Question about distant mets

Cecile Louise
Cecile Louise Member Posts: 133
edited March 2014 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1
How are they found? I've read that the majority of recurrences of uterine cancer are in the pelvic/vaginal area, but what about recurrences in other places? My regular gyn/onc checkups consist of pelvic exams (no blood work)and questions about bleeding, discharge & bowel function and the CT scans only show as far up as the lower lobes of my lungs. I don't want to be an alarmist - am I freaking myself out about something I shouldn't worry about?

Thanks in advance for your responses.



  • RGW
    RGW Member Posts: 60
    It depends what kind of uterine cancer you have. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) metastasizes to the lungs, liver, and bones. Most doctors perform CT/PET scans for restaging. I had one from the head down to mid-thigh prior to my hysterectomy.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    RGW said:

    It depends what kind of uterine cancer you have. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) metastasizes to the lungs, liver, and bones. Most doctors perform CT/PET scans for restaging. I had one from the head down to mid-thigh prior to my hysterectomy.

    Pelvic recurrence is less likely if you did radiation.
    It used to be recurrence in the pelvic region was the most common site, but if you have had radiation, it is less likely a recurrence would be in the pelvic region. With UPSC, distant recurrence is just as likely, maybe more so. That being said, I always had CT scans from the chest to mid-thigh. When they thought they saw an enlarged para-aortic node they ordered a PET scan for the 1st time and it was only then that the lymph node under my arm that ended up being cancerous was ever in the area being scanned. The PET scan runs from the neck down to the knees. They were caught totally by surprise. The underarm node that lit up on the PET scan was confirmed as cancerous mets by a needle biopsy. I got CT scans every 3 months prior to my recurrence, and now that I have recurred get a CT/PET fusion scan every 3 months to guide treatment decisions. But I have a grade 3 aggressive cancer. You may not be as likely to recur as I am.
  • Cecile Louise
    Cecile Louise Member Posts: 133
    Thank you both
    for responding so quickly. I was dx with 1b UPSC and endometriod. Had chemo but no radiation. I've been dancing with NED ever since(yay!!), but I noticed a little bump in my armpit a few months ago that hasn't gone away yet and that old fear of recurrence has raised its ugly head. I will talk to my onc at my next checkup in Oct. Thanks again - I really appreciate and am inspired by all of you.
