Giving up/Staying Strong

dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member
Found out last night my Aunt just found out her cancer is back...again. Still Colon cancer, now in her bladder. ****. This is her third time around and her daughter told me she's tired of fighting it, I can relate it's my 3rd time too. This stuff just stinks.

Then I come home from work today to news there is something wrong with my neice's liver. She see's a specialist on wednesday. She's not even 30 yet with a 4 year old boy and 3 year old girl.

It worries me. It worries my husband. Did I say it worries me yet? Sometimes I really hate cancer.

God, hopefully tomorrow will get better, temperatures supposed to get back to a tolerable level. I am sooooooooooo sick of 100+ days.

Need to flip the attitude.



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    When it rains it pours sometimes!
    Sounds like you have had a full week! They say what doesn't kill us will make us stronger...right? Funny how those little sayings may have good meaning, but do very little to ease the mind! My week was also very stressful with a dear friend passing away and another friend suffered a heart attack, but he will be ok. I told my hubby..."one more bad phone call, and we are packin a bag and headin for the hills"..ha! Seriously though, my heart goes out to you and I know it feels like your plate is running over. I'll keep good thoughts that no more bad news comes your way and your weather will cool down for you. Lousy heat just adds to the stress we are already having. It's heating up here also...suppose to be in the high 90's for the whole weekend. One good thing here in our valley is that we don't have the awful humidity that others deal with, and our evenings always cool down to a comfortable temperature. Hang in there and I'm wishing you "peace" for the weekend.
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    no other way to put it!!!!! it just SUCKS!!!!! but what can you do but fight it, can't go down without a fight......wishing you and your family the best...... Vinny
  • Newfoundcancer
    Newfoundcancer Member Posts: 40
    vinny59 said:

    no other way to put it!!!!! it just SUCKS!!!!! but what can you do but fight it, can't go down without a fight......wishing you and your family the best...... Vinny

    I concur Vinny
    I have the same belief,your will is what you can control.
    Keep saying Cancer is weak and I am stong. I pray that I dont have to go through Chemo.
    Went through 21 days of radiation. Will find out if I am cancer free next Friday.
    I bought a jucie maker$120. Been watching the Veria network on cable and seeing all kinds of people being in remission. Whith out Chemo and radiation. Happiness and laughter are our best
    weapons against cancer and the right foods. Saddness and depresion are the worst, they can lower our immune system. Never never through in the towel. It might not be fun but your still alive.