laetrile cancer therapy

rmkbrad Member Posts: 176
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Has anyone tried this, I once new a fellow that was terminal with cancer. His wife started to give him ground up apricot seeds with his food and in a couple of months he was cancer free and gaining weight, I saw him every week for over a year after and he continued to gain weight and look good. I am thinking about this and just wanted to know if anyone else has a point of view or some input.



  • terryscarlett
    terryscarlett Member Posts: 143
    I have heard of this before. I know my husband is a big believer in natural supplements. He has taken natural herbs and vitamins for Years and was healthy as a horse till this C took hold of him, but they say it is HPV virus and chances are great for cure. I think if it were me facing head and neck cancer as he and you are, it is not going to hurt! You will never know if you don't try? I have researched a lot since my husbands cancer and a freind recommended the apricot seed. I will tell you, we will try it after the treatment of chemo and rads are over, anything to give a natural boost I say can't hurt.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Medical opinions

    I do a lot of reading on two sites; and

    Here is an interesting article from Quackwatch

  • pascotty
    pascotty Member Posts: 174 Member
    Hey brad
    I did a lot of research on apricot kernels and bought 5 kilos up front. Had fifteen per day and I'm not sure if they worked or not but I sure as he'll gave it a go. I stopped while having treatment and now have four per day. If I'm still here in twenty years I reckon there might be something in it ha ha. I also did the budwig protocol. She was an amazing woman that's for sure. There will always be people ready to knock natural treatments and remedies. But I believe everything was put on this earth for us to flourish and we have mucked it up. I'm really glad I had the treatment. I am now doing all I can to remain healthy. Can only give it my best shot now. Xxxx
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    Works for some
    There is always the 'For & Against' in alternative treatments. My readings over the years shows many people benefited from Laetrile. If you do the apricot seeds, best to get organic seeds and crack the shells and eat all of the inside as the husky part is a big part of it. They are quite bitter and I recall you can eat up to 15 a day. I toss a few on my cereal. I think it is definitely worth a go.

    I would also urge you to consider the whole scene re: diet. That would mean going Vegan, juicing, eliminating all processed, fried and sugared foods and stay with fresh raw fruits and vegetables. As you know - many disagree with this approach, the transition takes some effort but once you are there, it is not that difficult. PM me if you need further help.

  • rmkbrad
    rmkbrad Member Posts: 176

    Works for some
    There is always the 'For & Against' in alternative treatments. My readings over the years shows many people benefited from Laetrile. If you do the apricot seeds, best to get organic seeds and crack the shells and eat all of the inside as the husky part is a big part of it. They are quite bitter and I recall you can eat up to 15 a day. I toss a few on my cereal. I think it is definitely worth a go.

    I would also urge you to consider the whole scene re: diet. That would mean going Vegan, juicing, eliminating all processed, fried and sugared foods and stay with fresh raw fruits and vegetables. As you know - many disagree with this approach, the transition takes some effort but once you are there, it is not that difficult. PM me if you need further help.


    Hello Scambuster
    Scam, I would love to talk to ya about this stuff. But I cannot find the PM button to get ahold of you.

  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    rmkbrad said:

    Hello Scambuster
    Scam, I would love to talk to ya about this stuff. But I cannot find the PM button to get ahold of you.


    Just go to CSN Email and type in my name in the To; Window. I will PM you now so you will get a big GREEN tab on your screen when you log on so click on that and that will take you to your inbox. It works like Yahoo mail Gmail; etc

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    I have heard of this before. I know my husband is a big believer in natural supplements. He has taken natural herbs and vitamins for Years and was healthy as a horse till this C took hold of him, but they say it is HPV virus and chances are great for cure. I think if it were me facing head and neck cancer as he and you are, it is not going to hurt! You will never know if you don't try? I have researched a lot since my husbands cancer and a freind recommended the apricot seed. I will tell you, we will try it after the treatment of chemo and rads are over, anything to give a natural boost I say can't hurt.

    Apricot pits are quite high in cyanide, so if you are going to make great use of apricot pits, you might have your blood tested periodically for cyanide, to ensure that you aren't accumulating a toxic dose. Not all "natural" remedies are harmless. Some CAN hurt.

  • Tricia02
    Tricia02 Member Posts: 129
    Laetrile is a partly man
    Laetrile is a partly man made (synthetic) form of the natural substance amygdalin. Amygdalin is a plant substance found naturally in raw nuts and the pips of many fruits, particularly apricot pips, or kernels. Some people call laetrile vitamin B17, although it isn’t a vitamin. Manufacturers of laetrile promote it as an alternative cancer treatment. This means it is used instead of conventional cancer treatment. The first use of laetrile as a treatment for cancer was in Russia in 1845, and it was used in the USA from the 1920s. In the 1950s, some people began promoting laetrile as a ‘highly active compound’ that can cure cancer. Unfortunately, this is simply not true - laetrile cannot cure cancer. Some people want to use it if they are told that their cancer can't be cured with conventional cancer treatments because they hope that laetrile will be able to control or cure their cancer.

    There is no scientific evidence to support any of these reasons for using laetrile.

    Most of the websites or magazines promoting laetrile base their claims on unsupported opinions and anecdotal evidence. There isn’t any evidence that laetrile is an effective treatment for cancer or any other illness.

    The USA’s National Cancer Institute reviews the results of clinical research into the use of laetrile for cancer on its website. One animal study claimed that amygdalin slowed the growth of cancer in animals and helped stop tumours spreading to the lungs. But repeated studies couldn’t show similar results, so the treatment remains unproven.

    Amygdalin (the active ingredient in laetrile) has shown anti-cancer activity in two laboratory studies when given with particular enzymes called glucosidase. This is probably because the enzymes made the amygdalin release cyanide which killed the cancer cells grown in the lab. But in the body the cyanide would also damage healthy cells. This problem is the main difficulty in a great deal of cancer research - as many cancer therapies are poisons. Researchers have developed some treatments that are directed at the subtle differences between normal cells and cancer cells - in other words targeted treatments. But there is no evidence that this is possible with laetrile.
  • rmkbrad
    rmkbrad Member Posts: 176
    Tricia02 said:

    Laetrile is a partly man
    Laetrile is a partly man made (synthetic) form of the natural substance amygdalin. Amygdalin is a plant substance found naturally in raw nuts and the pips of many fruits, particularly apricot pips, or kernels. Some people call laetrile vitamin B17, although it isn’t a vitamin. Manufacturers of laetrile promote it as an alternative cancer treatment. This means it is used instead of conventional cancer treatment. The first use of laetrile as a treatment for cancer was in Russia in 1845, and it was used in the USA from the 1920s. In the 1950s, some people began promoting laetrile as a ‘highly active compound’ that can cure cancer. Unfortunately, this is simply not true - laetrile cannot cure cancer. Some people want to use it if they are told that their cancer can't be cured with conventional cancer treatments because they hope that laetrile will be able to control or cure their cancer.

    There is no scientific evidence to support any of these reasons for using laetrile.

    Most of the websites or magazines promoting laetrile base their claims on unsupported opinions and anecdotal evidence. There isn’t any evidence that laetrile is an effective treatment for cancer or any other illness.

    The USA’s National Cancer Institute reviews the results of clinical research into the use of laetrile for cancer on its website. One animal study claimed that amygdalin slowed the growth of cancer in animals and helped stop tumours spreading to the lungs. But repeated studies couldn’t show similar results, so the treatment remains unproven.

    Amygdalin (the active ingredient in laetrile) has shown anti-cancer activity in two laboratory studies when given with particular enzymes called glucosidase. This is probably because the enzymes made the amygdalin release cyanide which killed the cancer cells grown in the lab. But in the body the cyanide would also damage healthy cells. This problem is the main difficulty in a great deal of cancer research - as many cancer therapies are poisons. Researchers have developed some treatments that are directed at the subtle differences between normal cells and cancer cells - in other words targeted treatments. But there is no evidence that this is possible with laetrile.

    I apprciate your input
    I apprciate your input, but as I have stated. I now a person that was sent home to die and his wife refused, she started grinding up the apricot seeds and puting them into his food. Three months later he was up and doing great. I am not saying it will work for everyone but there are different things out there and no matter what they are or what will be found there will be someone to discredit it. I do agree that the vitamin B17 might be a scam and I am a little bit scepticle about it, but I do have faith in the seeds of fruit. Just last night on doctor oz a chines doctor talked about cancer therapy through diet, one of the key items was a cup of strawberries every day. The seeds of the strawberry, blackberry or rasberry contain the same cianide that the apricot seeds do, just not the same amount. Lets not forget how much money and jobs are at stake if a true cure is found.

  • Tricia02
    Tricia02 Member Posts: 129
    rmkbrad said:

    I apprciate your input
    I apprciate your input, but as I have stated. I now a person that was sent home to die and his wife refused, she started grinding up the apricot seeds and puting them into his food. Three months later he was up and doing great. I am not saying it will work for everyone but there are different things out there and no matter what they are or what will be found there will be someone to discredit it. I do agree that the vitamin B17 might be a scam and I am a little bit scepticle about it, but I do have faith in the seeds of fruit. Just last night on doctor oz a chines doctor talked about cancer therapy through diet, one of the key items was a cup of strawberries every day. The seeds of the strawberry, blackberry or rasberry contain the same cianide that the apricot seeds do, just not the same amount. Lets not forget how much money and jobs are at stake if a true cure is found.


    But lets us not forget that the Chinese use more conventional treatment than there own alternatives and export their alternative treatments to the western world! This is a well known and documented fact. I do believe if seeds from anything helped cancer a pharmaceutical company would jump on this and patent it immediately. Only my opinion.
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    Tricia02 said:

    But lets us not forget that the Chinese use more conventional treatment than there own alternatives and export their alternative treatments to the western world! This is a well known and documented fact. I do believe if seeds from anything helped cancer a pharmaceutical company would jump on this and patent it immediately. Only my opinion.

    Steve McQueen tried it
    And Steve McQueen died.
    I wouldn't bet my life on it, that's for sure.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    Tricia02 said:

    But lets us not forget that the Chinese use more conventional treatment than there own alternatives and export their alternative treatments to the western world! This is a well known and documented fact. I do believe if seeds from anything helped cancer a pharmaceutical company would jump on this and patent it immediately. Only my opinion.

    Can't get a patent = no $$$$$
    Naturally occurring substances can 'not' be patented and hence are not commercially interesting. When the big Pharmas can create a synthetic 'version' of a naturally occurring substance, they can then patent the 'invention' and hence profit. This is a form of reverse engineering and can turn an effective and naturally occurring and economically convenient product into a very expensive option for the user, and a huge revenue generator for the Pharmaceutical Co.
  • DJG1
    DJG1 Member Posts: 121

    Can't get a patent = no $$$$$
    Naturally occurring substances can 'not' be patented and hence are not commercially interesting. When the big Pharmas can create a synthetic 'version' of a naturally occurring substance, they can then patent the 'invention' and hence profit. This is a form of reverse engineering and can turn an effective and naturally occurring and economically convenient product into a very expensive option for the user, and a huge revenue generator for the Pharmaceutical Co.

    I agree with SCAM. However, through research there is some merit to some of the Alternative ways. The most common link is the diet. I would suggest that you read " Anti Cancer, a new way of life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD. Someone on this site recommended this book and after reading, I would agree. It is an easy read, but offers so much information. Good Luck to you.
  • RushFan
    RushFan Member Posts: 224 Member
    DJG1 said:

    I agree with SCAM. However, through research there is some merit to some of the Alternative ways. The most common link is the diet. I would suggest that you read " Anti Cancer, a new way of life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD. Someone on this site recommended this book and after reading, I would agree. It is an easy read, but offers so much information. Good Luck to you.

    Excellent book! Author speaking in Htown
    David Servan-Schreiber, MD
    He will be the keynote speaker this month at an MD Anderson Cancer Survivorship Conference-Anderson Network's 22nd Annual Patient and Caregiver Conference at the OMNI Hotel.

    Date: 9/24/10 to 9/25/10
    Time: 9/24/10, 8am to 9/25/10, 3pm
    Location: Omni Houston Hotel Westside, 13210 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas
    Format: Seminar/Conference
    Sponsor: Anderson Network
    Contact: Laura Hearn - (713) 745-9204 -
  • Tricia02
    Tricia02 Member Posts: 129

    Can't get a patent = no $$$$$
    Naturally occurring substances can 'not' be patented and hence are not commercially interesting. When the big Pharmas can create a synthetic 'version' of a naturally occurring substance, they can then patent the 'invention' and hence profit. This is a form of reverse engineering and can turn an effective and naturally occurring and economically convenient product into a very expensive option for the user, and a huge revenue generator for the Pharmaceutical Co.

    of course you are bang on the money scam (lol at that pun which was unintentional) with the naturally occurring substances. It is certainly a very murky area and one which could be debated for days on end. I would however trust the scientific studies more than I would a writer.
    There are sadly possible treatments and cures that we cannot understand or trust, because of lack of research and scientifc study. Some books may offer up some wonderful possibilities and, maybe with the help of charities some of these treatments and drugs could benefit from scientific study. But if someone is going through conventional treatment it would be very risky to interfer or interrupt that treatment based on what individual writers might believe about these alternative treatments ie one should be extremely careful about dietery food intake whilst undergoing treatment, and any dietary supplements should to disclosed to doctors before treatment commences.