Firing doctor?

ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone fired their oncologist? If so how do you do that? Do you tell the dr. you will be seeing another dr., or do you get another dr. and let that dr. handle everything? How do I get my files or will the new dr. get my file?
What is the proper way of firing old doctor and moving forward with another?



  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Ms sunshine i also fired my
    Ms sunshine i also fired my onc doctor. I just went and found another one and explained to my new onc why i was changing and they took care of all the files and transfers...the only thing i had to do was find the new one. Which was great!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    jo jo said:

    Ms sunshine i also fired my
    Ms sunshine i also fired my onc doctor. I just went and found another one and explained to my new onc why i was changing and they took care of all the files and transfers...the only thing i had to do was find the new one. Which was great!

    I did
    I left a nationally recognized oncologist after I find a new one, who by the way was his former resident. Since the hospital health system has electronic files I did not need to worry about files. My new oncologist has informed her mentor that I left his practice and has been seeing her. As Jo Jo I think it has been great!
    Good luck,
    New Flower
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I moved so didn't have to
    I moved so didn't have to 'fire' her. She wasn't treatment onc. We had moved after treatment so she was my second onc. She didn't take me seriously. I was glad to be done with her.
    The problem is I am having trouble getting treatment records from the first onc. It's the law that they have to provide them but they can't find them. I should have picked up copies before we moved. I would suggest that you get copies for yourself also. It's been a real hassle trying to get these records.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Marcia527 said:

    I moved so didn't have to
    I moved so didn't have to 'fire' her. She wasn't treatment onc. We had moved after treatment so she was my second onc. She didn't take me seriously. I was glad to be done with her.
    The problem is I am having trouble getting treatment records from the first onc. It's the law that they have to provide them but they can't find them. I should have picked up copies before we moved. I would suggest that you get copies for yourself also. It's been a real hassle trying to get these records.

    Great post, i am thinking
    Great post, i am thinking about firing my doc too, i have a second opinion on Aug 24. I have been with my oncologist for 2 years so this is heartbreaking for me, but i do not feel that he is very with it right now. This is my plan though, If i really like my new doc, (who is an expert in Inflammatory Breast Cancer), i will just cancel my appt with my old doc, and have them forward my records. just like that!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    meena1 said:

    Great post, i am thinking
    Great post, i am thinking about firing my doc too, i have a second opinion on Aug 24. I have been with my oncologist for 2 years so this is heartbreaking for me, but i do not feel that he is very with it right now. This is my plan though, If i really like my new doc, (who is an expert in Inflammatory Breast Cancer), i will just cancel my appt with my old doc, and have them forward my records. just like that!

    I didnt fire my onc, I fired
    I didnt fire my onc, I fired a GI doc and I simply didnt come back after cancelling my appointment. (too sick at that time to address it properlY) When I changed hospitals for rads, I put in a request to pathology and medical records ( need it signed) and they sent the records, or I could pick them up. This is a fight you are firsr, no time for worrying how they feel, they get hired and fired all the time, and sometimes trade off. It has to be a good fit. It is a lifelong affilitation. I am not sure about my onc, right now, I am waiting until the smoke clears and I can focus more on what I want to do, right now I have too many conflicting emotions, to sort it out, and its not going to cause me any health issues so I can think about it.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    carkris said:

    I didnt fire my onc, I fired
    I didnt fire my onc, I fired a GI doc and I simply didnt come back after cancelling my appointment. (too sick at that time to address it properlY) When I changed hospitals for rads, I put in a request to pathology and medical records ( need it signed) and they sent the records, or I could pick them up. This is a fight you are firsr, no time for worrying how they feel, they get hired and fired all the time, and sometimes trade off. It has to be a good fit. It is a lifelong affilitation. I am not sure about my onc, right now, I am waiting until the smoke clears and I can focus more on what I want to do, right now I have too many conflicting emotions, to sort it out, and its not going to cause me any health issues so I can think about it.

    Unfortunately it is long time affiliation.
    It was difficult decision for me. It felt like a bad marriage, we through a Chemo treatment together and should have a special bond. But we did not. He really stopped taking my complaints seriously and I decided to leave. I went for a second opinion and never called them back.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    My first onc is affiliated
    My first onc is affiliated with a team of doctors that pretty much have a monopoly on cancer treatment in my county. When I switched, I choose to go with the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Treatment Center. They are the very best in this area. I have to travel a little further to see my onc but she is the best and I am happy with her.

    I called the first oncs records office and had them transfer all of my records. I never spoke to that onc again. I did call his nurse and cancel my appointments with him and I told her that I was leaving because of all the problems that I was having.

    You have to do what is best for you.


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Unfortunately it is long time affiliation.
    It was difficult decision for me. It felt like a bad marriage, we through a Chemo treatment together and should have a special bond. But we did not. He really stopped taking my complaints seriously and I decided to leave. I went for a second opinion and never called them back.

    I soooo loved my Onc RN .. is PA sucks!
    I've been as bold to tell both my Oncologist and his PA to their faces - my disappointment in care .. their lack of compassion and general care...on more than 1 occassional .. No personal or special bond with Onc or PA. My last Herceptin treatment is this coming Friday, 8/20 ... out with my port .. then I'm on to bigger and better things.

    Oh bye the way, I another Onc on speed dial for after care!

    Good Luck ..

    Vicki Sam
  • phxsunshine
    phxsunshine Member Posts: 2
    Fired Chemo Dr.
    I saw my Chemo Oncologist exactly one time on 26 July 2010. I had just come from my CT scan to set me up to receive radiation therapy after having a lumpectomy and re-excision the end of June. She seemed very nice and ordered an Oncotype DX test on my cancer. She told me that I would come in to receive the results at an office appt, that she never gives the results via a phone call, and not to be concerned. On August 10th, I called the Oncotype lab to see if they had, at least, received my sample from the hospital. They informed me that my test was completed and results had been faxed to my Chemo Dr on the 5th, but to wait a few minutes before I called, as they would fax over another copy immediately. I phoned my surgeon's office to find out how this all works, in case I was being too hasty. My surgeon's office informed me that they should have received a copy of the fax, but had not, and they would get right back to me. Surgeon's office called back shortly to inform me that my Chemo Dr was "out of the office" from the 4th to the 11th of August, and that her office had received a copy of the report on the 5th, after first insisting that they had only just received the report. The surgeon's MA informed them that they had received the second fax because the patient, herself - me, had just phoned the lab. Since I heard from nobody for the rest of that day, I assumed the worst, this after suffering an anxiety attack 2 days prior at midnight and my husband rushing me to the ER. I thought I was dying. The ER Dr said he wasn't surprised given the amount of stress I was under. I still had to wait until the next morning, the 11th, to receive a phone call from the Chemo Dr., remember, she doesn't give info over the phone, informing me of the "good news". I had scored an 8 and didn't need chemo, but that she "knew that I would have been fine if I had had to have chemo or not." Guess she told herself that to make herself feel better, it sure as hell didn't make me feel any confidence in her or her office. After thinking about this overnight, I informed my surgeon's office, prior to the "good news" call, that I would not be returning to that Chemo Dr's office, no matter what the test result, and that they should refer me to somebody else. Anybody that would leave my report to gather dust while they were on vacation and make me wait an extra week - well, what kind of Dr are they?! I have zero confidence in her now. The Chemo Dr's office called me today, the 16th to tell me the Dr wanted to see me to talk about my test results. I told them I don't want to see her and explained why and to call my Surgeon if they have any questions. What she did was downright cruel.