WHAT a light show!!!!

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok, I've never lived by a body of water before, so bear with me....

Yesterday evening it started to rain while we were sitting outside with friends at their house. It was pretty gentle, so we just kept sitting.

A bit later, the lightening/thunder started. We were home by this point, so we sat and watched...VERY close, VERY bright, VERY loud.

Then, it was over...just some rumblings in the distance. I went to bed. A half hour or so later, the storm returned...VERY close, VERY bright, VERY loud, Very wet!!! Then it left again. This happened 2 more times...a real 'gully washer'!

I hear tell that this is fairly normal in these parts in the summer. The storm gets to the river, and then can't get across (wind currents, heat, etc), so it 'bounces back'. Over and over again.

WOW! What a show!!!! My friend said he was always told, as a boy, to stand up tall and proud, the heavens were snapping pictures of him.

I'm sure you all that live by a lake or river have seen this before, but this was a first for me!!!

Hugs, Kathi


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I love the thought of the
    I love the thought of the heavens snapping our photos! Thanks so much for sharing.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    It's called 'training' as in one train car following another car down the same track. It's not common but definately not rare in some areas. Hubby was on the Rez (Pine Ridge) yesterday and got caught in a 'train' of at least 4 cells before he got to the road he could turn north on and get out of their paths/tracks. When an area is ripe for formation of t-storms they will develop and usually move 'on', IF there is still ripe conditions another will develope and again and again til the conditions no longer support formation. T-storms love heat and water and gain strenght from them but it is possible with strong winter systems to get thunder-snow in a blizzard even with negative temps.

    He called me several times to tell me how spectacular the light show was which really surprised me. Not that it was a 'good' one but that Hubby had even noticed it as we grew up in SW FL, lived in the northern Mojave Desert and have been here (Black Hills and surrounding prairie for 15 years - so it takes a pretty spectacular display for us to notice.

    If you go to www.weather.gov you can find radar that you can click on and get your local radar showing whats developing or moving of how it's moving. Lots of info there form water levels, to forecasts to current warnings for the entire country. Just keep clicking.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Kathi~ if you didn't know
    Kathi~ if you didn't know better, you would think I am not telling the truth, but HONESTLY~ here in California,right now, this very morning, July 11, 2010~ it is THUNDERING!! It even rained last night at the Relay~ Siobhan and I couldn't believe it when the sky opened up! I mean really, Kathi~ we are Californian's here...and this is summertime! It is thundering! And it is 90 in Seattle, as Coug maybe told you! Global Warming, anyone? LOL

    It must be something in solidarity with you in Holland!
