Chemo #2 & Hair Loss

winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my second chemo this past Monday. It went fine, though I am MUCH more tired this time around. Plus, when I woke up on Monday, I found that my hair had finally started really coming out. By this afternoon I couldn't take the shedding any longer so I had Hubby shave it. It's about 1/8 inch long now & still coming out like mad. I've been trying the lint roller idea & it works, but I've got a way to go before it's all gone. I'll be glad when it happens because the fuzz feels weird. I'm just hoping that I can get rid of it before I start having the sensitivity others have mentioned. If push comes to shove, I'll break out the electric shaver & get rid of the rest of it. Other than the hair & the tiredness, I'm doing very well I'd say. The Neulasta will be kicking in tomorrow or Friday, so who knows how that will go. I'm just hoping this weekend isn't as rough as it was after my first treatment. I think I'll start taking some Alieve tomorrow just to try to head off the pain.

I hope everyone else is doing well! I keep you all in my prayers & in my heart.


Jenn ♡


  • 2Sunny
    2Sunny Member Posts: 5
    I had my second chemo today.
    I had my second chemo today. I cut my hair really short last week so I don't notice it falling out when I comb it. This chemo means I am half way through which is really exciting. I was so scared when I started. I was at stage 2 grade 3. My oncotype is 21. Somewhere in the middle. Can anyone tell me what the grade means? I am learning so much from all of my sisters. Thank you. 2Sunny
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Glad to hear you're feeling
    Glad to hear you're feeling pretty ok Jenn - i would recommend taking aleve to prevent the pain, that should help! do you have a soft knit type cap you can wear at night? after i shaved my head, and the days when my hair was falling out, my scalp got really sore and sensitive, and at night the stubbles on my head brushed against my pillow & made sleep really uncomfortable. My hair started falling out about 15 days after my 1st chemo, and I still have quite a bit of stubble on my head. The fatigue, for me, has been getting worse with each treatment. I was pretty much expecting this though, and like you, this has been my most prevalent side effect.
    I hope you're able to have a comfortable weekend & get lots of rest :) my next chemo is friday, i know i sure won't have a very comfy one!