Suggestions are welcomed...

arwoody02 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well in health. I have a question and hoping someone will be able to assist. I was working full time with a contracting company. The position was eliminated so I am now without insurance or a job. I was told that I would need to have surgery but now I cannot have that. I am stressed and worried about finding a new job knowing that I have to have surgery. But then if I find a job then having health insurance it not being covered because it is a pre-existing condition and it not being covered. In canceling my doc appt because I can’t afford the co-pay, the nurse gave me a number to a social worker that works with cancer patients but I have yet to hear back although I called last week. I am still waiting to hear back as I have no idea what to do from this point. I am on my last refill of my prescription and STRESSED as what to do next.

Any suggestions on what I should do are greatly appreciated.



  • upsofloating
    upsofloating Member Posts: 466 Member
    Are you able to continue
    Are you able to continue coverage thru COBRA? Actually, in general if you are able to have continuous insurance coverage, the pre-existing conditions limitation is a non-issue. It is usually based on beginning new insurance coverage from an uninsured status. Unfortunately I cannot speak to other options. Perhaps a social service person at clinic or hospital might know options?
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your job and health insurance. Does your company qualify for COBRA to employees? If they have 20+ employees they must offer, but is expensive. If you contact the HR dept they should be able to answer your questions. This way you'll have the same coverage, but pay more. In the end you'll have your surgery under insurance coverage.

    Another option, call some local hospitals and ask what they do for financial aid with people who lost insurance. In St louis a local hospital run by the catholic church offers free or discounts bills when you use their facility. It won't cover the docs in surgery, but the drugs and overhead from hospital is included. Worth asking as had a cancer buddie whose hubbie lost job last year and they couldn't afford her high medical bills. They called the hospital and they'll cover 100% on hospital side.

    Did you ask the pharmacy which covers your drugs? You'll be surprised the difference in RX costs from one place to another -- such as Walmart, Sam's, Walgreens or CVS. Might be a way to get the same drug for less money.

    Best to you and hang in there you'll figure something out!!
  • Michaelynn
    Michaelynn Member Posts: 85 Member
    I had no Insurance
    I too had no insurance when I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer. The patient advocate at the hospital told me to go to the welfare office and apply for Medicaid. I did just that and got approved about a month later. All the doctor bills that I had already paid in the past 3 months were covered by Medicaid and I was reimbursed for them. They also did the surgery and radiation treatments without batting an eye when i told them I had no insurance. So don't let that stop you from having the operation that you need. If you get turned down for Medicaid then there are also programs at your local hospital where they will write the whole surgery charges off and you will not owe anything.
  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454

    I had no Insurance
    I too had no insurance when I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer. The patient advocate at the hospital told me to go to the welfare office and apply for Medicaid. I did just that and got approved about a month later. All the doctor bills that I had already paid in the past 3 months were covered by Medicaid and I was reimbursed for them. They also did the surgery and radiation treatments without batting an eye when i told them I had no insurance. So don't let that stop you from having the operation that you need. If you get turned down for Medicaid then there are also programs at your local hospital where they will write the whole surgery charges off and you will not owe anything.

    No insurance

    I would contact the American Cancer Society regarding this matter. They have resources to direct all issues related to cancer. Perhaps they can steer you in the right direction.
    I am so sorry to hear you are in this position.

    I would call your local American Cancer Society office and start there.

    Keep us posted.

    Peace and healing to you!
  • Kat Lady
    Kat Lady Member Posts: 13
    If you were laid off (permanently) before April 1, 2010, you may be able to get on Cobra through your company with reduced premiums through the Obama recovery plan.

    Otherwise, many states have reduced cost insurance available.

    The new Obama health care plan also has some options that will be available soon. Are you old enough to retire? If so, there is a new plan for people who are old enough for Social Security but not 65 yet; that is to start in June.

    Other suggestions for Medicaid or programs through the hospitals are good too. There is a "Hill-Burton" plan that many hospitals have; they got low-interest loans to expand, then are to serve a certain number of people without the resources to pay in return. There are also programs other than Medicare that provide needed hospital care, usually through a large teaching hospital in their state. Check all options!

    Most importantly, do not deny yourself the surgery you need just because you lack the resources to pay for it! Your health is way more important than that! Work out a payment plan with them, charge it, do whatever you need to do to get your care.

    Good luck,