Radiation starts on Mon. 9/13.

Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Last chemo was Aug. 24 and am feeling better than I have all summer. Radiation begins in two days. Any tips? I have taken time off from work till rads are over.


  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Kimosabe,
    I didn't have radiation, so I can't offer any tips. Just wanted to wish you luck with your radiation. Hoping all goes well and it goes by quick for you. We will be thinking about you on Monday. Hugs, Jean
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Good for you!
    I remember that you were going back and forth about whether or not to take more time off from work -- I'm glad to hear that you're able to.

    When I hit the wall toward the end of rads, and asked my doctor about taking some time off of work, he said (and I quote): "Traci, you have the rest of your life to work your a** off -- now is the time to take care of yourself."

    I've always thought I should get that needlepointed on a pillow or something. :-)

    Have you already met with the nurse at the rads center about what lotions/creams they recommend you use? If so, I would suggest you start using them this weekend -- it's never too early to start giving that skin some TLC!

    Also, if you haven't already, you may want to stop by a Target or Walmart and buy a pack of white, oversized men's undershirts -- you don't want to wear a nice shirt/blouse to your first rads appointment, because many places mark you up like a side of beef, and it can bleed off onto your shirt. And, many of the lotions that are recommended are really goopy and only come out in the wash if you use HOT water (hence, the white). I lived in them during rads. And, if they're thrashed by the time you're done with rads, they're cheap enough to just throw away. I got a pack of 6 for $12 -- best $12 I've ever spent!

    Keep us posted on how you do,

  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Good luck on rads
    While you are starting your rads Monday, I will be going for my rad consultation! So, I will watch your updates for additional information. Good luck as you continue the journey!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cavediver said:

    Good luck on rads
    While you are starting your rads Monday, I will be going for my rad consultation! So, I will watch your updates for additional information. Good luck as you continue the journey!

    Wishing you luck and a speedy recovery after each
    and every RAD treatment. First, Chemo Queen now a RAD goddess - crowns of Warriors!

    Strength and Courage:

    Vicki Sam
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Wishing you luck and a speedy recovery after each
    and every RAD treatment. First, Chemo Queen now a RAD goddess - crowns of Warriors!

    Strength and Courage:

    Vicki Sam

    Traci I love your docs! I
    Traci I love your docs! I started ahead of time with the aquaphor, and keep using the creams. I brought mine to rads and put it on after in the changing room. the first one is the most time consuming and scary as it takes time to get the positioning right. The techs a re awesome and become like family. I found it so much easier than chemo although time consuming. I didnt have any big issues with rads although now my chest is tight and I have to moisturize and stretch.
  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
    Thanks everyone. I will get
    Thanks everyone. I will get the teeshirts. i have a small container of a salve from our breast health coordinator but it has to be ordered online. It seems like you ladies had luck with aquaphor.
  • nrhril
    nrhril Member Posts: 3
    Kimosabe said:

    Thanks everyone. I will get
    Thanks everyone. I will get the teeshirts. i have a small container of a salve from our breast health coordinator but it has to be ordered online. It seems like you ladies had luck with aquaphor.

    Aloe Vera and Aquaphor
    I started with Aloe Vera right away, and switched to Aquaphor once my skin became more sensitive. I bought the Aquaphor in Walgreen's, so you can probably find it at your local drugstore.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Kimosabe said:

    Thanks everyone. I will get
    Thanks everyone. I will get the teeshirts. i have a small container of a salve from our breast health coordinator but it has to be ordered online. It seems like you ladies had luck with aquaphor.

    I just finished rads on
    I just finished rads on Tues. I did really well the first 4 weeks or so. I did start getting tired then and red. My tech's were awesome. The cream I used the most was an aloe vitamin A,B5,D.E mix. They just kept giving it to me so I am not sure where you can buy it. I am sure your tech's will have something for you. I did keep Aloe Vera and Aquaphor on hand to use too. I used it more from week 4 on.I did not have much pain at all, none really until the last 3 boosters. I had a spot not right under my arm but just out from there toward my back, it was the only place that ever hurt. I peeled some and still have a small spot that is still peeling. It is feeling much better though. Just keep moisturized well (not 4-6hrs) before treatment. I am sure they will tell you that. It really is fast after you get all the markings done. Some days I was in and out in 10-15 min. Best of luck. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    I just finished rads on
    I just finished rads on Tues. I did really well the first 4 weeks or so. I did start getting tired then and red. My tech's were awesome. The cream I used the most was an aloe vitamin A,B5,D.E mix. They just kept giving it to me so I am not sure where you can buy it. I am sure your tech's will have something for you. I did keep Aloe Vera and Aquaphor on hand to use too. I used it more from week 4 on.I did not have much pain at all, none really until the last 3 boosters. I had a spot not right under my arm but just out from there toward my back, it was the only place that ever hurt. I peeled some and still have a small spot that is still peeling. It is feeling much better though. Just keep moisturized well (not 4-6hrs) before treatment. I am sure they will tell you that. It really is fast after you get all the markings done. Some days I was in and out in 10-15 min. Best of luck. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Everyone is right on about
    Everyone is right on about the creams and lotions. The best advice I had was Traci's regarding the men's undershirts. Got some, wore them through rads and they worked beautifully. Best wishes. I'm sure you'll do just fine. I also thought radiation was much easier than chemo.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    cavediver said:

    Good luck on rads
    While you are starting your rads Monday, I will be going for my rad consultation! So, I will watch your updates for additional information. Good luck as you continue the journey!

    Good luck with rads! Use
    Good luck with rads! Use your cremes from day one! And, get lots of rest!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    GayleMc said:

    Everyone is right on about
    Everyone is right on about the creams and lotions. The best advice I had was Traci's regarding the men's undershirts. Got some, wore them through rads and they worked beautifully. Best wishes. I'm sure you'll do just fine. I also thought radiation was much easier than chemo.

    I was very tired through my
    I was very tired through my rads. And yes, remember the creams. I wore lose t-shirts, and skipped the bra unless absolutely necessary. I ended up burning at the end of my treatment, i had 25 treatments. Take care
  • Curlz
    Curlz Member Posts: 42
    I'm just a few weeks off of radiation...
    and can tell you that THE most wonderful thing you've done for yourself is to take some time off of work! I didn't, and have to admit that I wish I had/could have. I had 28 treatments + 5 'boosts' (no chemo) and felt the fatigue kick in after the first 2-3 weeks. I was truly shocked by it, too...having worked for a major cancer org for many years of my career, I'm more informed than the avg patient, and I knew NOTHING about radiation except for the skin changes. When I complained to my onc about how tired I was, he said that he has patients who do both chemo and radiation and they tell him that the rads kick their butts worse/more consistently than chemo. That blew me away. I was in bed by 9:30 every night this summer!

    I'll echo the hint about men's t-shirts, but will say that using creams ahead of time might not be a great idea--I'd ask my rad onc first, as they all seem to have different attitudes about what to use and when. I'll also echo that the techs are awesome and they DO become like family. After all, you'll see them 5x/week! Share your ups/downs as needed--they've seen and heard it all.

    SO, my fellow warrior--you got through chemo and now you'll get through radiation! With all of us sending good vibes from here! :-)
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    The time will pass quickly
    once you get started. I worked through most of my rads. I got really tired the last week and took time off. A week after I was done I went back and over did it...so be careful.
    I ended up having to take another 2 weeks off. When I returned to work it was only 4 hrs. a day but now I have gotten back to 7.
    As far as lotions go, I used Aquaphor and Calendula Gel. I really liked the Calendua for use right after my treatment before I got dressed. It is not greasy so you don't have to worry about your clothes. When I got home is when I used the Aquaphor and lots of it.
    You can do this.

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Best Wishes
    Hoping rads went well today. It will be over before you know it. God Bless
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Hoping today went well
    By now the first treatment is done. Hope it went better than you dreamed it would. Remember the creams, drink lots of water, and be good to yourself.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    cavediver said:

    Good luck on rads
    While you are starting your rads Monday, I will be going for my rad consultation! So, I will watch your updates for additional information. Good luck as you continue the journey!

    I hope your first rad
    I hope your first rad treatment went well for you today. Please keep informing us how you are doing.

    Hugs, Megan
  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
    Curlz said:

    I'm just a few weeks off of radiation...
    and can tell you that THE most wonderful thing you've done for yourself is to take some time off of work! I didn't, and have to admit that I wish I had/could have. I had 28 treatments + 5 'boosts' (no chemo) and felt the fatigue kick in after the first 2-3 weeks. I was truly shocked by it, too...having worked for a major cancer org for many years of my career, I'm more informed than the avg patient, and I knew NOTHING about radiation except for the skin changes. When I complained to my onc about how tired I was, he said that he has patients who do both chemo and radiation and they tell him that the rads kick their butts worse/more consistently than chemo. That blew me away. I was in bed by 9:30 every night this summer!

    I'll echo the hint about men's t-shirts, but will say that using creams ahead of time might not be a great idea--I'd ask my rad onc first, as they all seem to have different attitudes about what to use and when. I'll also echo that the techs are awesome and they DO become like family. After all, you'll see them 5x/week! Share your ups/downs as needed--they've seen and heard it all.

    SO, my fellow warrior--you got through chemo and now you'll get through radiation! With all of us sending good vibes from here! :-)

    Thanks for the reassurance.
    Thanks for the reassurance. I am done with week one, about to start week two today. I felt fine for the first few days but after the fifth treatment the fatigue hit me. That seems way too early. I have mixed feelings about taking time out of work but your experience and this early fatigue helps me see I made the right decision.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    My radiation team gave me cream
    TO apply several times daily..I had it very easy-I must say. Hardly anything red-ness or dry skin...drs & Mammo techs still remark (yr and half later)how good my skin looks (even with scars too)

    I did my treatments on my lunch hour for 8 wks...I was not affected by lack of energy or tired. (I even packed friends house alone 30+ yrs of STUFF after work/radiation days)

    I had a great team at the cancer center. Met many nice people while waiting for our treatments.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I remember the date of LAST radiation
    but Have no idea the date of my surgery or even when the dr told me I had cancer. I remember most any dates (b days, death of close ones this and that) but I will always remember JUNE 28-08 MY last radiation. I treated myself to Trip to Disney with close friend (first non family trip) that got me through it daily...while laying on table...

    good luck...