recurrent diagnosis: just 3 weeks ago



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    no mets is good! I had a
    no mets is good! I had a radical modified mastectomy in 2003. I had 4 cycles of A/C before surgery and 4 cycles of Taxotere after and 6 weeks of radiation. It was also in my nodes. I don't remember that much pain with the mastectomy but it seems to vary for each person. I did not have Herceptin or reconstruction. I didn't wear a wig but choose to wear hats and caps. Good luck with your treatment.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    cahjah75 said:

    Christine I'm so sorry
    you've had a recurrence. You have definitely come to the right place as there are several ladies who have had recurrences. I had bilateral mastectomy and I'm in treatment with Taxotere/Cytoxan 4-6 rounds. I've had 1 and the 2nd is next Tuesday. My hair fell out today and tomorrow will have my hairdresser shave my head. I no longer work and don't like wigs. I bought several cotton knit hats.
    {{hugs}} Char

    We will always take the time
    We will always take the time to read your posts and reply. Great group here!

    I am sorry too to read of your recurrence. Wishing you the best of luck!

    Hugs, Angie
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Hi Christine,
    I am so sorry to meet you this way. I have just finished up with my Mastectomy/Chemo/Rads treatments and am now on my tamoxifen regimen. Chemo was awful. i won't sugar coat it. But, honestly, I just wanted to throw everything I could at that rotten beast. I had a few wigs. I am sorry to say the the more expensive one was NOT more comfortable. I wore them when I HAD to. Hot, itchy...not my idea of fun. But, I will say, Bandanas are your friend!
    Pain? Well, there was that. During chemo I took all of the different anti anxiety meds my Onc gave me. I am not a pill popper in healthy times- but, thank goodness for those wonderful little things when I needed them. They truly helped. Radiation was ok for me. I am sure you know, those creams they give you are so helpful in the last weeks!!
    Please take it easy on yourself. Give yourself a lot of permissions...permission to rest, or to be grumpy, or whatever you need. It's a tough row to hoe! You can do this!!! Hey, If I can, anyone can! Keep us posted! xo, Jackie
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    My good friend had a second diagnosis.
    That was 17 years ago and she's fine. Sounds like it hasn't spread and that's a good thing.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    aysemari said:

    I am so sorry you have to put on your warrior gear once more.

    I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma, november
    of 2009. First I had a Lumpectomy, recommended to me by my doctor.
    Then I started chemo 6 rounds of Taxotere, Herceptin and Carbo. I was ok through
    the first 3 treatments, just flu like symptoms. I lost my hair after the second treatment.
    I am glad that I cut it short prior, it lessened the shock effect.

    I am too fidgety for wigs, once I ran around with the bangs on the side of
    my head, people must have thought I am some sort of a nut. I did the scarf
    thing but as soon as I had even the trace of hair, I went NEKKID.

    After that it got a little harder. The fatigue was hard to take. I will always
    remember how it took me one whole day to clean my livingroom, dusting,
    vacuuming and mopping the floor - one whole day. I was so frustrated.
    You have to learn to nurture yourself and be patient with yourself. You
    will get pain killers, nausea medication and sleeping pills - take them,
    they are tools to get you through this rough patch. I resisted at first,
    not used to take pills but I learned.

    Also look out for constipation with chemo, drink a lot of water the day prior,
    the day of chemo and the day after. Take stool softeners and eat fiber
    rich foods. I repeated this many times but coconut water is great during
    chemo. It natutrally hydrates you and has so many benefits that help you
    during chemo. You can get it at whole foods or any other store.

    Then I decided on a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I was
    down for about 3 weeks. The expanders that they put in really hurt you
    when they rub up against your wound. But as long as I took my pain killers
    and was on top of the pain, I was really ok. The inactivity is what drove me

    Now I am almost done and will have my exchange surgery end of september.
    Can't wait, it's hard to sleep in these expanders.

    I had my first Herceptin only treatment and it barely effected me.

    This site was my best resource, keep posting any questions you have.

    Wish you the best with your treatment!!!


    I am so sorry Christine! I
    I am so sorry Christine! I am sending you prayers and cyber hugs!
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Hi Christine,
    Ayse said it

    Hi Christine,
    Ayse said it all. Very good advice on alot of what we have gone thru. (My dx and treatment was very similar to hers except for the mastectomy.)I was wondering, what kind of treatment did you have the 1st time becides the jumpectomy and radiation?
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    Hi Christine,
    Ayse said it

    Hi Christine,
    Ayse said it all. Very good advice on alot of what we have gone thru. (My dx and treatment was very similar to hers except for the mastectomy.)I was wondering, what kind of treatment did you have the 1st time becides the jumpectomy and radiation?

    Hi to you too Christine.
    Hi to you too Christine. You have gotten some good advice here and I hope it might help you. I wish you good luck and keep posting to keep us updated on how you are.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Hi I have only replied before one time in the past, but I read everyday what is posted. Boy I have learned an amazing amount of information!! My question is did you do Herceptin before?? I am in the middle of a 12 month treatment and had several side effects, now debating wether or not to continue... my last rad treatment is in 7 days. I just uncovered my hair here at work it is about 1/2 inch long seriously grey/blk streaks, it is something to get used to but my co-workers like it better than my scarfs. eye lashes are just starting, as well as legs, nose hair. I feel low some days and thats when I read the board I feel so much better. The strength you show the rest of us that are struggling is up lifting and keeps us keepin on!!! My heart reaches out to you all with Love p.s. I too am saying a prayer for Laura.

    Sending prayers and hugs to
    Sending prayers and hugs to you too upnorthlive57!

    Hugs, Angie
  • mjfromtx
    mjfromtx Member Posts: 49
    jnl said:

    Hi to you too Christine.
    Hi to you too Christine. You have gotten some good advice here and I hope it might help you. I wish you good luck and keep posting to keep us updated on how you are.

    Hugs, Leeza

    I just found out 8-2-10 that I have metastisis to the lungs, a couple lymph nodes and the abdomen. I went to MD Anderson since it was so close to me since I live in San Antonio. I have triple negative which I have found out is a totally different kind of breast cancer than the others. I am taking Abraxane and Avastin for chemo. I will lose my hair and I do not know how long this regimen will last. It will go on as long as it is doing some good or the side effects are too aweful (which they are not) or it quits working or I go into remission. I did not get a wig the first time around but chose instead to use scarves bandanas and turbans since I thought it would all be over in six months and I wouldn't need to worry about it. Since I do not know how long this will last I thought I would get a wig since I do not want to use turbans all the time. I want the option to use a wig if I want to. Good luck with your surgery. I had a mastectomy and lymph node dissection the first time around. I still have the one breast and it has been clear since 1-09 with my last chemo treatment. I take life one day at a time now and do life as I call it. Go to work, hang out with my husband of six months, and be involved with church and advocacy activities as usual. No one knows what the future brings and I try not to worry about it. I am taking better care of myself with the first round of chemo and dx, eat right, exercise, watch the weight, and in general do good things for myself. I have learned to ask for help since I got pretty sick on TAC treatments the first time. These treatments so far have not affected me like the previous ones so that is a good thing and I can carry on without getting too sick. Take care and feel free to contact me if you want any support. I was on these boards the first time around and have come back once I got the second dx. MJ
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    mjfromtx said:

    I just found out 8-2-10 that I have metastisis to the lungs, a couple lymph nodes and the abdomen. I went to MD Anderson since it was so close to me since I live in San Antonio. I have triple negative which I have found out is a totally different kind of breast cancer than the others. I am taking Abraxane and Avastin for chemo. I will lose my hair and I do not know how long this regimen will last. It will go on as long as it is doing some good or the side effects are too aweful (which they are not) or it quits working or I go into remission. I did not get a wig the first time around but chose instead to use scarves bandanas and turbans since I thought it would all be over in six months and I wouldn't need to worry about it. Since I do not know how long this will last I thought I would get a wig since I do not want to use turbans all the time. I want the option to use a wig if I want to. Good luck with your surgery. I had a mastectomy and lymph node dissection the first time around. I still have the one breast and it has been clear since 1-09 with my last chemo treatment. I take life one day at a time now and do life as I call it. Go to work, hang out with my husband of six months, and be involved with church and advocacy activities as usual. No one knows what the future brings and I try not to worry about it. I am taking better care of myself with the first round of chemo and dx, eat right, exercise, watch the weight, and in general do good things for myself. I have learned to ask for help since I got pretty sick on TAC treatments the first time. These treatments so far have not affected me like the previous ones so that is a good thing and I can carry on without getting too sick. Take care and feel free to contact me if you want any support. I was on these boards the first time around and have come back once I got the second dx. MJ

    Sorry MJ to read of your
    Sorry MJ to read of your recurrence. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, Jan
  • PatB01
    PatB01 Member Posts: 20
    Hi Chtistine,
    Like everyone, I am so sorry to hear of your recurrence, but it sure sounds like you are on the right track to get this bump in life's road successfully behind you.

    We seem to be on VERY similar paths, with the reoccurrence, mastectomy, chemo, et al. I am just a few months in front of you. My double mastectomy was July 19th, and I had immediate reconstruction with expanders. I am not familiar with DIEP. On the pain scale, the first 1-2 days were BAD, but the morphine pump and percocet were my VERY good friends. I did find the morphine made me throw up when I tried to eat. Once they changed me to percocet, that problem went away. After getting home, I actually did pretty well -- just had to be sure to take my percocet every 4-6 hours as directed -- DO NOT try to taper off them in the first week. Sleeping elevated on about 6 pillows was mandatory for me.

    The majority of my pain was from the reconstruction -- not the mastectomy. For me it was like having a bra several sizes too small tied under my breasts and 50 pound weights on top of them. And then there were the lovely drain tubes -- one on each side. I got rid on the one on the non-cancerous Left side in 10 days. But on the right side it was like the energizer bunny, going and going. I just got it out this past week (5.5 weeks after surgery). It had us all worried. And it was the last thing still causing any pain -- the nasty little stitch holding it in pulls when you move and Hurts! But I am a HAPPY CAMPER right now -- no drain, no pain, and chemo hasn't started yet! Sooo, I cannot tell you anything about the chemo piece!

    Just stay positive, think happy thought, and thank God for the blessings you do have.

    Prayers and Hugs,


    PS I just found this site, and an sooooooo happy it is here and so thankful to all you ladies. What a blessing each of you are.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    PatB01 said:

    Hi Chtistine,
    Like everyone, I am so sorry to hear of your recurrence, but it sure sounds like you are on the right track to get this bump in life's road successfully behind you.

    We seem to be on VERY similar paths, with the reoccurrence, mastectomy, chemo, et al. I am just a few months in front of you. My double mastectomy was July 19th, and I had immediate reconstruction with expanders. I am not familiar with DIEP. On the pain scale, the first 1-2 days were BAD, but the morphine pump and percocet were my VERY good friends. I did find the morphine made me throw up when I tried to eat. Once they changed me to percocet, that problem went away. After getting home, I actually did pretty well -- just had to be sure to take my percocet every 4-6 hours as directed -- DO NOT try to taper off them in the first week. Sleeping elevated on about 6 pillows was mandatory for me.

    The majority of my pain was from the reconstruction -- not the mastectomy. For me it was like having a bra several sizes too small tied under my breasts and 50 pound weights on top of them. And then there were the lovely drain tubes -- one on each side. I got rid on the one on the non-cancerous Left side in 10 days. But on the right side it was like the energizer bunny, going and going. I just got it out this past week (5.5 weeks after surgery). It had us all worried. And it was the last thing still causing any pain -- the nasty little stitch holding it in pulls when you move and Hurts! But I am a HAPPY CAMPER right now -- no drain, no pain, and chemo hasn't started yet! Sooo, I cannot tell you anything about the chemo piece!

    Just stay positive, think happy thought, and thank God for the blessings you do have.

    Prayers and Hugs,


    PS I just found this site, and an sooooooo happy it is here and so thankful to all you ladies. What a blessing each of you are.

    Having bc once was hard
    Having bc once was hard enough, I can't imagine what you that have a recurrence or mets go through. Just sending you all hugs and praying for each of you.


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