confused about node

lookrider Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
hi gals
i was dx with IDC and had a bilateral mastectomy with SNB. Had to go for 2nd surgery micro metastasis was found in one of the nodes so they did an axillary node dissection. I am er+ pr+ Her2-. tumor size 1.7 cm. Just got the oncotype score back and it was a 9. the onco says i am node-. how can this be since there was a hot node? Granted, it was only a micro metastasis but to me this means it had spread. i am clean with the axillary node dissection. Chemo has not been addressed as of yet since I don't see the onc doc until next week. with my low score where do you think chemo will fit in? should i consider having it since cancer was found in the lymph nodes? how do I know there aren't any more micro buggers lurking somewhere else. i am mentally prepared for chemo if necessary. everyone is talking about tamoxefin which i hate the thought of. Can it really help with a recurrence since I had the bilat mastectomy? ok, I am rambling now but I just have so many questions. I almost feel like I want either the chemo with the tamoxifen or absolutely nothing....all or none approach. yikes!!! oh yeah, i guess my question really i considered node - or node +??????


  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    The chemo choice will be yours.
    If they found any change in the cells of my nodes, I would consider myself node positive unless they could show me that there was a mistake in the first test. Normally, the oncotypedx test is only available to node negative bc patients. ??? I would ask for more clarification on the node situation before I made my choice about chemo.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Radiation Instead
    Since your tumor is ER+ & PR+, it feeds on estrogen. Perhaps radiation would be more useful than chemotherapy.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    SIROD said:

    Radiation Instead
    Since your tumor is ER+ & PR+, it feeds on estrogen. Perhaps radiation would be more useful than chemotherapy.


    it might depend on the
    it might depend on the grade. ERpos prog pos can be high grade. tamoxifen will help to decrease distant metastasis. even if your are considered node positive its pretty good way to be node positive
  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    it is confusing
    Hi Nancy
    My onco score was +, her2-...I had chemo...onc felt strongly the chemo would do more harm to my body than good with my score...I took her advice...I also had done homework before choosing my onc...she's highly involved in research and studies, she was given the Lane Adams award from ACS...I tust her opinion...she gives me a shot once a month to put me in menopause so I can take the drug femara rather than tamoxifin...I also will get zometa every six months
    none of it is good, none of it is easy so listen to your onc and if you're uneasy get a 2nd opinion.......prayers and hugs...Wendy
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    wendybia said:

    it is confusing
    Hi Nancy
    My onco score was +, her2-...I had chemo...onc felt strongly the chemo would do more harm to my body than good with my score...I took her advice...I also had done homework before choosing my onc...she's highly involved in research and studies, she was given the Lane Adams award from ACS...I tust her opinion...she gives me a shot once a month to put me in menopause so I can take the drug femara rather than tamoxifin...I also will get zometa every six months
    none of it is good, none of it is easy so listen to your onc and if you're uneasy get a 2nd opinion.......prayers and hugs...Wendy

    Try not to drive yourself
    Try not to drive yourself crazy. Wait until you talk to your oncologist and get all of the facts and his suggestion for your treatment. Chemo may be a part of it and it may not.

    Wishing you good luck!