when you were little, what did you want to be?



  • EdnaM
    EdnaM Member Posts: 30
    Probably the oldest on here - 71 - but I dreamed of having a gas station and being a mechanic totally unheard of in my generation; then thot about nursing (an acceptable career back then) but discovered early on that I passed out at the sight of blood. So, I sat behind a desk in an office for 42 years.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    EdnaM said:

    Probably the oldest on here - 71 - but I dreamed of having a gas station and being a mechanic totally unheard of in my generation; then thot about nursing (an acceptable career back then) but discovered early on that I passed out at the sight of blood. So, I sat behind a desk in an office for 42 years.

    Seriously -- A 'Rock and Roll' singer --
    I've always and to this day .. sing off key - I have no rhythm to speak of .. but this has NEVER stopped me or my quest to become a singer.. It is a standing joke with friends and family -- that I should try out for American Idol - every year. I purposely sing off key and loudly when driving with my kids - we all laugh!

    I love music .. and to sing -- Except for Country .. Sorry you Contry fans out there!

    Vicki Sam
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Rague said:

    Digging in the dirt is FUN!
    It is fun to dig in the dirt and find things that are very old! I've done a bit of digging in the dirt - one summer I got 10 credits through U of WA for doing just that.

    The 2 best things I've found were on organized digs were what was left of a cedar box that had tools made from antlers on Whidbey Island, WA and a buffalo cow with a fetal calf in situ near Buffalo, SD. It can be very disappointing and boring but when you find something it makes up for it all.

    Ooh, that sounds VERY exciting!
    Maybe I'll have to look into organized digs. The few times I've found ceramic shards or even old tin cans or bottles in the woods, it's been a thrill.
  • VickiSam said:

    Seriously -- A 'Rock and Roll' singer --
    I've always and to this day .. sing off key - I have no rhythm to speak of .. but this has NEVER stopped me or my quest to become a singer.. It is a standing joke with friends and family -- that I should try out for American Idol - every year. I purposely sing off key and loudly when driving with my kids - we all laugh!

    I love music .. and to sing -- Except for Country .. Sorry you Contry fans out there!

    Vicki Sam

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  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I wanted to be an actress,
    I wanted to be an actress, or back in the day a movie star. I even had my stage name picked out it was "Star Leo". At the age of 11 or 12 I took acting lessons at the local little theatre. I also took dance lessons for 8 years as a youngster and performed on local stages. My dad had what he called an entertainment unit and we would travel around the city putting on shows at veterans hospitals, church events and so on. Fortunately or unfortunately hollywood nor broadway every came caling. :)
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    natly15 said:

    I wanted to be an actress,
    I wanted to be an actress, or back in the day a movie star. I even had my stage name picked out it was "Star Leo". At the age of 11 or 12 I took acting lessons at the local little theatre. I also took dance lessons for 8 years as a youngster and performed on local stages. My dad had what he called an entertainment unit and we would travel around the city putting on shows at veterans hospitals, church events and so on. Fortunately or unfortunately hollywood nor broadway every came caling. :)

    when i got older I thought
    when i got older I thought it would be cool to pick the music that they have in movies.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    carkris said:

    when i got older I thought
    when i got older I thought it would be cool to pick the music that they have in movies.

    Too funny! I love the Dance
    Too funny! I love the Dance hall girl, almost the same as a go-go dancer.
  • Emilyfimily
    Emilyfimily Member Posts: 141
    I wanted to be an astronaut,
    I wanted to be an astronaut, astronomer, egyptologist, professional skateboarder, ski bum, surf bum. I wound up being a park ranger, sometimes wildland firefighter, and most importantly a happy, contented, madly in love wife. :D
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I loved horses, of course, and read every story and book about them I could get my hands on. When I read the story about the first female jockey, I decided that I would follow in her footsteps, althogh Willie Shoemaker was my idol. Then I grew too tall for that dream to come true, and after reading My Friend Flicka and Coffee, Tea, or Me? (I've also always loved trvelling - especially flying), and put my revised plan in place:

    I would become a "stewardess" and save up my money to buy a horse ranch in Wyoming.

    My real life did not resemble this in the slightest. Instead I got married at age 18, started in office work, and ended up as a H.R. Mgr. I actually do enjoy my career, and now realize I would never have survived those long Wyoming winters! What was I thinking?!?!
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I loved horses, of course, and read every story and book about them I could get my hands on. When I read the story about the first female jockey, I decided that I would follow in her footsteps, althogh Willie Shoemaker was my idol. Then I grew too tall for that dream to come true, and after reading My Friend Flicka and Coffee, Tea, or Me? (I've also always loved trvelling - especially flying), and put my revised plan in place:

    I would become a "stewardess" and save up my money to buy a horse ranch in Wyoming.

    My real life did not resemble this in the slightest. Instead I got married at age 18, started in office work, and ended up as a H.R. Mgr. I actually do enjoy my career, and now realize I would never have survived those long Wyoming winters! What was I thinking?!?!

    FBI Agent
    I wanted to work for the FBI and track serial killers, or a homicide detective. Told you all my mind is wacked.
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    summer vs. winter
    In the summer in Maryland, I wanted to be an olympic swimmer and the butterfly would be my event. But in the winter with the snow and cold weather, I think I "invented" Karaoke in our basement. I knew every word to every song on each album, from The Sound of Music to Jim Morrison. So in the winter, I definitely wanted to be a singer. Funny, I still swim and I still sing. Thanks for helping bring these good thoughts back!
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I wanted to be a journalist

    I wanted to be a journalist and photographer. I did study photography and love to mess around with it but I generate income from being a software engineer.

    But as for the dancing, as a kid I would leap and dance around all over the place. Now I take African dance classes where there is live drumming. It is so very healing. I do recommend dancing to music of any kind it is all healing and we can all do with some of that!

    take care and much love.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I wanted to be a singer,
    I wanted to be a singer, too. I am not too good but I have heard worse. Ha-ha. If my husband and I, or just my girlfriends and me, are in a bar with karaoke, as long as I have had a drink or two, you can bet I'm getting on stage to sing The House of the Rising Sun. I always tell my husband that I'm singing for my enjoyment not necessarily my audience. LOL!! It's a good thing that I decided another career because I just don't think I'd have made it in the music business!!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    natly15 said:

    I wanted to be an actress,
    I wanted to be an actress, or back in the day a movie star. I even had my stage name picked out it was "Star Leo". At the age of 11 or 12 I took acting lessons at the local little theatre. I also took dance lessons for 8 years as a youngster and performed on local stages. My dad had what he called an entertainment unit and we would travel around the city putting on shows at veterans hospitals, church events and so on. Fortunately or unfortunately hollywood nor broadway every came caling. :)

    I always wanted to be an
    I always wanted to be an actress too. I was the lead in the school plays and really loved it. In college, I never had time for it though, too busy partying and playing. LOL

    Great post Meena! And, you look beautiful in your new pic!

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    meena1 said:

    Listen to "Ain't no stopping
    Listen to "Ain't no stopping us now"

    A go go dancer? I love that
    A go go dancer? I love that Meena!
  • chriswhite
    chriswhite Member Posts: 1
    Menda said:

    Me too
    I wanted to be a dancer, specifically a rockett. If I couldn't be a rocket I would be a Dallas cowboy cheerleader and be a paramedic in my spare time. Well, I have had a drill team and owned a dance studio and am a vet tech. Sorta came true. Kinda weird. Never thought about it until I saw it in writing.

    I share the same choice, and

    I share the same choice, and currently pursuing emt refresher course after graduation.

  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    Astronaut, as I grew up

    Astronaut, as I grew up watching Mercury, Gemni, and Apollo missions. 

    I ended up in education and currently work in special education.  Teaching is in my blood.  I started 38 years ago.  

  • Lilly9
    Lilly9 Member Posts: 155 Member

    Astronaut, as I grew up

    Astronaut, as I grew up watching Mercury, Gemni, and Apollo missions. 

    I ended up in education and currently work in special education.  Teaching is in my blood.  I started 38 years ago.  

    And I still do!



    And I still do!  Loved the thought of being able to transform heads of hair!

  • Sallie2
    Sallie2 Member Posts: 3

    Astronaut, as I grew up

    Astronaut, as I grew up watching Mercury, Gemni, and Apollo missions. 

    I ended up in education and currently work in special education.  Teaching is in my blood.  I started 38 years ago.  

    Good Subject.
     seems i wanted

    Good Subject.

     seems i wanted to be all of these things that you all talk about.

    well except superman and an Astronaut.  maybe wonder woman or sheena queen of the jungle. i doubt too many here have heard of her. Tongue Out the closest i wanted to be to the sky is a meterologist.

     hey wheres the spell check Undecided lol


     we can still dream and when all else fails, DANCE Like no ones looking Cool

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Sallie2 said:

    Good Subject.
     seems i wanted

    Good Subject.

     seems i wanted to be all of these things that you all talk about.

    well except superman and an Astronaut.  maybe wonder woman or sheena queen of the jungle. i doubt too many here have heard of her. Tongue Out the closest i wanted to be to the sky is a meterologist.

     hey wheres the spell check Undecided lol


     we can still dream and when all else fails, DANCE Like no ones looking Cool


    I wanted to be a Movie Star.........and to live to be 100...........

    Didn't get to be a Movie Star...............but by golly I'm trying for that 100 mark ***