National Cancer Survivor Day

cancer survivor x 4
cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello Everyone,
today I went to National Cancer Survivor Day at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. There were many inspiring stories from ovarian cancer survivor's. All stages. There were tons of survivor's. There were stage 2,3, and 4's. They have been okay for years. I was so inspired and moved. Mercy Hospital is a Catholic Hospital and they have a strong belief that god and medical science can heal you. They have a daily prayer when you are in the hospital and the catholic sisters visit you everyday. I am not a catholic, but it works for me. I was blessed by the highest sisiter today. My heart is so filled with joy. I will be NED for 1 year, in 6 days.
To LeesaG, I know you are doing fine, but I put you and everyone else on their prayer list. Then, they fed us. What a feast. I had the most wonderful day. Hope everyone is doing well. Thank-You, Paula