We Had So Much Fun!!!!! Hay rack ride anyone???



  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Wow, sounds like a Great
    Wow, sounds like a Great Time! Glad you and your hubby were able to go and enjoy yourselves!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Rague said:

    Sounds like ya'll had a
    Sounds like ya'll had a BLAST!

    Being the horsewoman I am, though, I have to say that I prefer a team of draft horses (or 2 teams of 'riding' horses) pulling the wagon. Also, the old fashioned me says that 'mechanical pull' is not the way to go for a traditional hayride. But - all that really matters is that a great time was had by ALL.


    Oh Susan, a team of horses
    Oh Susan, a team of horses would have been so cool. I wish they would have had horses instead of the tractor, but, it was still an amazing new adventure for us.

    Sue :)
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Rague said:

    Yes horse are still used - by some!
    Some still use horses - I know several who do. Unfortunately, there aren't many who still use horses for farming - just mechanical monters so the horse drawn aren't as easily available. There are a couple of ranchers I know that keep draft teams just to use during heavy/deep snow or blizzards for getting hay around to the stock as they say that the horses and sleds are a lot more reliable than the machines. There are a couple of ranchers that you can go to their ranch on certain days for a hay ride followed by a campfire (for a fee) or have them bring the team and wagon to your site (provided it's legal at your site) for a hay ride there and then either have the meal prepared ('trail drive' style) or do what ever you want to do yourself.

    Yes, I have been on machine pulled hay rides but the noise of the machine takes away (for me) a part of the pleasure that just isn't there when there is no sounds of the hooves, the bells on the harness and even the sound of the leather as it moves.


    Thanks Rague for the
    Thanks Rague for the information. What a great night that would be with the horses and the trail drive style meal. I went to a dude ranch once, years ago with my family when I was really young, and, they served a chuckwagon style meal. It was really fun the way they were all dressed like cowboys and everything. They served the food in an old tin plate and put a peach on one side to hold it cause the rest of the plate got so hot with the other food. It was a great time, even if I was so young.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Rague said:

    Yes horse are still used - by some!
    Some still use horses - I know several who do. Unfortunately, there aren't many who still use horses for farming - just mechanical monters so the horse drawn aren't as easily available. There are a couple of ranchers I know that keep draft teams just to use during heavy/deep snow or blizzards for getting hay around to the stock as they say that the horses and sleds are a lot more reliable than the machines. There are a couple of ranchers that you can go to their ranch on certain days for a hay ride followed by a campfire (for a fee) or have them bring the team and wagon to your site (provided it's legal at your site) for a hay ride there and then either have the meal prepared ('trail drive' style) or do what ever you want to do yourself.

    Yes, I have been on machine pulled hay rides but the noise of the machine takes away (for me) a part of the pleasure that just isn't there when there is no sounds of the hooves, the bells on the harness and even the sound of the leather as it moves.


    I envy you Ritzy! We would
    I envy you Ritzy! We would have loved to have done something like what you did. I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time. And, even sneaked in a few kisses from your hubby? That made it even better!

    Thanks for sharing your fun evening with us! I felt like I was there too.

    Hugs, Debby
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Rague said:

    Yes horse are still used - by some!
    Some still use horses - I know several who do. Unfortunately, there aren't many who still use horses for farming - just mechanical monters so the horse drawn aren't as easily available. There are a couple of ranchers I know that keep draft teams just to use during heavy/deep snow or blizzards for getting hay around to the stock as they say that the horses and sleds are a lot more reliable than the machines. There are a couple of ranchers that you can go to their ranch on certain days for a hay ride followed by a campfire (for a fee) or have them bring the team and wagon to your site (provided it's legal at your site) for a hay ride there and then either have the meal prepared ('trail drive' style) or do what ever you want to do yourself.

    Yes, I have been on machine pulled hay rides but the noise of the machine takes away (for me) a part of the pleasure that just isn't there when there is no sounds of the hooves, the bells on the harness and even the sound of the leather as it moves.


    Rague, wish we lived where
    Rague, wish we lived where you do. SD? We'd pay for a night like that.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    DebbyM said:

    Rague, wish we lived where
    Rague, wish we lived where you do. SD? We'd pay for a night like that.

    Hugs, Debby

    South Dakota - not San
    South Dakota - not San Diego. it's amazing (to me at least) how often when you type SD people forgt that SD is a State. LOL

    It's amazing how some only think about DC when you say Washington. When MIL died (accident), we were living in Washington - the state. We got the first flight we could out of SEA-TAC but unfortunately had car problems on the way (Sons were left my Dad). Hubby got it fixed but we missed the last flight of the day. We went on to SEA-TAC and spent the night in the USO there as the first flight we could get was at 5 am and we lived over 100 miles away. When we finally made it to Tampa we were tired. The 'peebles' that picked us up could not understand how we could be so tired on just a 'couple hour flight'. I'm not sure if the 'peebles' ever understood that we had left the PACIFIC NorthWest (not DC) and arrived in SW FL.

    Sorry for rambling - I do sometimes! LOL

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Rague said:

    South Dakota - not San
    South Dakota - not San Diego. it's amazing (to me at least) how often when you type SD people forgt that SD is a State. LOL

    It's amazing how some only think about DC when you say Washington. When MIL died (accident), we were living in Washington - the state. We got the first flight we could out of SEA-TAC but unfortunately had car problems on the way (Sons were left my Dad). Hubby got it fixed but we missed the last flight of the day. We went on to SEA-TAC and spent the night in the USO there as the first flight we could get was at 5 am and we lived over 100 miles away. When we finally made it to Tampa we were tired. The 'peebles' that picked us up could not understand how we could be so tired on just a 'couple hour flight'. I'm not sure if the 'peebles' ever understood that we had left the PACIFIC NorthWest (not DC) and arrived in SW FL.

    Sorry for rambling - I do sometimes! LOL


    That's funny Susan. And I
    That's funny Susan. And I agree, some do think SD means San Diego, but, I did mean South Dakota. And, when you say Washington, people do usually assume D.C. You weren't rambling, I found it interesting.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    sounds like you and hubby had a fabulous fall weekend! This is my favorite time of year :-) My daughter, sil, and 2 granddaughters went pumpkin picking, hayride, etc too. My hubby worked all weekend and I cleaned house. Bummer!

    We are going to the pumpkin
    We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend to get our pumpkins. We love to carve them and light them up!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Kylez said:

    We are going to the pumpkin
    We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend to get our pumpkins. We love to carve them and light them up!

    We're buying some pumpkins
    We're buying some pumpkins this weekend also. Hubby and I always have so much fun carving different things on them. We have always wanted to do the stencils, and, I even bought some, but, we have never used them. lol

    The pumpkin patch around here has a corn maize. I always get stranded and yell HELP! Hope my hubby will always come to my rescue. hmmmmmmm What if he doesn't? Oh My!

    Sue :)
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Wow, sounds like a Great
    Wow, sounds like a Great Time! Glad you and your hubby were able to go and enjoy yourselves!

    We've got our pumpkins, just
    We've got our pumpkins, just haven't carved them yet. I love fall too and we love halloween! Boo LOL

    Hugs, Diane
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    DianeBC said:

    We've got our pumpkins, just
    We've got our pumpkins, just haven't carved them yet. I love fall too and we love halloween! Boo LOL

    Hugs, Diane

    What a great evening your
    What a great evening your husband and you had. Made me feel like I was right there. And, now I am hungry for a burnt hotdog. hehe

    Thanks Ritzy for sharing your fun night with us.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    sea60 said:

    I could just envision the way you
    were describing it. It sounds glorious!!!

    I LOVE Fall, the smells, the leaves, football, the weather!

    I'm so happy you experienced such a memory that you will treasure forever!!

    Blessings, (and it sure sounds like you just expereinced one),


    We so love the Fall too and
    We so love the Fall too and this sounds like a really fun night! Got your pumpkins yet Ritzy?
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Sounds like a PERFECT fun
    Sounds like a PERFECT fun fall night! Thanks for sharing it with us. I love love LOVE burnt hotdogs too :)

    Just wanted to say how
    Just wanted to say how beautiful you look Heather in your new picture!

    Hugs, Diane
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    susie09 said:

    What a great evening your
    What a great evening your husband and you had. Made me feel like I was right there. And, now I am hungry for a burnt hotdog. hehe

    Thanks Ritzy for sharing your fun night with us.

    FUN! You are right about
    FUN! You are right about that! I haven't heard of a hayrack ride, but, I would love to go on one. Sounds like a perfect evening Sue. Glad you got to go and that you shared it with your sisters here.

    And, you are so right, life after cancer is great!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Megan M said:

    FUN! You are right about
    FUN! You are right about that! I haven't heard of a hayrack ride, but, I would love to go on one. Sounds like a perfect evening Sue. Glad you got to go and that you shared it with your sisters here.

    And, you are so right, life after cancer is great!

    Hugs, Megan

    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went
    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went on a hayride a few years ago and it was tractor pulled out to a country spot. There was a blazing bonfire, and sure enough burnt hotdogs, marshmallows, etc. You sure brought back good memories. We've been to a couple square dances held in a barn and one was at a resort and we danced around the swimming pool. You know what happened, I didn't fall into the pool but came close enough to never wanting to go square dancing again. Now that the good memories are back, maybe its time to try it again. Thanks for sharing your harvest night with us.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went
    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went on a hayride a few years ago and it was tractor pulled out to a country spot. There was a blazing bonfire, and sure enough burnt hotdogs, marshmallows, etc. You sure brought back good memories. We've been to a couple square dances held in a barn and one was at a resort and we danced around the swimming pool. You know what happened, I didn't fall into the pool but came close enough to never wanting to go square dancing again. Now that the good memories are back, maybe its time to try it again. Thanks for sharing your harvest night with us.

    I am so glad that I stirred
    I am so glad that I stirred up that memory for you Sunrae! Makes me happy if I put a smile on your beautiful face! Glad you didn't fall in the pool...lol And, you should try the hayride again! Make a new memory!

    Sue :)
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went
    Hi Ritzy, What fun! We went on a hayride a few years ago and it was tractor pulled out to a country spot. There was a blazing bonfire, and sure enough burnt hotdogs, marshmallows, etc. You sure brought back good memories. We've been to a couple square dances held in a barn and one was at a resort and we danced around the swimming pool. You know what happened, I didn't fall into the pool but came close enough to never wanting to go square dancing again. Now that the good memories are back, maybe its time to try it again. Thanks for sharing your harvest night with us.

    Good to see you posting
    Good to see you posting Sunrae. How are you doing? Are you about done with rads?

    Hugs, Diane
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    DianeBC said:

    Good to see you posting
    Good to see you posting Sunrae. How are you doing? Are you about done with rads?

    Hugs, Diane

    What a great Fall evening
    What a great Fall evening you had Sue. Wish my husband and I could have been there.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Angie2U said:

    What a great Fall evening
    What a great Fall evening you had Sue. Wish my husband and I could have been there.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Aw Memories
    You brought back a memory for me too Ritzy. Hubby and I have been on one and they are so much fun this time of year, the big full moon, the crisp air, stealing kisses from your hubby. Love it! So glad you got to do this and thanks for sharing it with us.

    Kristin ♥