Ovarian Cyst after Breast Cancer

aongaro Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I had breast cancer in July 2007. I had at that time a Mastectomy with reconstruction. I was on top of the world because I did not have Chemo or radiation. I do take tamoxifen daily. Now I am facing an Ovarian Cyst that my Gyn is convinced could very well be cancer. He sent me to a GYN Oncologist who wants to do a surgical biopsy. All was set for this Monday 6/28/10 but my GP will not give me clearance because of an irregular heartbeat. I had to have a breast biopsy of the right breast on Thursday 6/24/10 because something came up on my Mammogram. So of course the surgical biopsy for the Ovarian cyst is cancelled and I have to wait a week to have a EchoCardiogram before this GP will release me. I am a "basket Case" becasue I have been reading how it is soooo important to diagnose Ovarian Cancer early. I am experiencing bloating and cramping in my abdomine but no bleeding. Can someone please give me some words to ease my stress of waiting and feeling like a ticking time bomb?
Thanks, Anne


  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    Breast Cancer/Ovarian Cancer
    Hello Anne,
    I am a 3 time, stage 1, breast cancer survivor and a stage 2 ovarian cancer survivor. I know it is hard to be calm. Everything will work out in the end. Do you have any fluid in your abdomen? spelling? OB/GYN oncologist's usually don't do biopsy's if they think you have ovarian cancer. They will do a total debulking surgery. If it is not cancer then I guess he will just do a biopsy. These 2 cancer's go hand in hand sometimes. I had breast cancer 20 years ago, then it came back in the same breast 3 years ago and then it jumped to the other breast 2 years ago and then I ended up with ovarian cancer. It is important to catch it as soon as possible. I am happy to say that I am 13 monthes out from my ovarian cancer and I am NED. I do get an MRI on what is left of my breasts every 6 monthes. The breast specialist is recommending a double mastectomy as a precaution at this point and I agree, but this summer is for me. I will have no surgeries or treatment, nor do I need it. Ask your doctor for a CA-125 blood test as soon as possible and please, please push all you can to get that ovarian cyst checked out as soon as possible. I guess I am telling you all of this just to let you know that I am still around and have had both cancer's. I hope this helps your stress level. Thank-You, Paula
  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    Also, we were all basket cases when we found out we had ovarian cancer. That is a normal reaction. I almost fainted. It might not be anything, but a cyst. Try not to worry. Paula