Starting to get nervous about this round of chemo



  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm on TC like you. 4-6 rounds planned. I also have arthritis although mine is juvenile rheumatoid. I don't take any meds for it right now though because my rheumatologist wanted to put me on a monthly injection and I wasn't ready for a monthly commitment to an injected medicine. (HAHAHA! That was before the cancer diagnosis. It seems funny now.)

    I have gotten injections for my lumbar and knee. Hyalgen injections haven't helped much. Right now my oncologist doesn't want me getting any injections until chemo is done. I'm also getting 4-6. My next chemo (#4) is Oct 12 and my oncologist will be on vacation so I'm seeing his APRN. Don't know if he'll tell her. Rads are still questionable although I had bilateral mastectomy with no lymph node involvement.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    Sorry about the reaction to
    Sorry about the reaction to the Taxotere. I had a bad one too on my first chemo. Started in my lower body and rose quickly to my head, which turned red as a beet. It pounded, was hot and I thought my head was gonna explode. They stopped chemo, gave me more steroids and benedryl and started the Taxotere on a really slow drip. At subsequent chemos, I reminded the nurses of my reaction and they gave me more meds before, started slowly, then sped it up. They had a tray of meds just in case.

    Never had a problem after that first. Next time remind nurses of your reaction so they can take precautionary measures.

    Two down. Take care
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    cookie97 said:

    Nuelasta shots
    I'm sorry to hear that your first round of chemo was so difficult. My reaction to the chemo wasn't too bad (I had the same cocktail) but the Nuelasta shot was tough. I knew that it was the Nuelasta because I did chemo on Friday then had Nuelasta shot on Monday. After 3 days the pain in my hips and thighs was excrutiating, Tylenol did ease it some and I would take something to help me sleep. I've heard that if you take Claratin without the D it helps (don't ask me how) with the joint pain from the Nuelasta. Didn't take it myself as I have problems with antihistamines.

    This information is probably a moot point by now, just figured if someone else runs across this post may be wondering the same thing.

    Taking the Nuelasta shot the day after chemo is probably better for the patient, but when you have chemo on a Friday your only option for the shot is Monday.

    Hope this information helps.

    Peace and Love,

    that makes sense. i get my
    that makes sense. i get my treatments every friday (so i can work and rest on the weekends) my onc didn't seem like it was a big deal to get it 3 days later...i hope it's not!

    thanks edie
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    that makes sense. i get my
    that makes sense. i get my treatments every friday (so i can work and rest on the weekends) my onc didn't seem like it was a big deal to get it 3 days later...i hope it's not!

    thanks edie

    Hoping your chemo goes easy
    Hoping your chemo goes easy for you! Sending you hugs and positive thoughts!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I'm sorry
    I'm sorry you had such a rough time with the first round. The fact that your onc cancelled the neulasta shot may be the thing that makes the difference. Hopefully by now, you're just about finished and the week end will be easy for you. Remember, this is now two less you have to face in the future.

    Please keep us posted on how things are going.


    So sorry your chemo was so
    So sorry your chemo was so bad. Praying it will get better for you!

    Hugs, Jan
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    2nd chemo round over!
    I spoke with the onc nurse about discontinuing the Neulasta and she agreed that it was def. the Neulasta that caused the pain. Apparently her cousin had the same problem and they discontinued the Neulasta and the subsequent chemo rounds went without the same complications. Later during my infusion, the pharmacist came in to discuss how I did with all of my meds and I told him about the side effects from the Neulasta. He recommended to me (and I'd seen this on some of your posts) that if in the future I need to go back on the Neulasta, I should get Claritin 10 mg (not sure if this dose is prescription or not) and take it for 5 days beginning the day I get the infusion.

    The second round is over but wasn't smooth sailing. I reacted to the taxotere (again) but this time instead of just getting the low back pain, I also got a sharp pain in my chest, had difficulty breathing and then it felt as if someone lit a fire in my chest that crept up into my face. My boyfriend told me my face turned completely red. The onc nurse stopped the infusion, checked my blood pressure and found it had jumped to 197/96 and called in my onc. He checked my heart and all was fine. The symptoms subsided. They infused more steroid to help stop the reaction when the taxotere was restarted. So all's well that end's well my friends. Happy to home now :)

    Glad that your 2nd chemo is
    Glad that your 2nd chemo is over. I am sorry that you are having such terrible side effects. Praying that it will get easier for you.

    Sue :)