To Moekay

hopeful girl 1
hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454

Your story is insprirational, I read your post in a thread about survival rates.

I am encouraged by your experience in NED.

I had stage 3C, surgery, removal of some lymph nodes, and am on the sandwich therapy.
So far I have completed the first three chemos, 5 weeks of radiation (of a target area that extended beyond where the cancer was but to include areas it would be likely to turn up) and now about a week ago I had my 4th chemo. Two more scheduled chemos to go.

What kind of diet did you eat while in treatment? Did you eat a lot of protein etc?
What are your tips?

Have a great and peaceful day!


  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 489 Member
    Good Morning, Hopeful
    Hi Hopeful,

    It sounds like you are moving along very well in your treatment plan and that you will be finished before you know it!

    I didn't really change my eating habits during or after cancer treatment, with the exception of eliminating fruits and vegetables during the latter half of radiation to minimize bowel side effects. In fact, everyone was surprised that I got cancer in the first place because I always ate pretty well, exercised regularly, didn't drink or smoke, and I always made getting enough sleep a priority.

    However, while I was on prednisone for nine months for eosinophilic pneumonia, I made a number of modifications to my diet that I have continued since going off the drug about six weeks ago. I have cut way down on sugar, reduced my fat intake further, and cut back more on my salt and sodium intake. While a significant percentage of people report weight gain and bloating during long-term prednisone use, I was able to avoid both by following this diet.

    If I were to make one recommendation, it would be to do yoga. Over the years since diagnosis, I have increased the amount of yoga that I do and I think it has been extremely beneficial, both physically and psychologically. I was not able to do any exercise for several months due to orthopedic issues, but I have recently been cleared to begin exercising again. I was thrilled to be able to go back to my yoga practice!

    Good luck on completing your treatment, and wishing you continued good health.

  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    MoeKay said:

    Good Morning, Hopeful
    Hi Hopeful,

    It sounds like you are moving along very well in your treatment plan and that you will be finished before you know it!

    I didn't really change my eating habits during or after cancer treatment, with the exception of eliminating fruits and vegetables during the latter half of radiation to minimize bowel side effects. In fact, everyone was surprised that I got cancer in the first place because I always ate pretty well, exercised regularly, didn't drink or smoke, and I always made getting enough sleep a priority.

    However, while I was on prednisone for nine months for eosinophilic pneumonia, I made a number of modifications to my diet that I have continued since going off the drug about six weeks ago. I have cut way down on sugar, reduced my fat intake further, and cut back more on my salt and sodium intake. While a significant percentage of people report weight gain and bloating during long-term prednisone use, I was able to avoid both by following this diet.

    If I were to make one recommendation, it would be to do yoga. Over the years since diagnosis, I have increased the amount of yoga that I do and I think it has been extremely beneficial, both physically and psychologically. I was not able to do any exercise for several months due to orthopedic issues, but I have recently been cleared to begin exercising again. I was thrilled to be able to go back to my yoga practice!

    Good luck on completing your treatment, and wishing you continued good health.


    Thank you MoeKay
    Yoga......good tip. I have never tried, but I think that sounds like a great idea for both the physical and mental results. I know I will have to ease into it.

    I need to get more exercise even now. I was given the ok by both my oncologist and my radiation doc. I do go for walks with my boyfriend, but I haven't been on in one in about a week. I do have an eliptical, stepper, and stationary bike in my place so I should try to ease into that maybe for 5 or 10 minutes to start.

    Were you really careful about going out when you had chemos, and lowered counts?
    I know I kind of take it to the extreme lately, being rather hremit like.

    I have had issues with lowered white counts since the 3rd chemo. When I had radiation counts were still below normal, but enough to radiate, and then dropped a bit more during radiation. They almost delayed it a week, but then they came up alittle bit so they finished up. Before my 4th chemo neutrophils came up a bit, but overall white count still below normal. I go for bloodwork this week at the two week point so they will probably drop quite a bit. I tend to catch colds/and bronchitis very easily normally and that is why I have been staying in and not going out to stores or restaurants etc.

    Well please stay in touch. I am glad you are doing so well!