Last round done

kit kat
kit kat Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My last round of chemo is done. You'd think I'd be happy, but no ,I cried all week ,wished I'd never waked up. Thought about swallowing all the pills they gave me.I look like ****. House is filthy.I think because Chemo was kind of sercurity. But it can come back Doc says, in form of bone cancer. I'm going to get the iv every 3 weeks to June I guess.Is this all worth it I don't know.Relatives have abandoned me. My brother thinks this some sort of joke.Does anybody have people that call and go on and on about the fun things their doing and I haven't been out since May?


  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Kit Kat,
    so glad to hear

    Kit Kat,
    so glad to hear that you've finished with your chemo. Of course there's all kinds of conflicting emotions going on about that, I think that's normal. I look like crap, and my house is filthy too. I'm having my last chemo next Thursday & am not expecting to start feeling better AT LEAST a month or so after. What you've been through with your treatments, and side effetcs, and dealing with breast cancer itself, is such a tremendous life-changing experience, and no one expects you to jump back to your life before cancer. You take your time, let your body and your mind rest and heal, and get better on your own time. Sending you lots of well wishes & hugs Kit Kat :)
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm so sorry you're feeling out of sorts after finishing chemo. I have chemo #4 next week and still don't know if I'll be having 5 & 6 or rads. I don't know how I'll feel because it does become a routine. It sounds as if you'll be getting Herceptin til June '11???? I don't go out a lot except to the cancer center. I do babysit my granddaughters once in a while. I don't get lonely because I read, crochet and watch too much tv. Take the time to adjust. We all have a "new normal". I cleaned house today which I've been doing the weekend before chemo. Since there's just my husband & I we don't dirty the house too much.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    It may be hard, but take a
    It may be hard, but take a moment to congratulate yourself on everything you have accomplished. And getting through chemo is a big accomplishment. I can only speak for myself, but battling this beast is the hardest thing I have ever done. So for me it's important to recognize and celebrate each milestone.

    As for the house being filthy...who cares? With each day that passes you will gain some strength and begin tackling that as you have the energy. If not, check with cleaning for a reason. They have a website and you can apply for FREE help with cleaning your home.

    Hugs to you,
