What meds do you take for depression? I am cry at anything and having negative thoughts...HELP!!!!

gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been taking Zanaxx a few times a day since i was diagnosed on 4/8/10. I just finished 4 rounds of AC on 7/1/2010, I will start 12 weekly rounds of Taxol on 7/16/10. But this last week and still today, I am wanting to cry all the time, I have been very positive and strong and going to fight this cancer and win...but the last few days, I am feeling like it is not going to work, it will come back and I will die young and leave my kids and husband alone?
What is wrong with me, I have had a good day today, so I decided to post, my friend said maybe you need something else to help you with your emotions? Any advice? I know it is not good to have negative thoughts, but I have had a few of those days, It is not like me to be so poor me and negative? I have also been pushed by chemo into menopause too, so I am sure that don;t help. I want to feel like the fun loving do it all mom again, and the loving wife who wants to have sex..that is the last thing i want to do....I am a mess since this last round of AC, I have been pretty strong and positive..what happened?

What do you take med wise to help with the depression and emotional mood swings?


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Talk to your doctor
    Medications can help but you're not alone in feeling these emotions. At 45, chemo pushed me into an early menopause and yes, that kicked my behind! What a roller coaster! I was positive one hour and burying myself the next. This is not easy for you or anyone in the family.

    I grieved my "old" body. Maybe that's the process you are at now? I can't say how long this will last because everyone is different. All I'm saying is it's normal to feel this way. Especially in the midst of treatment.

    We are here for each other. Blog, blog and blog your feelings! We're listening AND praying.

    Do talk to your doctor about medications.

    I will pray for a peace for you that surpasses all human understanding as your going through this. A God filled peace.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Don't feel alone
    I had my surgery in Dec. '09, chemo from Jan-May and now doing radiation. When I was first diagnosed, I was a mess--depressed, crying, unable to function. I have never suffered from depression, so I felt like a real baby. I visited a friend (who is also a physician) and he put me on Zoloft. He also gave me Xanax for anxiety, but he said to be very careful with that and only use it when I really needed it. I have been on the Zoloft for 7 months and I think it definitely helped get me through the rough spots. I am also a pretty positive person, but this was overwhelming. I now have very few dark days, they don't last and I move on. I have never taken one of the Xanax yet.

    I'm sure many of your emotions are also hormonal due to the menopause. We all have gone through a huge range of emotions. This is a tough road we're all on, but we're all stronger than we give ourselves credit for. You will get through this, pink warrior, but you might need a little help. I'm the last one to take any type of drugs, but I realized I couldn't cope on my own and needed help. For me, this disease is much harder to deal with emotionally than physically (even though it's been no picnic physicially!).

    Hang in there and keep us posted. We all care and are in your corner.
    Hugs, Renee
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I did not take any antidepressants. My saving grace was this board and
    a local support group. It really helped me to talk to someone about my
    fears and game plan.

    I hope you feel better soon... you are not going anywhere, you are now
    one of the family!

  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    aysemari said:

    I did not take any antidepressants. My saving grace was this board and
    a local support group. It really helped me to talk to someone about my
    fears and game plan.

    I hope you feel better soon... you are not going anywhere, you are now
    one of the family!


    I take Effexor
    But it has nothing to do with the breast cancer, I went on Effexor before I was diagnosed, It helps me cope with everything so much better.

    Do not go on Paxil if you take Tamoxifen.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670

    I take Effexor
    But it has nothing to do with the breast cancer, I went on Effexor before I was diagnosed, It helps me cope with everything so much better.

    Do not go on Paxil if you take Tamoxifen.

    You are not alone
    In my situation i was real strong and told myself i had to stay strong with my battle. I wouldnt deal with my emotions and finally one day i totally cracked. I dont care who you are, you go through so much when you are fighting and getting treatment that its impossible not to grieve and cry. You have to do that. When i finally broke, i felt like i was never going to reach the dancing with NED and that i was going to have to make plans for who would take care of my three kids. You have to remember that with each chemo, it gets stronger and effects you more. You are totally in the right to feel the way you do. Sometimes we have to feel sorry for ourselves in the battle and let others in to pick you back up and make you smile and feel better. Xanax isnt a depression med, its for anxiety. I have been on Effexor for a while and it has helped. Nothing is going to cure the whole blues thing for you. Thats when you reach for support and you cry or scream and do what you have to. I had a total hysterectomy five weeks ago and even being on Effexor, I still have my crying days and am just real tired. It is so frustrating i feel trapped or something. Keep sharing anyway you can. We are here to comfort you and reassure you. Keep that chin up and start telling yourself that you are going to be a fighter. It feels like there isnt a light at the end of a tunnel for you i know. But, going through chemo and it putting you into menopause, think of it girl thats a double wammy!! Take care of yourself. I will be praying for you. Dont give up!!

  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    lolad said:

    You are not alone
    In my situation i was real strong and told myself i had to stay strong with my battle. I wouldnt deal with my emotions and finally one day i totally cracked. I dont care who you are, you go through so much when you are fighting and getting treatment that its impossible not to grieve and cry. You have to do that. When i finally broke, i felt like i was never going to reach the dancing with NED and that i was going to have to make plans for who would take care of my three kids. You have to remember that with each chemo, it gets stronger and effects you more. You are totally in the right to feel the way you do. Sometimes we have to feel sorry for ourselves in the battle and let others in to pick you back up and make you smile and feel better. Xanax isnt a depression med, its for anxiety. I have been on Effexor for a while and it has helped. Nothing is going to cure the whole blues thing for you. Thats when you reach for support and you cry or scream and do what you have to. I had a total hysterectomy five weeks ago and even being on Effexor, I still have my crying days and am just real tired. It is so frustrating i feel trapped or something. Keep sharing anyway you can. We are here to comfort you and reassure you. Keep that chin up and start telling yourself that you are going to be a fighter. It feels like there isnt a light at the end of a tunnel for you i know. But, going through chemo and it putting you into menopause, think of it girl thats a double wammy!! Take care of yourself. I will be praying for you. Dont give up!!


    Try celexa
    I am so sorry that you are having these thoughts that are stealing away all of your energy and joy....most of us have been where you are....what you are feeling is very normal...we all have some anxiety and wake up most mornings worrying about a recurrence. The best advice I can give you is firstly...trust God...your life is in His hands and out of your control...secondly...when you get these negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones and with promises from God's word...thirdly....get up and get going....do something...anything to get your mind off of it and live life. Our lives are not our own...they belong to God and after you have done all you can do to stay healthy, the rest is in His hands.

    After your chemo if you are going to take tamoxifen, make sure your doctor checks first for the CYP2D6 genotype to make sure you are an excellent metabolizer of it and then check to see which SSRI's will not inhibit the tamoxifen. I know celexa is one that is pretty safe to take and will not inhibit the tamoxifen as long as you are not a poor metabolizer. Since I am, the doctor said he would not recommend me taking any SSRI's with the tamoxifen. I decided on not taking the tamoxifen at all.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    My oncologist prescribed effexor not only for depression/anxiety but it also helped with the hot flashes.

    Please stay in touch with your doctors (or nurses, gotta love them alot) and with everyone on this board.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    My oncologist prescribed effexor not only for depression/anxiety but it also helped with the hot flashes.

    Please stay in touch with your doctors (or nurses, gotta love them alot) and with everyone on this board.

    I too am on Effexor .. However, I don't think they have
    helped with my hot flashes .. Then again, we are all different.

    If you need help .. get it! Therapy, support group or med's. If 1 medication does not work, try another .. never give in or give up.

    Vicki Sam
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    VickiSam said:

    I too am on Effexor .. However, I don't think they have
    helped with my hot flashes .. Then again, we are all different.

    If you need help .. get it! Therapy, support group or med's. If 1 medication does not work, try another .. never give in or give up.

    Vicki Sam

    Talk to your doctor to see
    Talk to your doctor to see if he/she can give you something.
    I am on Zoloft--helps a lot! Keep us posted!
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I hear you!! Really. I am
    I hear you!! Really. I am also have a very good outlook on life but I found the AC really difficult at times to deal with. I just didn't have the motivation to even get out of bed sometimes. I cried about my lack of hair, weight gain and how unattractive I looked. I also had unpleasant thoughts and images go through my mind. What worked for me was the Ativan (Lorazepam), it is anti-nauseau, anti-anxiety and sleeping pill. It took the edge off of things for me. But please talk to you Onc about this as he might have something more appropriate for your situation.

    Also I am also finding the Taxol and Herceptin much easier than the AC. I don't care about the lack of hair on my head and no longer wear a scarf, don't care about my weight gain and have been able to excercise daily so far. But then again it is different for everyone.

    please talk to your Onc.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I've been on several
    I've been on several different anti depressants waaay before I was diagnosed. I had a bit of a "breakdown" in college and was diagnosed manic depressive. I've been on Zoloft for years now, and for me, it's been the best anti depressant, with the least side effects, and doesn't make me feel like a walking zombie version of myself.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    I'm right with you. Until I
    I'm right with you. Until I read everyones post I did not think to talk to my doctor about what i am currently going thru. I too was very strong and positive from the moment I was dx bck in Sept 09. Went thru chemo Taxotere, carbo and herceptin (still on Herceptin til Oct) and finished 6wks of awful radiation. Still strong! Till I started Tamoxifen about 3wks ago. I too was thrown into early menopause at 41, maybe the combination of Tomoxifen, menopause and herceptin is taking a toll on me. I'm starting to worry about my daughters all the time and I feel like crying all the time. I hate my 20 lbs overweight body and they way I look(even though my hair is already coming in)so why am I so emotional and so sad? I should be happy, I should be grateful, right? I know how you feel. Hang in there.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am on lexapro--prescribed
    I am on lexapro--prescribed by my oncologist. Do not hesitate to ask for help as the docs know depression/anxiety are often linked to breast cancer.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    P.S. fyi depression
    There is an excellent article on depression at:

    Also, if you are on tamoxifen, you might want to avoid certain antidepressants, as there is some (limited) evidence that some make treatment less effective.

    "Until there are more data, patients who are taking tamoxifen to reduce their risk for breast cancer recurrence should avoid concomitant use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft)."

    "However, SSRIs that had only a weak inhibitory effect on the enzyme did not have a significant effect; in this instance, the risk for breast cancer recurrence was 8.8%, not significantly different from the 7.5% seen in women who did not take these drugs. Weak inhibitors of the 2D6 enzyme include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), and fluvoxamine (Luvox)." In other words, celexa, lexapro and luvox may be "safer" if you are on tamoxife.
    From: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/703744

    Hope some of this helps!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm so glad
    I'm so glad I found this message and read all the posts. Unlike most of you I already went through menopause at age 50 and I'm now 61 fighting bc. To this day I say menopause was the worse time of my life. I cried all the time, had terrible mood swings and debilitating hot flashes! Oh, and the kicker - I gained 80+ lbs especially around my middle. Of course, I quit a 38 year smoking habit too! My gyn put me on Effexor with no results. A psychiatrist put me on Wellbutrin which helped with the moods but not the hot flashes. I was on Wellbutrin until 3 months ago. So after suffering for years and having 2 sisters dx with bc I still decided to go on a low dose hrt. I guess you know how that turned out. I had bilateral mastectomies June 22 and will see the oncologist July 19 to discuss what oral pill to take for 5 years. One sister took Tamoxifen and another took Arimidex depending on pre or post menopause. Neither of them took antidepressants. So far I've been ok in coping with my loss. However, I don't know how I'll feel emotionally after starting oral medication for the next 5 years. WOW - I'M HAVING A HOT FLASH RIGHT NOW! Ok, time will tell but definitely ask your oncologist to prescribe something/anything that will help you cope.
  • gobluegirl90
    gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53
    cahjah75 said:

    I'm so glad
    I'm so glad I found this message and read all the posts. Unlike most of you I already went through menopause at age 50 and I'm now 61 fighting bc. To this day I say menopause was the worse time of my life. I cried all the time, had terrible mood swings and debilitating hot flashes! Oh, and the kicker - I gained 80+ lbs especially around my middle. Of course, I quit a 38 year smoking habit too! My gyn put me on Effexor with no results. A psychiatrist put me on Wellbutrin which helped with the moods but not the hot flashes. I was on Wellbutrin until 3 months ago. So after suffering for years and having 2 sisters dx with bc I still decided to go on a low dose hrt. I guess you know how that turned out. I had bilateral mastectomies June 22 and will see the oncologist July 19 to discuss what oral pill to take for 5 years. One sister took Tamoxifen and another took Arimidex depending on pre or post menopause. Neither of them took antidepressants. So far I've been ok in coping with my loss. However, I don't know how I'll feel emotionally after starting oral medication for the next 5 years. WOW - I'M HAVING A HOT FLASH RIGHT NOW! Ok, time will tell but definitely ask your oncologist to prescribe something/anything that will help you cope.

    Thanks for all the support
    I am again crying as I type, but this time they are tears of joy for the amazing overwhelming support I was and get from this group. I wish I could reach out and hug everyone on this site. Wish we all could get together in person, it would truly be the best Family reunion ever...
    I had my friend at work come yesterday with his wife and they prayed with me and did a healing prayer too. I felt so much better last night, and to day too. No tears or sad thought (except now, with my happy tears) I had a sad thought last night, and I blocked it out and did not cry, it worked. God truly gave me the strength last night and blessed me with positive thoughts.
    I will not be taking the drug heparin or whatever it was a few of you mentioned. I was on Lexapro before for about a year and it was great..I think I will call my Onc Nurse on Monday and see if I can get a script for Lexapro or whatever they suggest, because I take my Zannaxx every day, and I don't want to get addicted to them.
    I bought a new dress and my hubby and I are going out for a nice dinner this weekend, do some shopping and buy new bedroom furniture for my son's bedroom. We are re-doing it for his birthday, it is a surprise, my kids are at my mom and dad's lake house for the week. So i have to step it up, pull myself out of this and GIT UR DUNN!! LOL before chemo on 7/16 (first of 12 weekly rounds of Taxol) Scared of this new drug and how I will feel?
    Thank you all so much. XOXOXOX
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Fantastic for some - but not all!
    I've never felt any need for anti-depression drugs since DX'd nor would I take any. The sunshine and my vit. D pills (or during the winter - my light box and Vit. D) is what I need.

    I've tried some anti's years ago but they are far worse for me than fighting through what I have to/when/IF I have to fight. I'm ADD and SAD, so my brain chemiustry is already 'different' - not going to add to that.

    Don't take me wrong - for some they are fantstic - but not for everyone.

    Talk to your Dr! Especially about your feelings about sex.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I menopaused during chemo too. It is just another "thing" to have to deal with on top of everything else. I find a little antianxiety medication helps now and then. It takes the edge off. It takes alot of energy to stay in a good place mentally. I think we tend to underestimate what we have gone through physically because thats how we keep ourselves in fighting mode. Chemo, amputations, rads, being sick all take their toll on u mentally too, and there are always those days when it is just too much. Ask your doc about Ativan, it has been a big help for me and it helps with nausia. God bless you Alison
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I menopaused during chemo too. It is just another "thing" to have to deal with on top of everything else. I find a little antianxiety medication helps now and then. It takes the edge off. It takes alot of energy to stay in a good place mentally. I think we tend to underestimate what we have gone through physically because thats how we keep ourselves in fighting mode. Chemo, amputations, rads, being sick all take their toll on u mentally too, and there are always those days when it is just too much. Ask your doc about Ativan, it has been a big help for me and it helps with nausia. God bless you Alison

    Cancer sucks
    It takes a great toll on you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. One has to battle cancer on all these levels. There was a time when I thought I will live, but I questioned my sanity.
    I wish you the best
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Cancer sucks
    It takes a great toll on you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. One has to battle cancer on all these levels. There was a time when I thought I will live, but I questioned my sanity.
    I wish you the best

    Chemo change brain chemistry
    think It is normal to feel hopeless and upset by 4th round of Chemo. My oncologist said that Chemo drugs often change brain chemistry. It order to return it back to normal you probably need medications. Talk to your oncologist.
    As for sex, I lost my emotions after 4th infusion, and 5th and 6th felt awful all together. I just do not know anybody who wanted to have sex right after four rounds of Chemo. Believe me it will gradually come back. Do not force yourself if you are not ready yet.
    Wishing you more good days in the future,
    New Flower