
charles55 Member Posts: 87
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Happy stuff. I am three years plus post rad/chemo for BOT cancer. My voice sounds gravel like after it returned post treatment; I call it husky or even sexy when I am in a better mood. No singing range whatsoever. Three days ago my ENT went down my throat to remove some radiation built scar tissue at the junction (commisure) between the left & right vocal cords (and added some anti re-scarring meds at the site). Whoa, what difference that made in my voice! I can even sing, again! The scar tissue was apparently restricting more normal vocal chord movement. According to the ENT, scar tissue forms and reforms over many years. All of us might have to deal with changing radiation scaring across time. Hey, but we are alive.

Today, not only do I get to dance with NED, we are singing buddies, too. Man, I wish I could drink a beer (it stings like heck).


  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Keep singing
    Wonderful news!! To sing AND dance is a great way to celebrate all the good news you have received lately.

    Stay strong,
  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Glenna M said:

    Keep singing
    Wonderful news!! To sing AND dance is a great way to celebrate all the good news you have received lately.

    Stay strong,

    Great News
    Singing huh? I never could anyway. But I am happy for you.

  • rozaroo
    rozaroo Member Posts: 665
    stevenl said:

    Great News
    Singing huh? I never could anyway. But I am happy for you.


    Good for you! I really do miss it but everyone here is happy about it lol!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Song and Dance
    Great, glad you are still making progress several years out...just another realization on the abuse (treatment) our bodies can take and still overcome them.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Great to Hear
    I'll bet your family is glad to hear you sing again (if you sang around them before). I know I'm glad to hear you can. I was just whining a few days ago about singing and whistling; your post is a reminder that I just need to be a little patient (OK - so I'm a medium-sized patient, but I need to wait a little longer to sing and whistle).
  • Irishgypsie
    Irishgypsie Member Posts: 333
    Pam M said:

    Great to Hear
    I'll bet your family is glad to hear you sing again (if you sang around them before). I know I'm glad to hear you can. I was just whining a few days ago about singing and whistling; your post is a reminder that I just need to be a little patient (OK - so I'm a medium-sized patient, but I need to wait a little longer to sing and whistle).

    Sweet music to the ears!
    Very happy for you! Gives us newbies hope!!! :)

  • RushFan
    RushFan Member Posts: 224 Member

    Sweet music to the ears!
    Very happy for you! Gives us newbies hope!!! :)


    Good news!
    I like to sing...though now my range is very limited. Actually, my voice was never very good, but I love music. I'm hoping the cords come around some day...
  • PattyNC
    PattyNC Member Posts: 65
    RushFan said:

    Good news!
    I like to sing...though now my range is very limited. Actually, my voice was never very good, but I love music. I'm hoping the cords come around some day...

    Glad your a song bird again
    That's fantastic news. Sing in the shower, sing zipping down the road or singing in church. Glad your able to hit those notes again.
  • charles55
    charles55 Member Posts: 87
    rozaroo said:

    Good for you! I really do miss it but everyone here is happy about it lol!

    been there, done that, sounded bad
    I so get that reaction, too.
  • charles55
    charles55 Member Posts: 87
    Pam M said:

    Great to Hear
    I'll bet your family is glad to hear you sing again (if you sang around them before). I know I'm glad to hear you can. I was just whining a few days ago about singing and whistling; your post is a reminder that I just need to be a little patient (OK - so I'm a medium-sized patient, but I need to wait a little longer to sing and whistle).

    If you really stretch the definition, whining could be called a form of singing. But just like Klingon opera, no one really wants to hear it.
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    charles55 said:

    If you really stretch the definition, whining could be called a form of singing. But just like Klingon opera, no one really wants to hear it.

    Great news about your voice Charles. I recently started 'Squarking' again after buying a beautiful new Guitar (thanks' to Inspiration from our Mick Tissue !) While I am not a great singer, I could get tunes out. Now I find my voice has a lower and much smaller range. I have trouble getting any of the higher notes now so I have to key down. I will just need to find a bunch of new songs that suit.

    It is good to get back some of the 'old me' even if it is 'Scam Light'.
