First Momo need help

Grandma X 6
Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone I am new,but having reading questions and answers for a while now. I have finished Chemo Carboplatin and taxtare with herceptin. Also radiation ouch! I am still giong for herceptin. I have IBC 3-1/2cm. no node involvement. My question is I finished chemo 1-21 and rads March 23. 33 of them.I have an appointment for mamo and ultra sound on Monday how mush pain should I expect after surgery, chemo, and rads I am a size dd. Not looking forward to it have have enough. I was diagnosed Sept 1 2010. Thanks for all the great advise.


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Grandma of 3 .. is there any way -- your hospital or an
    affliate has a Mammo with 3 d ? more like an ultrasonic testing, than the vice grip of an actual mammo.

    I too endured Taxotere, carbo and herceptin chemo cocktail, I did not need radation due to my double bi lateral mac'tmy on 1/12/10. size dd ..

    Please call today - Friday and ask about a more non invasive way to perform your mammo.

    Good Luck,

    Vicki Sam
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Welcome, Grandma x 3 -
    I had bilateral lumpectomies last June, then chemo and rads, and had my first post-treatment mammogram 3 months after completing rads. I didn't have IBC, so I don't know if that makes any difference, but my mammogram wasn't any more uncomfortable than it was before my diagnosis -- I wouldn't even say it was painful, just uncomfortable.

    As VickiSam suggests, you might call the mammography center -- since they deal with this all day, and may be able to give you some input -- maybe ask if they suggest you take some Advil or Tylenol beforehand? Don't know if that would help?

    For me, the anxiety of that first post-treatment mammogram far, far, FAR outweighed any physical discomfort -- fortunately, my results were clean, and I was dancing with NED (No Evidence of Disease) and hugging and sobbing all over the radiologist -- I'm hoping the same for you!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    The radiology center I go to
    The radiology center I go to uses Digital mammogram machines...less squishy than the other kind and the results are immediate! It is only obvious I had a lumpectomy, but I tell them anyway~ and they always put a "bandaid" over the scar so that the radiologist knows it isn't a concern, but a scar! Many often take Tylenol an hour or so before going in, and as you know, the mammogram doesn't really take very long! You will get through it!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    chenheart said:

    The radiology center I go to
    The radiology center I go to uses Digital mammogram machines...less squishy than the other kind and the results are immediate! It is only obvious I had a lumpectomy, but I tell them anyway~ and they always put a "bandaid" over the scar so that the radiologist knows it isn't a concern, but a scar! Many often take Tylenol an hour or so before going in, and as you know, the mammogram doesn't really take very long! You will get through it!


    I hope you can get your
    I hope you can get your mammogram with no pain. If you need something, take some tylenol before you go.

    You might also ask your oncologist for something to relax you before you go, like a nerve pill or anxiety pill.

    Good luck to you!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    susie09 said:

    I hope you can get your
    I hope you can get your mammogram with no pain. If you need something, take some tylenol before you go.

    You might also ask your oncologist for something to relax you before you go, like a nerve pill or anxiety pill.

    Good luck to you!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣

    For me, the ultrasound hurt
    For me, the ultrasound hurt more than the mammogram because they really have to push on your breast to get a clear pic. But, I don't mean pain, just pressure, so, don't be scared.

    Check with your oncologist to see if there is anything he can give you.

    Praying for a clean mammo and ultrasound for you!

    Hugs, Angie
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Angie2U said:

    For me, the ultrasound hurt
    For me, the ultrasound hurt more than the mammogram because they really have to push on your breast to get a clear pic. But, I don't mean pain, just pressure, so, don't be scared.

    Check with your oncologist to see if there is anything he can give you.

    Praying for a clean mammo and ultrasound for you!

    Hugs, Angie

    For some reason
    I thought that you need to wait 6 moths after radiation treatment to do Mamo. Are you sure that you have to do affected side? Please ask your radiologist and oncologist about it. When I did my first annual Mammogram after I finished radiation I did only side which was not radiated.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    For some reason
    I thought that you need to wait 6 moths after radiation treatment to do Mamo. Are you sure that you have to do affected side? Please ask your radiologist and oncologist about it. When I did my first annual Mammogram after I finished radiation I did only side which was not radiated.

    3 mos vs. 6 mos: Some say poTAYto, some say poTAHto...
    New Flower,

    I've seen many women here talk about having their 1st post-treatment mammogram 6 months after completing radiation, and have read this in ACS and ASCO materials, as well.

    However, when I completed radiation, both my surgeon and oncologist insisted that (in their opinions) the standard was 3 months, not 6 months. So I had my 1st mammogram (on both sides -- I had bilateral lumpectomies) at 3 months. Since that was clean, now I'll go out to 6 months for the next one.

    It's just another thing our doctors differ on -- geez, wouldn't it be easier if they would all just get together and AGREE on these things?

    :-) Traci