mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
This is from Caring Bridge, in case some of you don't check Bonnie's journal.

'Spent the day at the U with Mom. Bit of a rough start this morning but by evening she was doing much better. We found out her hemoglobin was around 7 and platelets were around 24 which explains why she has been so tired. They ordered 2 pints of blood which she was getting the last of as I left this evening. They have her on a broad spectrum antibiotic which has been running all day to try to beat the infection which they believe is affecting the bladder and possibly the kidney. They also think it is being caused by the stint so will have to have surgery to have this removed or replaced. She just had an ultrasound of the kidneys this evening so we will know more on this tomorrow. They have her on a good pain med which has helped tremendousl​y. Her blood pressure is staying good but she is running a temp. Peaked at just over 101 but they gave her some Tylenol and this helped bring it back down so she could get the last transfusion. Hoping for a restful night so her body can heal. Will again post as I know more.
Thanks so much!

Bonnie: Sending prayers and hug


  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Dearest Bonnie
    May the Lord Bless you and Keep You and watch you tonight with all his care and healing love. May you receive some peace and healing....please....Love, Lisa