Raw fingertips

chriskaput Member Posts: 109
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My fingertips are peeling, dry and very raw. I keep using cream but it's not working. Anyone having this problem? I'm on Taxol and have 4 more weekly treatments. I'm glad that I don't have the tingling in my fingers that they speak of as a common side effect but this is really annoying. I know it could be worse but I wanna clear this up! What can I use??

Thanks for your help ladies!!
Chris, NY


  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Hi Chris, I had the same problem on both my hands and feet while on Taxol. I also had a problem in that my finger and toe nails seperated from the nail bed and many fell off. I hope that isn't a side effect you're having to deal with. Anyway, I kept my feet covered all the time in cotton socks and I used Vit. E oil, to try and keep the skin healing and I was careful about using harsh soaps or cleaners. Please do ask you onc. what is recommeded by them. The good thing is that 9 months later both my hand and feet look and feel quite normal now. Taxol was very hard on me!
    Hope something in there is of help!
    blessings to you....
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Here are some ideas I
    Here are some ideas I googled:

    Hand-Foot Syndrome
    (Less Common)
    •Swelling or redness in the hands and feet that can prevent normal activity
    •Cracked or peeling skin
    •Tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or soles of the feet

    How to Minimized Side Effects:
    •Wear gloves to wash dishes.
    •Avoid using harsh household cleaners.
    •Avoid prolonged exposure to heat or pressure.
    •Use creams or moisturizers regularly. Try covering your hands with cotton gloves.
    •Avoid perfume, cologne or aftershave since these products can be irritating to the skin.

    Possible Treatments:
    •Your healthcare provider may prescribe a cream to help with skin reactions.
    •Your healthcare provider may decrease your chemotherapy dose or delay further chemotherapy.

    From: http://www.navigatingcancer.com/chemotherapy/5fu-+-paclitaxel-+-xrt-esophageal