo was the worst. I had surgery first, single mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction. It was a pretty painful surgery but seemed easier to deal with than chemo (4 AC and 12 Taxol with Herceptin). I am just finishing up on rads and that has been such an uneventful process which is they way I like it. I just have sunburn and was told it wasn't gotten to get much worse than it is right now as I have 5 rads left. I do feel a little tired from it but it wasn't like the fatigue towards the end of chemo.

    I don't know how others feel, but if you are done with the chemo everthing else will seem much easier and tolerable.

    Hope it all goes well.
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member

    I thought the chemo was the

    I thought the chemo was the worst. I had surgery first, single mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction. It was a pretty painful surgery but seemed easier to deal with than chemo (4 AC and 12 Taxol with Herceptin). I am just finishing up on rads and that has been such an uneventful process which is they way I like it. I just have sunburn and was told it wasn't gotten to get much worse than it is right now as I have 5 rads left. I do feel a little tired from it but it wasn't like the fatigue towards the end of chemo.

    I don't know how others feel, but if you are done with the chemo everthing else will seem much easier and tolerable.

    Hope it all goes well.

    Hi mrs gadget
    Oh boy I sure hope mariam is right about rads being uneventful, I just started doing my radiation this week and so far I'm not having any problems with it. (knock on wood) Once you finish doing the chemo you will need to wait a good 3 weeks before going into surgery, then another 3 weeks before stsrting radiation. Your body needs time to recover from all this. I had a lumpectomy exactly 29 days ago, I still have soreness and swelling, I have no idea when or if it will ever go away. ps, I thought the chemo was a walk in the park, see how we all differ. Good luck to you. Meant to mention my sentinel node injection was easy too, I had mine done the day before surgery and never felt a thing.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Can't help you with anything
    Can't help you with anything about lumpectomy - i had a mod. rad. mast.. I had 4 A/C before surgery (not bad at all) and then 12 Taxol after (that was bad). I started rads the week after last Taxol and felt better as each week progressed. The only issues I had with rads was after it has over I burned BAD. Dr still can't figure out how/why it happened as it did. Definately not to be expected though.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Hi mrs gadget
    Oh boy I sure hope mariam is right about rads being uneventful, I just started doing my radiation this week and so far I'm not having any problems with it. (knock on wood) Once you finish doing the chemo you will need to wait a good 3 weeks before going into surgery, then another 3 weeks before stsrting radiation. Your body needs time to recover from all this. I had a lumpectomy exactly 29 days ago, I still have soreness and swelling, I have no idea when or if it will ever go away. ps, I thought the chemo was a walk in the park, see how we all differ. Good luck to you. Meant to mention my sentinel node injection was easy too, I had mine done the day before surgery and never felt a thing.

    We are all different with different cancer's protocols!
    Not necessarily true as to what has to be done. I started Chemo 17 days after DX. I had surgery 2 weeks after the last of first 4 A/C. It was 3 weeks after surgery (Mod. Rad. Mast.)that I started 12 Taxol. Rads started 1 week after the last Taxol.

    While many have a similar protocol, all do not.

    All Breast Cancer are not 'created equal' and are not handled in the same manner.

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Rague said:

    Can't help you with anything
    Can't help you with anything about lumpectomy - i had a mod. rad. mast.. I had 4 A/C before surgery (not bad at all) and then 12 Taxol after (that was bad). I started rads the week after last Taxol and felt better as each week progressed. The only issues I had with rads was after it has over I burned BAD. Dr still can't figure out how/why it happened as it did. Definately not to be expected though.


    Hi there
    Well, yes, we're all different, so I can tell you what happened to me and how it felt. It all went really well, so I hope the same for you.

    I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, six nodes removed. Nothing hurt. I went for my regular walk the next morning, went to a baby shower the day after that, and back to work four days later. I did develop a seroma under my arm which became a hematoma. It was uncomfortable just cause it was big and just kinda there. They drained it several times, not particularly painful, then gave me antibiotics and it went away.

    They waited to get the results of the Oncotype test to determine whether or not I'd have chemo, got a low score, so they began rads. I had 35 sessions, got red, got tired in the evening, but oh boy, did I sleep well at night.

    And that was that. Gradually, as the nerves regenerate, I get kind of achy at the surgical sites, sometimes a sharp poking pain, but it's not any big deal.

    Hope this helps.

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    aisling8 said:

    Hi there
    Well, yes, we're all different, so I can tell you what happened to me and how it felt. It all went really well, so I hope the same for you.

    I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, six nodes removed. Nothing hurt. I went for my regular walk the next morning, went to a baby shower the day after that, and back to work four days later. I did develop a seroma under my arm which became a hematoma. It was uncomfortable just cause it was big and just kinda there. They drained it several times, not particularly painful, then gave me antibiotics and it went away.

    They waited to get the results of the Oncotype test to determine whether or not I'd have chemo, got a low score, so they began rads. I had 35 sessions, got red, got tired in the evening, but oh boy, did I sleep well at night.

    And that was that. Gradually, as the nerves regenerate, I get kind of achy at the surgical sites, sometimes a sharp poking pain, but it's not any big deal.

    Hope this helps.


    My experience
    I had the lumpectomy first no problems with it at all, 3 nodes removed. I had my surgery kind of late in the day so I slept a lot afterwards. I woke up early the next morning and was able to take care of myself. I was at my son and dil's house but just stayed that one night. I drove myself home the next day. I had very little pain and no nausea. I started chemo about 4 weeks later 4 rounds of TC did well with that, 3 weeks after I finished I started rads 30 in all. I burned some toward the end but not bad at all. I am about 2 months into my 5 years of Tamoxifen. Wishing you the very best
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I had bilat mast., them 8 rounds chemo, 4 ac and 4 taxol, then did tram flap recon. I am a year out of chemo this month. The surgeries were a big deal, both of them, but the chemo was the **** kicker. I am still recovering from some of the effects of chemo. So the good new is, it sounds most of us would be of the opinion that you have done the worst part. From my mouth to God's ears! Love and hugs....alison
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    I had bilat mast., them 8 rounds chemo, 4 ac and 4 taxol, then did tram flap recon. I am a year out of chemo this month. The surgeries were a big deal, both of them, but the chemo was the **** kicker. I am still recovering from some of the effects of chemo. So the good new is, it sounds most of us would be of the opinion that you have done the worst part. From my mouth to God's ears! Love and hugs....alison

    First, let me repeat what
    First, let me repeat what others have said, each of us reacts differently to the treatments and how they respond to rads, surgery, and chemo. But it does help to hear other people's experiences. I had my surgery the day before Thanksgiving. I had a wire guided lumpectomies on both breasts and sentinel node biopsy. I felt a bit of a sting with the injections for the dye for the sentinel nodes. Asked why they don't numb the area. This can vary from facility to facility but I was told that numbing the area can slow the dye down. The injections were really not bad for me. Then about a half hour later, I went to get the wire guides placed. They were going to do one ultra sound guided and the other mammo guided but decided to do both mammo guided. They numbed my breasts for this. I was sitted and rolled up to the machine and pressure was put on each breast (one at a time) and they took films, located the lump and placed a fine wire into th lump. Usually the wire that is left outside the breast is coiled and taped down but my surgeon like them to keep what I can only call a cap in place as well. So that this wasn't jostled or bumped they put styrofoam cups over each of these and taped them in place. I swear I looked like Madonna when they put my hospital gown back on. I had to be wheeled to the surgery area and when I rolled up my husband's jaw dropped. I told him that this is what happens when good plastic surgery goes bad. He almost snorted his mouthful of coffee. I looked so funny I just had to laugh. My surgery was not bad at all. I went home that afternoon and slept and the next day, my daughter and the family and a few others came to our house for Thanksgiving. I helped a little and I actually felt very good but mostly they took over. I went back to work that following Monday. My rads were also uneventful. I mostly browned, a little burning (used my lotions diligently and well after I was done). I was tired but I was able to work all during them. I had them late in the afternoon and would do them on my way home, then go home and nap. I was fine for work the next morning. Now this would have been so different if I had chemo before any of this because that takes it's own toll on the body and spirit. You need to gauge how you feel and do what is best and right for you. There is no one way to feel, react, or have a surgery, chemo or rads. It's all different for each of us. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts that all goes as easy as possible for you.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Here is my experience.
    I had a lumpectomy with 7 nodes removed. The day of the surgery was pretty uneventful. I had to have the wire put in first. Then went for the injection of the dye. Finally to the surgery center. I went in at 10am and was sent home at 1:30 all done. I slept most of the rest of the day. I did take a couple of pain killers the next day but that was it. Went back to work the following Monday. I was one of the lucky ones who did not need chemo. I had 33 rad treatments that started 4 weeks after surgery. The treatments themselves are quick and painless. I did burn slightly but not much. My big issue was the fatigue. by the end I was exhausted. I ended up being off work for 2 1/2 weeks and then started back at 4 hours a day and worked my way up. I am happy to say that I feel good now and am working full time. We are all so different so it will just be a wait and see thing.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    I had bilat mast., them 8 rounds chemo, 4 ac and 4 taxol, then did tram flap recon. I am a year out of chemo this month. The surgeries were a big deal, both of them, but the chemo was the **** kicker. I am still recovering from some of the effects of chemo. So the good new is, it sounds most of us would be of the opinion that you have done the worst part. From my mouth to God's ears! Love and hugs....alison

    I had a lumpectomy and
    I had a lumpectomy and radiation treatments. I think everything about the treatment of cancer is a big deal. The lumpectomy went great! My node was clean! Rads were very tiring and I didn't burn, but, got very close. I used my creams from day one and continued for several weeks after and my skin looks great!

    Good luck to you,
