Frustration or is this typical?

edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, I've been all over this cancer, chemo...and now radiation seems to have come to a stand still. Hell, the lymphedema and physical therapy is on the back burner waiting for my doctor to come back from vacation.

I'm not understanding why their planning should be taking so long. I had my CT scan on the July 2nd and was told my preliminary would be the 13th...that was postponed to the 15th...then I was told to keep the 21st open. Today I was called and told maybe Monday the 26th. At what point to I simply toss in the towel, grab my records and head for radioactive pastures elsewhere? Is this typical of the prep required before proceeding to radiation therapy?

I'm mean they are very pleasant with their explanation...the physicist, doctor, and blah blah blah....sternum, right lymph nodes, nodes in your neck.....blah blah blah.....heart (hmmm that's on the left side) lungs....blah blah blah.

My last chemo was the June 18th, I thought I was being pro-active by jumping right on the radiation wagon. Is there anyone out there that understands this delay, they went from the 13th to the 26th....2 additional weeks?



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    All I can say is what
    All I can say is what happened to me. I waited a month between end of chemo and beginning radiation. All I remember as prep was an appointment for the tattoos and one visit to the radiologist.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    No matter what
    waiting is tough!!

    My radiation started almost exactly 1 month after my last chemo, but I'm sure I would have been frustrated too if the date kept getting pushed back like yours has. Once you know what you have to go through to fight the beast you just want to get the battle on so that you can come out a victor on the other side.

    I can't tell you what to do, but it may not hurt to look at other options if you feel the radiation center isn't caring for you the way you expect them to. The wait probably won't affect your treatment or outcome but it just sucks to have to wait.

    Take care,