Mouth Sores
Your doctor should prescribe Nystatin. It's a mouth wash that helps with Thrush. You will need this. I promise. It will suck for a while, but know that it will get better. Also Stopper 4 is for when your mouth gets dry, which will happen. I just don't know when for you. Take care and ask all the questions you want. It's what we are all here for and we have all asked similar questions when we were brand new.
Regards, \
James0 -
Chesneyjames chambliss said:Nystatin
Your doctor should prescribe Nystatin. It's a mouth wash that helps with Thrush. You will need this. I promise. It will suck for a while, but know that it will get better. Also Stopper 4 is for when your mouth gets dry, which will happen. I just don't know when for you. Take care and ask all the questions you want. It's what we are all here for and we have all asked similar questions when we were brand new.
Regards, \
Thanks for your input. If that is a picture of you and ??, I think you look like Kenny Chesney.
Debbie0 -
Magic Mouthwash
The Magic Mouthwash is an Rx that your doctor should give you. I'm at about the same point you are, my 11th rad is tomorrow, and they almost forced the Rx for Magic Mouthwash on me at the end of my first week. It only lasts for about 20 minutes, but helpful when you need to eat or swallow meds.
Also, don't forget to rinse with salt and baking soda, as much as you can stand.
Good Luck!0 -
The PictureDJG1 said:Chesney
Thanks for your input. If that is a picture of you and ??, I think you look like Kenny Chesney.
Yes, that is a picture of me and my wife Regena. We got married when we found out about the cancer. We went to Vegas before treatment began on May 10th 2010. We had planned to get married a little later in the year, but i didn't want to look all sick. Plus we didn't know if i would feel up to it. It was a blast though. We had most of our family there and a lot of friends. Thanks for the complement. It is nice to be compared to someone like him. I have heard that a few times and love it every time.
James0 -
Mouth sores
I had thrush off and on during and shortly after my treatments. I used Magic Mouthwash "swish and swallow" which helps numb your mouth and throat (primarily for pain) as well as straight Nystatin for just thrush. I also used a mixture of warm water with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of salt as a gargle/rinse. One of your doctors can give you a script for the Nystatin and Magic Mouthwash. I have been finished with treatments for over one year but still use Colgate Peroxyl (alcohol free) rinse or Biotene rinsh daily along with Biotene tootpaste.0 -
Did not care forrmdgy said:Mouth sores
I had thrush off and on during and shortly after my treatments. I used Magic Mouthwash "swish and swallow" which helps numb your mouth and throat (primarily for pain) as well as straight Nystatin for just thrush. I also used a mixture of warm water with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of salt as a gargle/rinse. One of your doctors can give you a script for the Nystatin and Magic Mouthwash. I have been finished with treatments for over one year but still use Colgate Peroxyl (alcohol free) rinse or Biotene rinsh daily along with Biotene tootpaste.
I did not care for the magic mouthwash...tasted terrible. Swishing was o.k., swallowing was not. I went exclusively to liquid hydrocodone. Though the label said to use it every four hours, I used it more often but a smaller amount. I found it to be more soothing with a better coating feeling on my throat. Fortunately the thrush I had was minimal.
Hang in there, best to you and all here.
Chuck.0 -
mouth sores
Hi Debbie, I used the baking soda/salt solution and also L-Glutamine as a swish and swallow. I didn't have a big problem with mouth sores but I did have a few develop. My dentist gave me a dental paste called Solcoseryl which worked wonders on the mouth sores. It didn't necessarily make them clear up on contact, but it did make any pain/discomfort from them disappear instantaneously. Cheers
Jimbo0 -
Good posts
Lots of good posts above. Never be afraid to post and repost you never know who is checking CSN out and may have a new solution.
Here is the site I use to purchase Stoppers4, it used to carried in store but not any more.
John0 -
Hi Debbie
I use the baking soda some time and the magic mouthwash other times the problem with the magic mouthwash for me I had to cut it with water 50/50 could not use it straight out of the bottle. Also as James said the Nystatin works great but will need doc to approve0 -
liquid AcyclovirHondo said:Hi Debbie
I use the baking soda some time and the magic mouthwash other times the problem with the magic mouthwash for me I had to cut it with water 50/50 could not use it straight out of the bottle. Also as James said the Nystatin works great but will need doc to approve
Having trouble posting this, my dr prescribed liquid Acyclovir for terrible mouthsores after 5 FU and Cisplatin cycles. It cleared them and I used it for prevention during my post op chemo of Taxotere. It cleared them and it was one thing I did not have to deal with this problem among the many everyone deals with fighting cancer. Best of luck to you all, I am from the EC board but I know someone fighting throat cancer presently. take care,
Donna700 -
Providone IodineDonna70 said:liquid Acyclovir
Having trouble posting this, my dr prescribed liquid Acyclovir for terrible mouthsores after 5 FU and Cisplatin cycles. It cleared them and I used it for prevention during my post op chemo of Taxotere. It cleared them and it was one thing I did not have to deal with this problem among the many everyone deals with fighting cancer. Best of luck to you all, I am from the EC board but I know someone fighting throat cancer presently. take care,
Dilute a little providone iodine in a water bottle, about a 1/2 inch of the providone in bottle then fill the rest with water , cap and shake. Use it as a rinse and spit, and just leave bottle on counter if it poses no risk to small children. Works wonders as I had two mouth sores and the providone cleared them right up.0 -
L-Glutamineratface said:Providone Iodine
Dilute a little providone iodine in a water bottle, about a 1/2 inch of the providone in bottle then fill the rest with water , cap and shake. Use it as a rinse and spit, and just leave bottle on counter if it poses no risk to small children. Works wonders as I had two mouth sores and the providone cleared them right up.
L-Glutamine is excellent for helping the mucosa heal = the tissue inside your mouth ++. It is also a good all round supplement to help restore bodies battered by treatment. Further, It helps relieve burning when you eat or drink stuff that burns (and it probably will) It is more of a long term thing to get onto. Get the powder and you can take 2- 3 heaped teaspoons (or more) a day in water and as Greg said, swish n swallow. It's tasteless so easy to take. I couldn;t drink water as it burned so much and when I found the L Glutamine, I would mix it in the water and then could drink it.
The baking soda/salt mouth wash for frequent rinses is good, and i used Biotene mouthwash.
This is a tough time Debbie, and a nasty effect from the treatment. Don't expect anything to cure your poor old mouth, just expect some relief while you go through this stage. It will fluctuate for a while but will eventually pass and all will heal up.
Scam0 -
Iodine?Scambuster said:L-Glutamine
L-Glutamine is excellent for helping the mucosa heal = the tissue inside your mouth ++. It is also a good all round supplement to help restore bodies battered by treatment. Further, It helps relieve burning when you eat or drink stuff that burns (and it probably will) It is more of a long term thing to get onto. Get the powder and you can take 2- 3 heaped teaspoons (or more) a day in water and as Greg said, swish n swallow. It's tasteless so easy to take. I couldn;t drink water as it burned so much and when I found the L Glutamine, I would mix it in the water and then could drink it.
The baking soda/salt mouth wash for frequent rinses is good, and i used Biotene mouthwash.
This is a tough time Debbie, and a nasty effect from the treatment. Don't expect anything to cure your poor old mouth, just expect some relief while you go through this stage. It will fluctuate for a while but will eventually pass and all will heal up.
Thanks for the great advice everyone. I am using the bakingsoda/salt a minimum of 4 times a day. I will look for the L-Glutamine powder, and ask the doc about the nystatin, magic mouthwash or acyelovir. Surly one of these options will make it some what better. A questions about the iodine. I have lugol's iodine 5% solution. Is the type you speak of the brand? Does it matter which brand?
Thanks again
Debbie0 -
DebbieDJG1 said:Iodine?
Thanks for the great advice everyone. I am using the bakingsoda/salt a minimum of 4 times a day. I will look for the L-Glutamine powder, and ask the doc about the nystatin, magic mouthwash or acyelovir. Surly one of these options will make it some what better. A questions about the iodine. I have lugol's iodine 5% solution. Is the type you speak of the brand? Does it matter which brand?
Thanks again
Was mostly just Magic Mouthwash for me. And Nystatin for the Thrush. I tended to give each MM intake a long swishing, but rarely swallowed, and it did seem to help a lot. My mouth, rather than throat, took the major hit. Yes- MM is prescription, and your Onco should've already given you a prescrip for it, or one of the other strong solutions listed above. I was not aware of anything other than the MM, but Rush's liquid hydrocodone might be a good alternative to MM.
And, as Scam says, the mouth will heal in a surprisingly short time, post-treatment.
kcass0 -
Doctor give something before you need it?????? Really!!!Kent Cass said:Debbie
Was mostly just Magic Mouthwash for me. And Nystatin for the Thrush. I tended to give each MM intake a long swishing, but rarely swallowed, and it did seem to help a lot. My mouth, rather than throat, took the major hit. Yes- MM is prescription, and your Onco should've already given you a prescrip for it, or one of the other strong solutions listed above. I was not aware of anything other than the MM, but Rush's liquid hydrocodone might be a good alternative to MM.
And, as Scam says, the mouth will heal in a surprisingly short time, post-treatment.
Kent, Thanks for your input. I have to chuckle (so I dont cry.) I currenty have not received any prescribed drugs fro the Rad Onc. I have taken a few ibprofen, and one night I did take a pain pill I had left over from when I had three teeth extracted. When I talked to the doctor last Friday about the moth sores, he suggested I get some Ora-Jel to numb. Which I did purchase. I go for treatment # 14 of 33 today. I am begining to think this doc was a bad choice, even thought he was the 3rd opinion. (THat being said, I dont like or trust any doctors..I think for most it is about the money and not the patient). He doesnt recommend the peg or feeding tube, as one mentioned on another post, he says it is critical that you keep sollowing. They have never taken my bp, weight, temp, or any other information. If something wasent going good, I dont think they would ever know it. I will admit I have about 25-30 extra pounds, so maybe that is his logic. It is amazing how doctors are so different with their treatment plans, medicine and insturctions.Wishing everyone a good day.0 -
It helped me but was unpleasant as all get out.
Vinve0 -
What?!?DJG1 said:Doctor give something before you need it?????? Really!!!
Kent, Thanks for your input. I have to chuckle (so I dont cry.) I currenty have not received any prescribed drugs fro the Rad Onc. I have taken a few ibprofen, and one night I did take a pain pill I had left over from when I had three teeth extracted. When I talked to the doctor last Friday about the moth sores, he suggested I get some Ora-Jel to numb. Which I did purchase. I go for treatment # 14 of 33 today. I am begining to think this doc was a bad choice, even thought he was the 3rd opinion. (THat being said, I dont like or trust any doctors..I think for most it is about the money and not the patient). He doesnt recommend the peg or feeding tube, as one mentioned on another post, he says it is critical that you keep sollowing. They have never taken my bp, weight, temp, or any other information. If something wasent going good, I dont think they would ever know it. I will admit I have about 25-30 extra pounds, so maybe that is his logic. It is amazing how doctors are so different with their treatment plans, medicine and insturctions.Wishing everyone a good day.
I can see the doc not wanting to do a PEG up front, but not weigh-ins or temp or bp checks?!? That seems crazy. Do you have a separate medical oncologist (chemo doc)? If so, I would let the chemo doc know that the rad doc isn't tracking your vitals. I'm reeling - I ALWAYS got temp, weight, pulse and bp checked when I went to see RO or MO - on days I got chemo and rads with Amifostine, bp was checked like 5 times that day. Maybe you should ask your doc or nurse "All my cancer buds are weighed and have their temperature, pulse and blood pressure checked - should we track that information for me, too?" Too wild. I STILL get all checked each time I go in, and I'm not in treatment now, and am recovering very nicely (knocking wood). If your doc's not familiar with Magic Mouthwash, my docs gave me something called Miles Mixture (from what I read, it's not nearly as good as Magic Mouthwash - did nothing for my pain at the time, but I swished, gargled and swallowed in hopes of cutting down on future issues). Trying to think, now - there's also a honey (Mankula, or Makula) that's supposed to help fight and heal the sores - it's pricey, and I recall there's a certain number you're supposed to look for on the label - Tricia from the UK here knows - but it's supposed to be a big help (I never used it; my docs gave the frowny face to anything natural that sounded like antioxidants or healing foods - same for the L-glutamine - I've heard it really makes a difference). Good luck.
See ya for lunch tomorrow - I'll give you a hit of my hydrocodone (kidding, but it does help - if your doc can't be bothered, maybe you could just ask him for a prescription, and suggest some of the medicine names people here have mentioned. And yes, I do still use hydrocodone on occassion (usually eating out with others). When I had the mouth sores, Viscous Licocaine worked the best for me for eating. I would have the hydrocodone about an hour and half before eating, then chug the licaine a few minutes before eating. If you have full taste, it's nasty, but when my mouth sores were the worst, not only did I not care what it tasted like, I couldn't taste it. It doesn't last long, but helps you be able to eat. I've also heard of numbing sprays (my uncle even had one like 17 years ago), but my docs didn't give me anything like that.0 -
I would be switching drs.DJG1 said:Doctor give something before you need it?????? Really!!!
Kent, Thanks for your input. I have to chuckle (so I dont cry.) I currenty have not received any prescribed drugs fro the Rad Onc. I have taken a few ibprofen, and one night I did take a pain pill I had left over from when I had three teeth extracted. When I talked to the doctor last Friday about the moth sores, he suggested I get some Ora-Jel to numb. Which I did purchase. I go for treatment # 14 of 33 today. I am begining to think this doc was a bad choice, even thought he was the 3rd opinion. (THat being said, I dont like or trust any doctors..I think for most it is about the money and not the patient). He doesnt recommend the peg or feeding tube, as one mentioned on another post, he says it is critical that you keep sollowing. They have never taken my bp, weight, temp, or any other information. If something wasent going good, I dont think they would ever know it. I will admit I have about 25-30 extra pounds, so maybe that is his logic. It is amazing how doctors are so different with their treatment plans, medicine and insturctions.Wishing everyone a good day.
My RO is a pain in the keister and I'm not crazy about his 'bedside manner' but he is a good doc and the staff with him is awesome. My pressure and weight and temp were taken every day without fail. I think it is unacceptable for them to not be monitoring that. Especially your weight. I don't care if they think you have weight to lose or not.
Also they were telling me the importance of trying to stay ahead of the pain. Always 'forcing' pain meds and the magic mouth wash on me before I needed it. Especially when they found out I had never taken narcotics before my cancer ordeal. He made it clear that was not the time to play hero or suffer. I'm glad they made me since it was beyond painful with he meds they prescribed me.
I wouldn't stand for what you described. Remember you are fighting for your life.0 -
Iodinefriend of Bill said:nystatin
It helped me but was unpleasant as all get out.
Tincture of iodine is 2%. Providone Iodine is 10% and you have something that is 5%. You can make a gargle out of any of them but providone is cheap and comes in an 8 ounce bottle. Toward the last Radiation treatments I had to switch back to the baking soda and salt because my throat was by then too burned from the radiation but it served me well up till then. You can't go wrong with like a tablespoon in a 12 oz bottle of water and shake. Make sure you don't swallow and make sure no little kids get hold of the bottle. Try it you will be amazed.0
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