New diagnosis, pathology, and surgery

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well I finally got some sense made of my pathology report. It looks like I'm 'almost' triple negative, with progesterone receptor being a weak positive at 1-5%. 1.5 cm mass, grade 3. I'll be having a mastectomy, with expanders put in immediately, followed by chemotherapy-4 rounds of cytoxan/adriamycin, and then 2 rounds of taxotare after that. I don't know about any lymph node involvement as of yet, but my Dr. will perform a sentinal node biopsy at the time of my surgery. I'm amazed with myself & all my new medical lingo that I've picked up in the short 1 week since I've been diagnosed. Everything has happened so fast, I'm going back to my surgeon this Friday to schedule my surgery. I'm so blessed with a "beyond wonderful" and supportive husband, and a close circle of very helpful friends and family. I also feel blessed to have found this site (i think i've said that about 10 times by now) and all your support, empathy, experience, information, well wishes, blessings, and all other assorted "good mojo". I know I don't have much to offer any newly diagnosed women who may come here as of yet, but I would advise anyone who is unsure about her type of surgery (lumpectomy vs mastectomy) - meet with your oncologist AND plastic surgeon (if you desire reconstruction)- i gained a much better perspective on what's going on in my "traitor boob" as i call it, and talking with the doctors really made my decision much easier to come to.
Hope everyone is having a good night -I'm in northern Indiana and we had a nasty line of storms roll through tonight.


  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Sounds like you have an amazing attitude!
    and that's 99% of the battle! If you can keep it, you'll handle everything they throw at you with a lot more positivity. Heather, I think we have the same diagnosis; 5% estrogen positive, and the other 2 were negative. My onc was so happy for the 5% that she hugged me!
    She said it makes all the difference in the world in the fact that we can take meds AFTER chemo and radiation! God bless, I'll be praying for you.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Almost Triple Negative
    My wife is in that almost triple negative category too; they are saying "weakly" positive. She had the lumpectomy,1.1cm, stage 1 grade 3. She had her first chemo treatment today (AC)and so far so good. We have been told that the ER/PR levels can change from one part of the tumor to another.

    And as me and my wife are finding out daily, there is no one right or wrong answer to any of these treatment options, there is just what is right for you.

    You do have a lot to offer on here too; your posts are positive and uplifting. The learning curve is really fast for breast cancer; no choice.

    Delegate some of the phone calls to your husband. It will help relieve some of your stress.

  • bjmom1
    bjmom1 Member Posts: 152
    Good luck
    Good luck, I hope everything goes well. I like your smile and that positive attitude. That what keep us going is having a good attitude and having wonderful support group.

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Hi Heather
    IT is amazing how fast everything happens in the beginning...but as long as you have support and a good attitude it makes it sooo much easier to cope with.
    Im glad you got over this hurdle, now you can concentrate on the treatments to come.
    Keep us posted on your progress.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Sounds like you got

    Sounds like you got it going on. Keep us informed.
    big hugs 2 u and your support team.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    jo jo said:

    Hi Heather
    IT is amazing how fast everything happens in the beginning...but as long as you have support and a good attitude it makes it sooo much easier to cope with.
    Im glad you got over this hurdle, now you can concentrate on the treatments to come.
    Keep us posted on your progress.

    getting over the hurdle
    Thanks - I was leaning towards mastectomy from the beginning (makes it sound ages ago instead of a week!), and considering a double, and once I met with the doctors, got all the info, and realized that for me, that was the option that would be best, it was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, literally. Just the reassuring feeling that I was doing what's right for me, and the stress from making a decision being gone, it was like my body just released the tension I had been holding. I love your pic, btw, jojo - such a big, pretty & genuine smile :) Thanks for your encouragement.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    What a great attitude and you have learned and accomplished so much in a week (just getting all those doctor appointments handled is pretty amazing! I have a younger friend who was also triple neg and she went the same route you did and with the same chemo. She did very, very well with it and is having her exchange surgery today. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery - as they always say here, we will all be in the room with you watching over you!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    What a great attitude and you have learned and accomplished so much in a week (just getting all those doctor appointments handled is pretty amazing! I have a younger friend who was also triple neg and she went the same route you did and with the same chemo. She did very, very well with it and is having her exchange surgery today. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery - as they always say here, we will all be in the room with you watching over you!


    Welcome - Heatherbelle: :D
    I am so glad you found our site, and joined one of the most powerful sisterhoods -- PINK WARRIORS.

    I am sorry that you are triple negative - I am not, so I can not comment here. However, someone will pipe in and give information.

    Attitude is half the struggle of keeping sane during this battle. You sound informed with a "Tude" .. LOVE it!

    Good luck, post often .. and again, Welcome!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Welcome, Healther
    You are so right--it's amazing how quickly you start slinging around those medical terms. I try to be extra-patient with people whose lives have not been personally touched by this monster. Before this, I had NO idea how complicated a disease breast cancer is, how many important decisions get made, how many treatment options there are and how nerve-wracking it can be in trying to make the "right" decision. All in all, for me, I'm taking all the knowledge I can get from the experts, talking things out with my wonderful husband, and making decisions while trying not to second-guess myself or compare my treatments with others because everyone is truly different. I am 6 months post-lumpectomy, axillary node disection and chemotherapy. I have just started radiation therapy. I am Stage III, IDC, with 10 out of 23 positive lymph nodes. I am a much stronger chick than I ever thought possible and I will continue to be positive, strong and find the happiness in each and every day.

    I wish you the absolute best on your journey!

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Welcome - Heatherbelle: :D
    I am so glad you found our site, and joined one of the most powerful sisterhoods -- PINK WARRIORS.

    I am sorry that you are triple negative - I am not, so I can not comment here. However, someone will pipe in and give information.

    Attitude is half the struggle of keeping sane during this battle. You sound informed with a "Tude" .. LOVE it!

    Good luck, post often .. and again, Welcome!


    ooh VickiSam you are on
    ooh VickiSam you are on point about my "Tude" have no idea lol...if attitude is half of it then I've got it covered. I keep telling people that I'm surprising myself with the strength that I'm finding within throughout this. You guys are so awesome on here!