Tamoxifen - Scared



  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    You need to be serious
    Tamoxifen suppose to prevent from recurrence. Talk to your oncologist again.

    I have delayed taking tamox
    I have delayed taking tamox myself. I have the prescription, just not sure if and when I will take it. Your oncologist should give you some stats on what % it might help you. Do your research, get all of your questions answered and decide what you want to do. You can always stop it if you don't like it. Good luck!
  • Margee_J
    Margee_J Member Posts: 1
    I WAS on Tamoxifen
    I was scared and worried about taking the Tamoxifen too. So on Jan 1, 2010 I started. Unfortunately for me the side effects were too severe and by early April 2010 I had to stop it. Not only was I have the usual hot flashes etc. but I was eternally in a 'mind fog', forgetful and extremely fatigued. So much that I would fall asleep anywhere.... even behind the wheel at a red light in the middle of the day!! Very dangerous! That was the day I stopped taking it. My Onco said that quality of life is more important, and stressed to me the importance of constant vigilance with follow ups/scans every 6 months, healthly life style including exercise & balanced diet and all the rest, but NO meds. He said that the other anti-cancer drugs would probably have the same effect so only if I really insisted he would prescribe them, so I chose to take his advice and not to try them. It took about 2 months to have it completely out of my system and I'm so glad I'm back! I can have conversations without forgetting words, no more fatigue (I've always been a very active person) and can do my crosswords again! Yes it's scary either way, with or without, but for me this is better. Try it and if it's not for you, believe me you'll know! Good Luck!
  • Travel54
    Travel54 Member Posts: 1
    waffle8 said:

    Hi.. I am sure you will get lots of replies to this....I was soooo afraid to take this med....The list of side effects are unbelievable..... I started it in July and so far its not too bad other then the hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings.lol I pray over that little pill every night before I take it....Just think the benefits out weigh the risk..Thats what the docs say anyway...Blessings!!!

    Hi, I've never posted before, but I could really use some advice

    I have bc, had surgery and radiation and started Tamoxifen on Feb. 1. I have been exhausted since Jan. 2018 right as I was finishing my radiation. Now its April and I'm still exhausted. Do you feel exhausted from taking Tamoxifen or what are the side effects you get? I'm just hoping maybe it's the radiation fatigue and that will go away. I'm hoping it's not the Tamoxifen that's giving me this exhaustion and if it is I hope it doesn't last long? Thank you

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    Me too

    I started on Armidex and it was causeing too many problmes with bones.  Switch to Tomoxifen and oh the hot flashes are out of this world.  Back in Febuary I broke my leg and had to go off it due to the blood clot issie.  I am still healing and I think it is pretty much out of my system.  I dont want to go back on it.  I stilll flash alot but not like the beginning. 

