Help me, guys...I'm sad....



  • classicman
    classicman Member Posts: 34
    My heart felt thoughts and
    My heart felt thoughts and prayers are with you at this moment, During my battle with cancer everyone kept reminding me that tomorrrow will be better, and to stay focused and stay positive, and remember that the good lord wont give us more than we can handle, well i will admit there were days i began to wonder, and negative though washed over me, But i made it, and Im glad I did, so feel free to send me a note, and some times you just need an opinion of a perfect stranger.. Stay safe and stay strong...
  • pf78248
    pf78248 Member Posts: 209
    Prayers for both of you

    I am so sorry about your dear friends cancer recurrence. I hope she goes to the best cancer center she can get to so those liver mets can be resected. And it's awful about your back. Do take care of yourself and get all the help you need.

    We will be thinking of you and your friend and bombarding heaven with prayers.

    Hugs and Healing,