silicone or saline?

ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
does anyone have any thoughts or experiences they would like to share on choosing between silicone and saline implants? I've had a double mast with expanders and am going in for final reconstruction next month. I know the up side to silicone is a softer feel but they have to be checked periodically by MRI for leaks. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Will be lighting my candle tonight as well. Thanks and God Bless.


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Dear Ruthielaine,
    I bumped

    Dear Ruthielaine,

    I bumped up a thread of the same title last week. There were several posts on it. I'll bump it up again so you can check it out.

    I'm still interested in knowing if anyone has the silicone implants and their insurance did NOT cover the required MRI's.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    My plastic surgeon seemed agreeable to both options but did say the majority of his mastectomy women go with the silicones which is the option I chose. He hasn't mentioned the need for MRIs so this may be another area where the docs differ some but I will sure ask when I see him again. I had silicone implants for 30+ years prior to my diagnosis so plan to stick with them.
  • cathdavis
    cathdavis Member Posts: 42
    silicone implant
    I had BC diagnosed in 2002 and a mastectomy on my right breast. 3 yrs later I had reconstruction done and have a silicone implant. I am in a study and have gone back for 1, 3 and 5 yr check ups. So far, so good! I love it and nothing was mentioned about MRI's. As a matter of fact my plastic surgeon indicated to me that I should be good to go with no problems. I am 63. Good luck! Cathy in FL :-)
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Been there...

    OMG the first thing I put out there was soooo long!

    Sorry everyone!

    Anyway, the first entry in my blog is about this very subject.

    Check out my blog under SamuraiMom in the Expressions Gallery and see if it helps.

    I made some definitive decisions re. saline v. silicone and stayed with the silicone.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Been there...

    OMG the first thing I put out there was soooo long!

    Sorry everyone!

    Anyway, the first entry in my blog is about this very subject.

    Check out my blog under SamuraiMom in the Expressions Gallery and see if it helps.

    I made some definitive decisions re. saline v. silicone and stayed with the silicone.


    I live out in California .. and my Plastic Surgeron has stated
    the "new" trend is Saline .. based on the fact if there is a LEAK ... with saline you go thru the side of your breast, and refil or repair, as opposed to surgery which has been the case with silicone implants. When silicone implants require repair for leakage ... your breast or breast are cut - again in order to "remove" the damaged implant.

    Just a thought ... I prefer not to be opened up again ... a double mact'my in january along with expanders ... fill up's .. then a staph infection in late April 5 days before my exchange .. left me with 1 expanded breast for 7 weeks .. 3 weeks ago to the date .. right expander put in ... now I am again .. going in for fill ups .. where I will have to wait a while b4 doing my exchange . This is why I say .. I prefer not to be opened up again .. 3 cuts on my right breast .. pretty ugly ... and I don't even have my implants in ..

    Please research and do what is right for you and your lifestyle.
