Possible Underactive Thyroid Update

Jan Trinks
Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi all again:

Just wanted to update what's been going on since I posted last. Hubby worked 1-10 on Wed and then had to turn around and work 8-4 on Thurs. Obviously very tired but he made it. Went in at 9 this morning was supposed to work 9-4:30 but came home about 10:20 as he had a headache and got dizzy after pushing 400-600 lb palattes at work. We called the oncologist's office but he's on vacation till next Thurs. when Charlie is scheduled to see him anyway but his nurse (who's very good) called and when Charlie told her what was going on, (he was feeling much better by this time) she said she didn't think it was anything too serious but to try and get in to see our GP and if he couldn't see him today to try for Monday. Well, of course, the GP's on vacation till the 23rd but his associate will be in Monday; so he's going in Monday morning to see him and get blood work done (which probably won't be back by the time he goes and sees the oncologist next Thursday!). He felt pretty good the rest of the day and then late afternoon felt a little funky but it passed. From what I've read and ratface said; this really sounds like underactive thyroid. I saw on previous posts that several of you who had radition to the neck area are now on thyroid medication. As you know, I consider myself the basketcase wife. This has been going on now off and on for about three weeks; so he's definitely getting it checked out. Just wanted to tell y'all his symptoms again and see if y'all that are now on thyroid meds if you experienced these: He's been more tired lately than he had been; often has trouble going to sleep; has headaches off and on; is eating great; also has had bouts with constipation; and had cataract surgery on May 3 and 17 and of course the dizziness. He said they told him at work he looked white as a sheet, but by the time he got home he didn't. Please say a prayer for us; I know this is probably a result of 35 radiation treatments and the ENT scope was fine last week and one study I read about on the internet said that by eight years post radiation treatment to the neck area two-thirds of the patients had developed hypothyroidism. Will report back when we know something. He's supposed to work 2-10 tomorrow; pray that he does well; fortunately he's off Sunday and will see the doctor before he goes into work on Monday. And I do feel like the nurse he talked to at the onc. office would have told him to go to the Emergency Room if she felt it necessary. I just hate waiting and also the fact that from what I've read this is very common for people who had radiation to the neck area; just tell us this might be something that crops up. Thanks so much. Y'all are great.

Jan and Charlie Trinks