Low BP/Tachycardia

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well, here's my latest. I was running a low grade fever over the weekend (highest 100.3)so I decided to visit my primary care physician yesterday to see if I had an infection going on anywhere. Nothing was obvious but she did urine and blood cultures,and a cbc. I got another surprise. My blood pressure (I've been hypertensive for years) was 87/63 and pulse 110. I'm monitoring my bp and have adjusted medications as she instructed me. BP is better because I reduced one of my meds, but my resting heart rate is still high. I have a return visit with her tomorrow. I was just at the radiation oncologist on Friday and bp and pulse was normal - something changed over the weekend.

Anyone experienced this? I had my last chemo 20 days ago. I should be recovered from chemo by now, . . . or maybe this is not chemo related. I am no longer running a low grade temp - that's normal again.



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I had this during chemo, and
    I had this during chemo, and it was persistent for a few months afterwards. my BP remains low but my HR is normal now. I had a high in the 130's then 110's then low 100's. now 70's. I know I was frequently dehydrated it seemed like I could never fill the void.Then it was better. No one had an explanation or paid much attention to it. If I dont drink enough I still get dizzy, much more so than before treatment.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I've been on bp meds since gaining 80#s during menopause and quitting smoking habit. I take Avalide and for the most part my bp ranged about 125-130/70 until I started chemo. Last week it was 100/60 but this week after chemo #4 it was 132/86. I've been having very labored breathing and I've also had a cough for 3 weeks. I went for a chest xray yesterday. I'm hoping it all goes back to normal after chemo is done. Right now I'm very swollen so I am retaining fluids....... All we can do is hope our lives get to some new normal :-0
    {{hugs}} Char