Biopsy Monday

kimmygarland Member Posts: 312
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Please say a prayer for our family bright and early Monday morning, as my husband goes in for his biopsy. History - diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer w/spread to one lymph node, in July 2009. Had induction chemo and them chemo/radiation (no surgery). Had pet scan about a month ago and there were a couple of hot spots. Doc examined him and said he sees spot on camera that looks like original tumor is back. Did MRI, yep, he thinks it's back. Only final confirmation of course though, is the biopsy. For throat, that means full anesthesia, ventilator, etc... that's Monday morning - we have to be at hospital at 5:30 am. (yikes!)

I can tell he's starting to get nervous and has taken a xanax the last couple of nights. He hates being put to sleep and is more nervous I think about the procedure than he is about its outcome! I, on the other hand, am more worried about results.

Our son will be with us and a great comfort for me, but I am scared. I know my husband is scared but he tries to be all stoic and brave and say it's no big deal. Yeah, right.

We are expecting the biopsy to be positive, but there is always a chance for a miracle, right?!

Thanks for the support, it is much appreciated.


  • zinniemay
    zinniemay Member Posts: 522
    Hold your thoughts
    Hold on to your thoughts that a mircale can happen it happens everyday. I can't say I know what your husband is going thru , but I know very well what you are going thru. I have been there. Fear is always there. But we will hold you in other thoughts and know we'll be with you in our thoughts.
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    My husband always said my job was harder than his. I don't know about that, but I do know your job as caregiver is really hard. The times in waiting rooms are grueling. Take a good book or something else to keep busy. I crocheted a lot. It really does help to have someone with you. One or both of our sons came to every surgery with me. I will say several prayers for you. Fay
  • Little_C
    Little_C Member Posts: 23
    I will say a prayer for you and your husband. My husband just received news of a recurrence as well and he will have to have a biopsy within the next week. Prayer is powerful and will get us through no matter what the results are. Miracles happen everyday and we do notice but sometimes we forget when the big troubles come. Just take time to think back now on the other miracles that has happened in your life and know that another could come at anytime. Be strong, think positive and keep praying.