Letter to a boy/girl

lifewithgertrude Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
So, in another online community I participate in, we have a thread called "letter to a boy/girl" where we generally write a note to that special someone. you can vent or express your undying love or talk about how you stalk them on facebook or whatevs. Due to some circumstances in my life the past few weeks, thought it might be nice to have in here.
So I'll start.

Dear Boy,
I call you a boy because a man wouldn't pull the crap you do. You dumped me after two years because you said you just 'couldn't deal with it anymore." Wish I could just wake up one morning and decide I didn't want to deal with it anymore and it would just go away..
I deserve better and I know that now.
You're a slimy, salty snot bubble.

P.S. don't answer your door if one of my homegirls comes by. She's gonna junkpunch you.


  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    What a fab idea
    Dear boy
    You have completely destroyed me with your silence. You woke me up and showed me how good it could be to be in love and to be accepted for who you are. Don't your remember how it used to feel to look up and see me standing there looking at you? Don't you remember how you used to look forward to our convrsations and messages? Don't you remember how you felt when you helped me to achieve my goal? Its been 2 years, yet you continue to ignore me. I really do understand why you couldn't choose me, but surely you don't have to pretent I don't exist. Your leaving has left me desolate and everytime I see you is like a red hot knife is being pushed into my stomach. I try to hate you but I can't. I can't help remembering things you said to me like "what we have is very special and I will do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't end" and "we both know what we mean to each other and that will never, ever end. So there"

    Losing you is worse than cancer.

    Love Tina

    (It look ages and tears to write this)
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Oh this is just
    Oh this is just wonderful!

    For me the principal is like writing the thoughts on paper and then crumpling, burning or tearing the letter and then throw it away!

    There is a therapeutic means in this technique!

    Stay strong and snappy ladies.


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Oh this is just
    Oh this is just wonderful!

    For me the principal is like writing the thoughts on paper and then crumpling, burning or tearing the letter and then throw it away!

    There is a therapeutic means in this technique!

    Stay strong and snappy ladies.



    Dear boy,
    Dear boy,

    I catch you with that sad look all the time. I'm sorry I told you this had to be 'all about me'. Of course I know this happened to both of us! But when I said that, I thought I would just get past my surgery and chemo and radiation and in 10 months this whole chapter of our lives would be in the past. I wanted, just for once in my life, to NOT be the strong one, to NOT be the one who nurtures; I wanted to be on the other side of all that babying. Honestly, sweetie, I didn't know that this cancer thing would go on and on like this. Now our roles are solidified and you are ever strong and sad. I've made my peace with this journey and sleep peacefully and laugh and endure. But you wander the house at night sleepless, sipping a brandy, alone in your grief. I wonder what would really be best for you, but this is a conversation you would never allow to happen even in your own head. Would it be better for you if I didn't continue to live on for as many years as possible, a steadily fading shadow of the woman I once was? Would it be better for you to be free of me while you are still young and gorgeous enough to win another good woman, before you lose that wry sense of humor that is so tinged now with cynicism? I'm so sorry that I brought this into our happy and perfect life. I owe you, buddy. Big time.

  • Dear Man/Boy
    Dear Johhny,
    I love you. I call you a man because you are, sometimes I see that little boy look in your eyes like you need nuturing. You never want to have that conversation about when I die, because you think it is never going to happen. I hate it, because you are in denial. You say "but you are not sick now". Your right and we live every day to the fullest, but that can change overnight. One scan, one blood test. I will never forget the nights you slept in the hosptial with me. I will never forget how you gave me a bath, and cooked my meals, or the time when I cried because I could not clean the house after surgery, and you stayed up until 2:00 in the morning cleaning the house, after you worked all day. Your a nice man. You always tell me how sexy I am, even with these scars all over my body. I tell you that I'm sorry I got so sick and you say "for better or for worse". I remember standing on the balcony at the beach looking down and wondering if I jumped, would I die instantly, because I did'nt want to worry about getting cancer again. Later on you said " I knew what you were thinking, Paula". It was a great comfort to me to know that I am married to a man that knows me so well, he knows what I'm thinking. I just want you to know, you have been the best husband and no regrets. I know you would move mountains to make me happy. I hope if the good-bye day ever comes that you get to read this. I always wished that I could be more like you. Your Loving Wife, Paula
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Dear Boy,
    The laundry room

    Dear Boy,
    The laundry room contains the machine that washs our clothes. It has directions on the inside of the lid. Please remember to separate the dark clothes and light clothes. Once you figure that out you can go to advanced clothes washing and seperate whites from lights.
    The machine next to the sink is called a dish washer. You put the dish in, put detergent in the cup and turn it on. In an hour you put the dishs back into the cupboard.
    There is a receipe box that contains all the foods you like me to cook. You can also use these pieces of paper to cook me a healthy meal. Pizza and wings is great once in a while but the local carry out establishment is not a grocery store. If you go to the grocery store I promise you won't get lost. There are nice ladies who will be willing help you pick a good piece of chicken...having red meat every night is not the most healthy option. The chemo makes me very tired, I can not do everything I used to do for you. It is about me for the next several months. Please eliminate that look from your face: yes, I am still in bed and probably will not get out of it today.
    Thank you,
  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    MK_4Dani said:

    Dear Boy,
    The laundry room

    Dear Boy,
    The laundry room contains the machine that washs our clothes. It has directions on the inside of the lid. Please remember to separate the dark clothes and light clothes. Once you figure that out you can go to advanced clothes washing and seperate whites from lights.
    The machine next to the sink is called a dish washer. You put the dish in, put detergent in the cup and turn it on. In an hour you put the dishs back into the cupboard.
    There is a receipe box that contains all the foods you like me to cook. You can also use these pieces of paper to cook me a healthy meal. Pizza and wings is great once in a while but the local carry out establishment is not a grocery store. If you go to the grocery store I promise you won't get lost. There are nice ladies who will be willing help you pick a good piece of chicken...having red meat every night is not the most healthy option. The chemo makes me very tired, I can not do everything I used to do for you. It is about me for the next several months. Please eliminate that look from your face: yes, I am still in bed and probably will not get out of it today.
    Thank you,

    Oh My Goodness...
    Paula... that just made me cry.
  • lifewithgertrude
    lifewithgertrude Member Posts: 9
    Dear Dbag
    Yep. that's short for Doucebag. Even after breaking up, you are still hell bent on making me cry. You have no idea what it is like to wake up from a 7 hour surgery that you almost died in just to end up losing just about everything in your life and then try to rebuild it on $400 a month because SSA **** up your disability. And don't you ever tell me that it was my fault I got cancer ever again, you piece of ****. You're selfish, self-righteous and racist. I hope you end up alone in life, because no one deserves to be treated the way you treat people. Also, how dare you throw it up to me that you have a great job, a house and an expensive car..you only have that crap because you LIED about your criminal record, your past employment AND your schooling. Let's just be honest and real here...you can't finish anything you start..that's why you dropped out of highschool and dumped the best woman you ever had in your life. You can't commit; not even to someone who is willing to put up with your pathetic abuse. Go eat **** and don't you ever call any of my friends or family "crackers, honkeys or rednecks" ever again.
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    Dear Man/Boy
    Dear Johhny,
    I love you. I call you a man because you are, sometimes I see that little boy look in your eyes like you need nuturing. You never want to have that conversation about when I die, because you think it is never going to happen. I hate it, because you are in denial. You say "but you are not sick now". Your right and we live every day to the fullest, but that can change overnight. One scan, one blood test. I will never forget the nights you slept in the hosptial with me. I will never forget how you gave me a bath, and cooked my meals, or the time when I cried because I could not clean the house after surgery, and you stayed up until 2:00 in the morning cleaning the house, after you worked all day. Your a nice man. You always tell me how sexy I am, even with these scars all over my body. I tell you that I'm sorry I got so sick and you say "for better or for worse". I remember standing on the balcony at the beach looking down and wondering if I jumped, would I die instantly, because I did'nt want to worry about getting cancer again. Later on you said " I knew what you were thinking, Paula". It was a great comfort to me to know that I am married to a man that knows me so well, he knows what I'm thinking. I just want you to know, you have been the best husband and no regrets. I know you would move mountains to make me happy. I hope if the good-bye day ever comes that you get to read this. I always wished that I could be more like you. Your Loving Wife, Paula

    Paula, please let him read
    Paula, please let him read it now. Pretty please. Hell, send me his email and I wiill send it to him anonymously and say, "Your wife wrote this. How lucky....how incredibly lucky you both are."
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Dear Boy,
    I have always

    Dear Boy,
    I have always blamed you for my cancer but maybe I am wrong. The divorce was very hard on me and the stress was unbearable. I thought we had a good marriage (and so did everyone else) but you didn't think so. You left me after 22 years. Why? What did I do? I know I am not as young or have the money your new lady friend has but is that what you saw and went after. When you found out I had cancer after you left, your sister told me that you cried. Why? I don't understand. You walk out and leave me... why would you care? Then you had the nerve to come to my house during my recovery at home and ask me to cancel the back child support so you could start your new life on a clean slate. Well Thank you...I guess I get to start my life on a new slate... a slate that includes Cancer. But I showed you didn't I. I think you thought I was going to die back then. But I am still here after 20 years. Yes I may have the cancer back now but I am still fighting. I really needed a hug back then. Someone to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. But you had your lady friend and I had no one. You will get yours one day. You know in your heart that I raised our three children by myself and they have rich and full lives today. I get compliments on them all the time. But I know you get compliments on them too. You know, don't you, that you had nothing to do with molding them or nurturing them into the adults they are today. If, by the way you get cancer one day, I know how to fight it and I know the cure. But you will never know how. I will tell you the secret. It is my children and my grandchildren. Linda
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    clamryn said:

    Dear Boy,
    I have always

    Dear Boy,
    I have always blamed you for my cancer but maybe I am wrong. The divorce was very hard on me and the stress was unbearable. I thought we had a good marriage (and so did everyone else) but you didn't think so. You left me after 22 years. Why? What did I do? I know I am not as young or have the money your new lady friend has but is that what you saw and went after. When you found out I had cancer after you left, your sister told me that you cried. Why? I don't understand. You walk out and leave me... why would you care? Then you had the nerve to come to my house during my recovery at home and ask me to cancel the back child support so you could start your new life on a clean slate. Well Thank you...I guess I get to start my life on a new slate... a slate that includes Cancer. But I showed you didn't I. I think you thought I was going to die back then. But I am still here after 20 years. Yes I may have the cancer back now but I am still fighting. I really needed a hug back then. Someone to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. But you had your lady friend and I had no one. You will get yours one day. You know in your heart that I raised our three children by myself and they have rich and full lives today. I get compliments on them all the time. But I know you get compliments on them too. You know, don't you, that you had nothing to do with molding them or nurturing them into the adults they are today. If, by the way you get cancer one day, I know how to fight it and I know the cure. But you will never know how. I will tell you the secret. It is my children and my grandchildren. Linda

    you made me cry
    that was really beautiful and I hope it felt D*MN good...... Maria