My wife is Dissapointed

lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
My wife is an RN and has been working in Labor And Delivery for the past 15 years and assisting with surgical scrub for any C-Sections, tubals, etc that might be done in labor and delivery along with delivery the babies. Earlier this year she started her training on being what is called a first assist. This allows her to work side by side with the doctor and actually perform any suturing along with the doctor. She has been through the classes and is now working on getting her clinical hours in towards full certification. She has six different doctors that have aggreed to work with her on training.

This morning she was going to assist with an open prostate cancer surgery (her first exposure to this surgery). The surgery was actually going to be performed by my primary care urologist. He did not perform my surgery though since he only does open and I went up to Vanderbilt for the Robotic. The hospital my wife works at does not have the Davinci robot. My wife and I were both really looking forward to her assisting with this open surgery. She just called me and told me that the surgery was cancelled because the patients blood work came back with concerns and risk factors such as low white blood count.

My wife and I both love to learn and she was really looking forward to assisting with this surgery and learning and seeing first hand about the prostate removal.



  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    it would be great to be a bug on the wall during a surgery....ira
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    At the start of the incision
    At the start of the incision I would just pass out. No medical talk allowed at my dinner table, either. Man, I don't even look when they draw blood!