PSA Test today :-( or could be a :-)

bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Took my PSA test today…. I hate this day and I hate the wait wondering if I get the call from the nurse or the dreaded call from my Doctor…..Anyway, I am heading down to the beach for a week for a little fishing while I await the call…This sucks…peace


  • jminnj
    jminnj Member Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck. Enjoy the
    Good luck. Enjoy the fishing!!! I am with you on the whole test day thing. I do very well keeping any thought out of my head on a routine basis, but I hate that time in between getting the blood drawn and getting the call.
    take care,
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010
    Let us know when You get the
    Let us know when You get the 0 score!
  • griff 1
    griff 1 Member Posts: 114
    i have my first test on oct 5th so it sucks just waiting. my dr. does not do a 6 week test, he says he likes the 3 month test better. anyway have a good time fishing bd. griff
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    griff 1 said:

    i have my first test on oct 5th so it sucks just waiting. my dr. does not do a 6 week test, he says he likes the 3 month test better. anyway have a good time fishing bd. griff

    That is interesting…. I
    That is interesting…. I had my first PSA test 2 weeks after surgery (because of my complications) with the standard wait is 6 weeks. Do not remember your initial post surgery results but I would ask the doc to “entertain you” and get a six week test then 90 days after that… Best to you
  • griff 1
    griff 1 Member Posts: 114
    lewvino said:

    Let us know when You get the
    Let us know when You get the 0 score!

    just wondering how you are doing? i have not been on line for awhile? griff
  • griff 1
    griff 1 Member Posts: 114
    bdhilton said:

    That is interesting…. I
    That is interesting…. I had my first PSA test 2 weeks after surgery (because of my complications) with the standard wait is 6 weeks. Do not remember your initial post surgery results but I would ask the doc to “entertain you” and get a six week test then 90 days after that… Best to you

    thanks and the same to you griff
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    bdhilton said:

    That is interesting…. I
    That is interesting…. I had my first PSA test 2 weeks after surgery (because of my complications) with the standard wait is 6 weeks. Do not remember your initial post surgery results but I would ask the doc to “entertain you” and get a six week test then 90 days after that… Best to you

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^...thanks for asking
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    142 said:


    no news my uro is out for the week so
    I half expect a call from his nurse (that would be good news) or from him next no news is not always good news and this is why I hate this test and wait $#%@^@^...thanks for asking