Sleep erection

gkoper Member Posts: 173
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
13 month post surgery & 6 months post radiation I had my 1st sleep erection (woke me up) that is a normal part of the male biology. It is encouragement that the nerves are waking up. Atrophy has reduced the size as the pump was seldom used & pills gave undesirable side effects, but I now have hope for better things. So remember guys, it can take up to 2 years for the nerves to wake-up......but do the rehab if you can, to keep shrinkage to a minimum.


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  • ejn
    ejn Member Posts: 64
    Thats great. There is
    Thats great. There is always hope in every situation. More good things are sure to happen with your good attitude.

  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    I'm Jealous
    Still have not had one wake me up yet! You go George!
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241

    I'm Jealous
    Still have not had one wake me up yet! You go George!

    George-Fantastic News!
    These are the Long Hard nights we all need-----it really is encouraging.

  • mikey51
    mikey51 Member Posts: 17
    Way Cool!
    12 weeks in, I have joined the zero (PSA) club, and have regained 96% of my continence. I hope I am not being too greedy when I ask God to help me with the 3rd head of the radical prostatectomy beast. I am so happy for you and thank you for reminding us behind you in the progress that we still have hopes for that to come back as well.

    Congrats! I lift a cold one to your success!

  • chitown
    chitown Member Posts: 90 Member
    Congratulations and good advise
    Yup..12-18 months is I believe for the nerves to fully wake up.
    I understand from my surgeon the use of pump after 6 weeks, however disliked, is key to recovery. I am 2 week post surgery and plan to use it without complaining. I woke up on the 10 night after surgery with a painfully erect penis that subsided quickly. I have had couple of similar experience after that so am hoping this to go weel.

    Good luck with the recovery
  • mrshisname
    mrshisname Member Posts: 186
    mikey51 said:

    Way Cool!
    12 weeks in, I have joined the zero (PSA) club, and have regained 96% of my continence. I hope I am not being too greedy when I ask God to help me with the 3rd head of the radical prostatectomy beast. I am so happy for you and thank you for reminding us behind you in the progress that we still have hopes for that to come back as well.

    Congrats! I lift a cold one to your success!


    the hubby
    Mikey, my hubby is 9 weeks post DaVinci and is almost fully continent, but not much going on in the woody department. We know it will take time but he is frustrated. The ED drugs don't seem to do much. Guess we will continue the rehab and keep hangin in there! (no pun intended)
  • marteau
    marteau Member Posts: 27
    what "rehab" have you done--?
    anything besides the pump? how often did you (do you) use the pump?

  • YerBlues
    YerBlues Member Posts: 5
    marteau said:

    what "rehab" have you done--?
    anything besides the pump? how often did you (do you) use the pump?


    I got a pump about 2 months ago, 7 month post DaVinc. Urologist also prescribed levitra (straight after surgery) which gave me migraine for the first time in my life so it was stopped after about 2 months. Recently given a 4 dose trial of viagra, no migraine but no action either!

    I try to use the pump 2 - 3 times a week at least.
    So far not a peep from the woodsman, but we live in hope.

    I'd like to hear others experiences with the pump and whatever else.

    All the best.
  • Hoosierdaddy
    Hoosierdaddy Member Posts: 16
    Finally had an orgasm from sexual intercourse last night, with Viagra, exactly 7 months post-Davinci. (I am 55 and fully sexual pre-surgery) My surgeon was one of those "don't push it--will happen when it happpens;" and bottom-line he was right. The erection was not rock-hard, but enough to get it done. No erections without viagra, but for the past 5 months masturbation got me thick enough to have a good orgasm; enough to keep my hope up for an eventual full sexual recovery. No vacuum pump; my Dr. said get one if you like but he thinks they're worthless, and I followed his advice. BTW sex felt really good but not quite "the same" as before--the pre-surgery orgasmic squirt felt good and is now missing. Also spontaneity is a thing of the past. I miss simple everyday things like morning erections and rolling the wife on a Sunday morning, or an erection when I watch her prancing around in her panties before bedtime--nothing usable without Viagra. But with gradual positive progression, there is hope.
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241

    Finally had an orgasm from sexual intercourse last night, with Viagra, exactly 7 months post-Davinci. (I am 55 and fully sexual pre-surgery) My surgeon was one of those "don't push it--will happen when it happpens;" and bottom-line he was right. The erection was not rock-hard, but enough to get it done. No erections without viagra, but for the past 5 months masturbation got me thick enough to have a good orgasm; enough to keep my hope up for an eventual full sexual recovery. No vacuum pump; my Dr. said get one if you like but he thinks they're worthless, and I followed his advice. BTW sex felt really good but not quite "the same" as before--the pre-surgery orgasmic squirt felt good and is now missing. Also spontaneity is a thing of the past. I miss simple everyday things like morning erections and rolling the wife on a Sunday morning, or an erection when I watch her prancing around in her panties before bedtime--nothing usable without Viagra. But with gradual positive progression, there is hope.

    Congrats on your progress!

    That is a true blue assessment of what many of us have gone through or are going through. I think you captured it in a nutshell--no pun intended. I miss those morning erections even after 4 years, I miss that spontaniety most! For me Cialis has helped and yes through a lot of thought and focus I get a good erection with or without Cialis. But, nothing is normal as before my LRP in 2006. I do believe that my incontinence is a major interference in my Erections. Seems like it maybe better to standup during sex---sometimes on my back is better. I am thankful for the erections and continue to fight the challenges.

  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86
    lion1 said:

    Congrats on your progress!

    That is a true blue assessment of what many of us have gone through or are going through. I think you captured it in a nutshell--no pun intended. I miss those morning erections even after 4 years, I miss that spontaniety most! For me Cialis has helped and yes through a lot of thought and focus I get a good erection with or without Cialis. But, nothing is normal as before my LRP in 2006. I do believe that my incontinence is a major interference in my Erections. Seems like it maybe better to standup during sex---sometimes on my back is better. I am thankful for the erections and continue to fight the challenges.


    good results also with or without calais
    almost 8 months post surgery tried many tablets calais seemed the best for me still some side effects. But has helped the erectile function even 2 days later still getting good erections with help from my good wife its getting mentally excited as well it all helps good luck guys I didn,t think life could be so good again thanks Shane59
  • griff 1
    griff 1 Member Posts: 114
    YerBlues said:

    I got a pump about 2 months ago, 7 month post DaVinc. Urologist also prescribed levitra (straight after surgery) which gave me migraine for the first time in my life so it was stopped after about 2 months. Recently given a 4 dose trial of viagra, no migraine but no action either!

    I try to use the pump 2 - 3 times a week at least.
    So far not a peep from the woodsman, but we live in hope.

    I'd like to hear others experiences with the pump and whatever else.

    All the best.

    the pump
    does anybody know if your insurance will pay for the pump or is it up to us? cialis for me and nothing although its been only a month and 5 days since my surgery. thanks and goodluck griff
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    shane59 said:

    good results also with or without calais
    almost 8 months post surgery tried many tablets calais seemed the best for me still some side effects. But has helped the erectile function even 2 days later still getting good erections with help from my good wife its getting mentally excited as well it all helps good luck guys I didn,t think life could be so good again thanks Shane59

    Wish I Could Say The Same
    Wish I could say the same. I am almost 17 months past radical prostatectomy. My uro doesn't believe in therapy. I have been taking Cialis three weeks now and still no woody, just slightly larger and slightly firm. Thank goodness my wife is understanding. As she said, we have been married 36 years and had a good sex life 35 of those years so it won't bother her if we never have sexual relations again. As she said at least I am still alive. I do count my blessings that she is my wife and life companion! :-)

    I see from some of the postings on this network that there may still be hope in the next year or two.
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    JR1949 said:

    Wish I Could Say The Same
    Wish I could say the same. I am almost 17 months past radical prostatectomy. My uro doesn't believe in therapy. I have been taking Cialis three weeks now and still no woody, just slightly larger and slightly firm. Thank goodness my wife is understanding. As she said, we have been married 36 years and had a good sex life 35 of those years so it won't bother her if we never have sexual relations again. As she said at least I am still alive. I do count my blessings that she is my wife and life companion! :-)

    I see from some of the postings on this network that there may still be hope in the next year or two.

    Good Grief!
    JR, I am gobsmacked by your urologist who doesn't beleive in therapy. He's supposed to treat the whole patient, not just the disease. I know doctors are a personal choice and you must be happy with him for other attributes but there are plenty of urologists out there who are gifted at treating the disease AND the side effects of their handiwork. No therapy? Get someone who can help you. Your wife will appreciate it too. Life is too short not to not look forward to plenty of intimacy going forward. Why give up on that now?
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    Kongo said:

    Good Grief!
    JR, I am gobsmacked by your urologist who doesn't beleive in therapy. He's supposed to treat the whole patient, not just the disease. I know doctors are a personal choice and you must be happy with him for other attributes but there are plenty of urologists out there who are gifted at treating the disease AND the side effects of their handiwork. No therapy? Get someone who can help you. Your wife will appreciate it too. Life is too short not to not look forward to plenty of intimacy going forward. Why give up on that now?

    Good Grief
    Good advice, thank you. I had considered seeking another opinion regarding the incontinence but that problem is getting better now. I was trying the Cialis to see if it would help knowing that I have to wait until incontinence is cured. Not good when you dribble on the bed trying to be intimate...just ruins the mood.

    This PC monster has really caused some life altering changes as my uro said it would.
    Once I get rid of the incontinence I think I shall seek a second opinion with another uro.
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    JR1949 said:

    Good Grief
    Good advice, thank you. I had considered seeking another opinion regarding the incontinence but that problem is getting better now. I was trying the Cialis to see if it would help knowing that I have to wait until incontinence is cured. Not good when you dribble on the bed trying to be intimate...just ruins the mood.

    This PC monster has really caused some life altering changes as my uro said it would.
    Once I get rid of the incontinence I think I shall seek a second opinion with another uro.

    Great Plan
    Great plan, JR. We're way, way too young to give up on all the good stuff in life now. Hope the incontinence continues to improve. I can only imagine (from reading Trew's hotflash Pad Diaries) what a major quality of life issue that is for so many of us fighting PCa.

    Best to you.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    Kongo said:

    Good Grief!
    JR, I am gobsmacked by your urologist who doesn't beleive in therapy. He's supposed to treat the whole patient, not just the disease. I know doctors are a personal choice and you must be happy with him for other attributes but there are plenty of urologists out there who are gifted at treating the disease AND the side effects of their handiwork. No therapy? Get someone who can help you. Your wife will appreciate it too. Life is too short not to not look forward to plenty of intimacy going forward. Why give up on that now?

    Uros and their Opinions
    I'm on my 2nd uro. Both hold different opinions about ED and its treatment, as far as I can tell, though I never saw the 1st uro again after surgery. My 2nd uro discussed some of the options used out there and why or why not he liked them or used them. So expect differring opinions out there on the treatment of ED.
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86
    JR1949 said:

    Good Grief
    Good advice, thank you. I had considered seeking another opinion regarding the incontinence but that problem is getting better now. I was trying the Cialis to see if it would help knowing that I have to wait until incontinence is cured. Not good when you dribble on the bed trying to be intimate...just ruins the mood.

    This PC monster has really caused some life altering changes as my uro said it would.
    Once I get rid of the incontinence I think I shall seek a second opinion with another uro.

    Try the shower
    If the dribbles are all that upsets the mood try the shower its not to bad and could inspire the mood ,anyway think possitive your also going to save on water ,best of luck we should just be gratefull we are doing as well as we are . take care Shane
  • GatorDad
    GatorDad Member Posts: 6
    JR1949 said:

    Wish I Could Say The Same
    Wish I could say the same. I am almost 17 months past radical prostatectomy. My uro doesn't believe in therapy. I have been taking Cialis three weeks now and still no woody, just slightly larger and slightly firm. Thank goodness my wife is understanding. As she said, we have been married 36 years and had a good sex life 35 of those years so it won't bother her if we never have sexual relations again. As she said at least I am still alive. I do count my blessings that she is my wife and life companion! :-)

    I see from some of the postings on this network that there may still be hope in the next year or two.

    Good Grief #2

    Get a new Uro. There are some real quacks out there, and it sounds like you got one... Therapy is a *must*.

    cheers & beers,
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    griff 1 said:

    the pump
    does anybody know if your insurance will pay for the pump or is it up to us? cialis for me and nothing although its been only a month and 5 days since my surgery. thanks and goodluck griff

    I have a claim in now - it is not as easy as one might hope.
    Got the Rx and an explanation letter from the doc explaining that it was not recreational.
    Found the product information.
    Tried to find an in-network supplier, but could not, so they wanted to cover it as out of network (i.e. yet another big deductible). Got an appeal on that through, since the local in-network "medical appliance" folks should have carried it under the insurance company policies.
    Still waiting on a final resolution (i.e have not seen the check yet, but there is still hope).
    It has been a three month process.

    Just get the right code numbers - the insurance had a list that are covered, but the numbers were not equivalent to what was in the various manufacturer publicity, so had to make a lot of calls.

    On the other hand, they only pay for 8 cialis tabs a month, regardless of strength, so I have to get the 20mg and cut them up. Tried appealing that, but failed miserably.


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