New to the board

donna321 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am going for my mast. on Friday. The doctor thinks it's stage 2. Very nervous and scared it's in the lymph nodes. I have to go for chemo and radiation, then I will have a mast. on the right breast with reconstructive surgery. Any advice.. I am petrified about losing my hair..Is that Stupid or What?


  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    Welcom Fellow Sis
    Hi Donna, Sorry to meet you this way, I'm sure you a very scared and nervous, I had a lumptectomy, and fortunatly they did'nt find any in my lymph nodes, went for chemo and radiation, and I'm about 9 months out and my hair is growing back, it's about 2 inches, it's at a point that I can't really style it much.
    And your not stupid to be worried about losing your hair I'm sure all of us were!
    There are alot of nice people hear with good advise and moral support.
    I oppted for scarfs and cute hats, I did try a wig but I just could'nt get comfortable with it.
    And there are alot of really nice looking wigs that are available, my hospital, in the Cancer center gave me mine and it actually was very nice.
    Well Seetheart hang in there and my prayers are with you, Good Luck Friday, Let us know what happens....God Bless Karie
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Hi Donna and welcome to a
    Hi Donna and welcome to a great support group. Being scared is normal for having a bc diagnosis. So, just know that we all "get it". Good luck to you!
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Welcome to the board, Donna.

    Petrified about losing your hair...not at all stupid. I daresay that everyone here was/is also petrified about losing hair. It is a natural and normal way to feel about it.

    I had mastectomy and lymph nodes removed on right side. Also chemo and rads. Then a year of Herceptin infusions. I did not have reconstruction. Who knows..maybe someday.
    But my hair did come back and barring complications, yours should too!

    My best advice is to take each procedure, one at a time. I found that if I broke the chemo sessions and the rads down to day by day, rather than think of them as 2 months at a time, or 6 weeks at a time, to get through, it was easier for me. Make sure that you reward yourself frequently. After each chemo or rad, I would treat myself to a little shopping trip...even if it was only a new book to read or something yummy to eat.

    Try and come here often and don't be afraid to vent or unload. We have all done it and it is good for the soul.


  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    Welcome, Donna
    Best of luck with your surgery and treatment. We've all been there and totally understand your nervousness and anxiety. It's not stupid to be scared about losing your is a very frightening thing. I am almost 6 months out of treatment and I have a pretty full head of hair now!

    BTW I was stage 2b, 1 lymph node involved, lumpectomy, 4 rounds of Cytoxan/Taxotere and 33 radition treaments.

    Let us know how you are doing and ask any questions (there are no dumb questions)you may have!

    Best to you!

  • kickie
    kickie Member Posts: 85
    You will have great support her my friend
    i am nine months out of treatment, have the ellen look for hair, i saved my head when i knew i would lose it, i had the control over my cancer and went thru , chemo, radation and had all the fears you are having. I found this website by accident and who know's donna may God has a hand in finding this wonderful support group.We will all be here for you and will with our vast knowledge of what each one has experienced we will help you. Hugs my to you!!
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Nothing Silly About Being Scared
    Donna - I think all of us get scared at one time or another - there's nothing stupid about it at all. We're scared about knowing we have cancer, not knowing the details, treatment not starting as quickly as we like or not knowing what it's going to be like when we get there. And losing our hair - absolutely! As mys husband said when we were talkibg about this imminent event, if a guy has no hair, no one is sure whether it is a personal choice or not. If a woman does, the odds are pretty good it's not a fashion statement. Personally, this was hard for me because it marked the point at which my condition was "out there" for everyone to see. That being said, I found it more difficult to think about and anticipate tha it was to actually shave my hair off when it was time. Although it is not something I ever wanted to do, it was OK and one more thing checked off in the "done" column in facing this disease. y best wishes for an easy recovery from your surgery!

  • donna321
    donna321 Member Posts: 3

    Nothing Silly About Being Scared
    Donna - I think all of us get scared at one time or another - there's nothing stupid about it at all. We're scared about knowing we have cancer, not knowing the details, treatment not starting as quickly as we like or not knowing what it's going to be like when we get there. And losing our hair - absolutely! As mys husband said when we were talkibg about this imminent event, if a guy has no hair, no one is sure whether it is a personal choice or not. If a woman does, the odds are pretty good it's not a fashion statement. Personally, this was hard for me because it marked the point at which my condition was "out there" for everyone to see. That being said, I found it more difficult to think about and anticipate tha it was to actually shave my hair off when it was time. Although it is not something I ever wanted to do, it was OK and one more thing checked off in the "done" column in facing this disease. y best wishes for an easy recovery from your surgery!


    Thanks for all the support
    I really appreciate all your support. I'm certainly going to need this. I will let everyone know how I did on Friday. Really nervous about the lymph nodes. But God is Good! Thanks again. Donna
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Donna
    Good luck with your treatment. Since last Sept. I've been through chemo, lumpectomy and radiation. Losing my hair was very traumatic, I wore wigs. Now I'm done with treatment and hair is coming back, I wear a ball cap now. Its a rough road, you won't think it will ever end, but it does. Thoughts are with you.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    donna321 said:

    Thanks for all the support
    I really appreciate all your support. I'm certainly going to need this. I will let everyone know how I did on Friday. Really nervous about the lymph nodes. But God is Good! Thanks again. Donna

    Hi Donna. That is why we
    Hi Donna. That is why we are here, to help and support each other. Let us know about Friday. Good luck!
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    Hi Donna
    As said, you've come to a good place!
    I had 6 months of chemo, and mastectomy in April, and am now on radiation.
    Many issues, but I am looking ahead.
    Inflammatory bc, rare/aggressive.
    Re:hair loss, I did cut mine shorter, (3-4")chose not to shave it. I was bothered when it began to come out in the shower, lots and lots. I got a good wig, and wore hats (cold New England winter)
    I stopped chemo in March, my hair is now about 1", from light nrown to gray! salt and pepper w/very little pepper, but at least it is growing.
    Do everyting the Drs say. HYDRATE, take pre and post nausea and anti diarrhea. I also took over the counter on both, and had no issues in 6 treatemnts, noneof those issues at least.
    Try to stay active, excercising, even walking.
    My strength went south,very tired and no energy, I still worked 40+ hrs, and stopped the day before the mast. and am still out.
    Try to prevent lymphodema, I did not do well, and am paying for it now.
    You may want to check Treat Her lIke A Princess by Denise Hazen, good book for all the people in your life.
    Best of luck, prayers, and positive vibes
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    We've all been where you are. My bilat mast was in October 2009. Chemo Dec-Feb. I'm done now - and I assure you that if you have to go through the chemo, your hair will come back! Mine's really coming in thick now and it's tons of fun to see the new growth. It's a journey that you will find surprising as you realize how strong you really are. You'll beat this and come out on the other end with a new attitude! It's amazing. My cancer was stage 2 as well and it was not in the lymph nodes though I worried tons before my surgery. My prayers will be with you, Donna. Let us know how things go after your surgery.