Re Aromatase Inhibitors: Do muscle and joint aches begin within the first month?

GrandmaMir Member Posts: 21 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I began taking Arimidex five days ago. My oncologist said that I will know within a few weeks whether or not I can tolerate the side effects. I'm wondering how soon others have felt the strongest side effects from these drugs?


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Been on Arimidex
    almost four months now and no side effects. I asked the oncologist if it means it's not working and she said, no, it means you're lucky. Sometimes I'm cranky, sometimes I'm hot, sometimes my feet ache, but really, nothing to complain about.

    I hope the same for you.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    On Femara
    I'm not on Arimidex (haven't been on it either) but have been on Femara for 7+ months and have had no side effects. No pain, no hot flashes, no night sweats, nothing.

    each of our bodies is so unique there is no way to know how we will react. Hopefully you'll be one of us with no problems.

  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Rague said:

    On Femara
    I'm not on Arimidex (haven't been on it either) but have been on Femara for 7+ months and have had no side effects. No pain, no hot flashes, no night sweats, nothing.

    each of our bodies is so unique there is no way to know how we will react. Hopefully you'll be one of us with no problems.


    Side Effects
    I started on Femara following radiation, and within four weeks I could hardly use my left hip. My oncologist said the each individual was different, and that the side effects usually begin to show up within a few weeks if you are going to have problems with the drug. I was switched to Tamoxifen, although I am post menopausal, and that drug has been more tolerable. If you haven't had problems up to now, hopefully you will not have a problem taking an AI. Good Luck, and hugs sent to you. Judy
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302

    Side Effects
    I started on Femara following radiation, and within four weeks I could hardly use my left hip. My oncologist said the each individual was different, and that the side effects usually begin to show up within a few weeks if you are going to have problems with the drug. I was switched to Tamoxifen, although I am post menopausal, and that drug has been more tolerable. If you haven't had problems up to now, hopefully you will not have a problem taking an AI. Good Luck, and hugs sent to you. Judy

    Agree with Judy!
    I had severe side effects with the two AI drugs I was on. I stuck it out for a little over a year and then last October, my onc put me on Tamoxifen even tho I'm post menopausal. I'm still having side effects but just not as bad. I'm counting the days till I can go off the drug!

    Hopefully you will be lucky and have no problems. Hugs, Sally
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I tried to take Arimidex and
    I tried to take Arimidex and Femera and each one I had a different side effect so the Dr. took me off of them and I am now on Aromasin and it has only been a few days but I am doing ok so far! I took Tamoxafin in 2001 for 5 years and my cancer grew while taking it,Everyone's body is so very different, our body is amazing to me and what it can go thru. I hope that you do fine... Hugs
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    side effects
    I started on Arimidex in June. After one month, I experienced some minor symptoms that quickly resolved (eye dryness, hot flashes). At three mos,the aches and pain in my ankle started. It is not bad but sometimes inconvenient. My Onc started me on Glucosamine and Chondritin. She is running a study on high doses of these supplements and their effectiveness for joint symptoms in women using Arimidex and similar hormone receptor blockers. The study runs for six mos and I am only one week on these supplements. Haven't had pain or stiffness in the last few days so we'll see since the symptoms were not a daily problem anyway.
    I have a close friend who has been on the same medication for 2.5 years ago. She has minor aches and pains in her knees but also suffers from arthritis. Our bodies are different so its hard to predict if we will get all or none of the symptoms associated with this group of medications. I was told that usually by one month, you might see symptoms.
    Hugs, K
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    KayNYC said:

    side effects
    I started on Arimidex in June. After one month, I experienced some minor symptoms that quickly resolved (eye dryness, hot flashes). At three mos,the aches and pain in my ankle started. It is not bad but sometimes inconvenient. My Onc started me on Glucosamine and Chondritin. She is running a study on high doses of these supplements and their effectiveness for joint symptoms in women using Arimidex and similar hormone receptor blockers. The study runs for six mos and I am only one week on these supplements. Haven't had pain or stiffness in the last few days so we'll see since the symptoms were not a daily problem anyway.
    I have a close friend who has been on the same medication for 2.5 years ago. She has minor aches and pains in her knees but also suffers from arthritis. Our bodies are different so its hard to predict if we will get all or none of the symptoms associated with this group of medications. I was told that usually by one month, you might see symptoms.
    Hugs, K

    I have been on both Femara
    I have been on both Femara and Arimidex and for the first month felt great. Sorry to report about 2 weeks later I felt the side effects. I hope that you don't get any. There are many women who don't.
    Femara gave me bad mood swings and Arimidex the horrible aches and pains.
    Best of luck to you!
  • KimB9577
    KimB9577 Member Posts: 1
    Arimidex Side Effects
    I'm sorry to come to this conversation so late, but I just got started on this site.

    I started on Arimidex in mid-August and had to come off it after 2.5 weeks. I had the "serious side effects". Numbness and tingling in my hands and severe joint pain in my hands, knees, hips and back. After 2 months off the drug, the symptoms are just now starting to ease up. I take Aleve twice a day, and have started on glucosamine. I see my oncologist again next week and will learn what she wants me to try next.
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    I've been on Femara since May 2010. Just recently began having severe knee pain (both knees) with difficulty getting up out of a chair. Also, weight gain and fatigue. Going to call Oncologist as I'm fearful I won't be able to walk soon if this gets any worse.

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    GrandmaJ said:

    I've been on Femara since May 2010. Just recently began having severe knee pain (both knees) with difficulty getting up out of a chair. Also, weight gain and fatigue. Going to call Oncologist as I'm fearful I won't be able to walk soon if this gets any worse.


    Off AI drugs
    I had to go off the AI drugs - I tried two different ones and after 17 months on them my onc switched me to Tamoxifen last October. I have side effects with this drug as well but they are more doable so I'm sucking it up for the next 2 years and 7 months but who's counting?!

    I know what y'all are going thru and hope there is an answer that you can live with. Hugs, Sally
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    First month I was on
    First month I was on Arimidex was a breeze . Mild aches and pains started a couple of weeks later. After the second month marker, they became intolerable.
    Good luck, hopefully you'll be different.
    God Bless,
    P.S. I don't take it anymore
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Aches and pains
    Everybody has a different genetic makeup and that in large part determines the response to AI's and the side effects they can cause. I've read a couple of research articles where they seemed to be closing down on tests that might predict who is likely to have joint problems with the AI's. I am almost at the 5 year mark right now and doing just fine--with one exception. About a year or so after being on exomestane, I was doing some toe stretches in yoga class that went on a little too long. Two days later I could hardly walk. This got worse over the course of several weeks that turned into months of seeing a foot doctor, getting orthodics, wearing running shoes (for support) and being miserable. I felt like the Little Mermaid on land who couldn't walk without pain. Then the nurse at my oncologist's clinic told me about vitamin D deficiency (common among breast cancer survivors) that is linked to inflamation. I knew I had toe joint inflamation but I told her I couldn't be low as I drank milk 3 x a day with vitamin D in it, took a multi daily with vitamin D, and took calcium with D in it daily. She had me tested. Sure enough, I was in the danger zone. Two days on the prescription vitamin D3 and my feet were back to normal! Nurses are wonderful! Now everytime my feet even think of hurting I reach for my jar of Vitamin D3 in gel tabs made with fish oil from the health food store. That's the kind my clinic recommended after I finished with the prescription stuff. It works better than any amount of Ibruprofen or Tylenol. While it is possible to OD on vitamin D3, you have to take way more than the 2000 units they suggested I take (in addition to the milk and multi and calcium I'm already on). Should you consider vitamin D? Ask your cancer doctors. Your regular doctor probably doesn't have time to read all the D3 research. It won't be enough if you are genetically destined to have major inflamation with AI's, but it may work wonders if you have minor problems. It is certainly worth asking about if problems arise.

    Since AI's do make joint problems worse, I take it easy now on the toe stretches in yoga! I also try to avoid other over-use injuries. No shoulder bags, watch the lunges in the gym...I do them but I back off if my feet start ouching immediately. Still, I exercise daily to my limit so that I am less likely to get an over-use injury. So far, daily exercise and keeping my D3 level up seems to work for me. And I love what AI's do to prevent breast cancer! Good luck!