Question about Cancer Centers of America

claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
First let me say, I'm still NED. 3 years now. I am asking this question for another member of my family. She has a tumor in her liver (GIST).

I'm trying to get some kind of "feeling" about Cancer Centers of American". To be honest with you, there are things (that I've heard) I don't care for (specially since they are for profit). can hear "things" about all facilities, I understand that.

Anyone, here, been to CSA and willing to share your experience?

If you would prefer to PM me, please do.

Thanks, in advance, for your comments.



  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    I can only say
    That my sister had a consultation with their center in Boston. She said she wished she had treatment there. It was too late by the time she had a consult with them.
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    I contacted them
    and was unsatisfied with their reply. They advertise to get you to ask questions, but then won't answer anything until they get you in as a patient.

    I've heard mixed things, but they left me with a bad feeling.

    GIST, while fairly rare, is being treated in the mainstream. There are also rare cancer boards and other GIST support groups where she could get information.

    (My best friend was treated for GIST 5 years ago - is doing fine. She accused me of trying to find a rarer cancer than hers when I was dx'd with appendix ca.)
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Tough Decision
    Hi Claudia

    There commercials upset me greatly. I tend to think they mislead folks who are newly diagnosed and scared. They show the person in tears saying how CCTA saved them etc.etc.

    One in particular makes me angry. One example is this commercial:
    The guy on TV had pancreatic cancer and thanks to CCTA, he was cured. Statistics show only 1% of pancreatic cancer patients actually survive. I thought back to Patrick Swayze, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer and my thinking was this guy vs Patrick - maybe? I just think they try to over-glorify the cancer situation.

    I did actually call them once and talked to a rep there. I explained that where I was living, I need to work and stay close, but wanted to know if I could do my scans and treatments up here, but still come down there for some of their offerings - using a team approach between my onc and theirs.

    Their reply was since we pay for your lodging and transportation, they want you all inclusive to CCTA - they will not work with your outside doctors. I did not like this approach and since I had to stay working during treatment, I declined.

    I also knew a fellow, whose dad went to one of their centers and he did like it. They do offer nutrition, acupuncture, and spiritual guidance in addition to the other standard cancer treatments.

    It's a tough decision and I can't say definitely what is right. I think if you call them and talk with them, your "gut" will help you answer this question.

    Wish I could tell you something more definitive. In reality, all cancer centers and hospitals are for profit - that's how they keep the doors open. Nothing is for free - if it were, I would not keep getting those EOB's, followed by the bill, LOL:)

    Best of luck in going forward
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    I have to agree with Craig
    I have to agree with Craig on this one. Our Onc didn't say much about them only that she did have one patient that came in to see her that didn't get very good treatment. They had messed her up pretty bad with radiation.
    There are most likely good Onc there. I just don't care for the commercials.Paula
  • spear
    spear Member Posts: 2
    My mother was diagnosed in aug 2005 with gist. She had surgery and was given gleevec. She remained stable until nov 2009 when a routine scan showed growth. She has a very large tumor in her abdomen and "mets" to her liver and elsewheere. She was given sutent and nexavar with no success and more growth. She has just started taken 800mg of Gleevec. We are hoping for shrinkage of these tumors. I would love any feedback from anyone that has gist or family members that have it. She also goes to Cancer Centers and she seems to love it there.
  • Brenda3.16
    Brenda3.16 Member Posts: 209
    spear said:

    My mother was diagnosed in aug 2005 with gist. She had surgery and was given gleevec. She remained stable until nov 2009 when a routine scan showed growth. She has a very large tumor in her abdomen and "mets" to her liver and elsewheere. She was given sutent and nexavar with no success and more growth. She has just started taken 800mg of Gleevec. We are hoping for shrinkage of these tumors. I would love any feedback from anyone that has gist or family members that have it. She also goes to Cancer Centers and she seems to love it there.

    I read the book "A Reson for
    I read the book "A Reson for Hope" by Michael S. Barry. He is the chaplain for the Cancer Treatment Centeres of America. I loved the book. I really like the sound of the whole person approach that the center uses. I didn't like the idea of having to do all treatments there because the closests one is 3 hours away.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Mark went there
    Claudia, i don't know if you remember hearing that Mark (Limey) had gone to one of those centers. I remember reading some of his posts where he said he was doing great there, but as we now know, he did not survive.

    My impression of the place, like everyone else's it seems, is that they're definitely for profit, and i suspect it's very expensive to go there. The fact that they're only operating out of a few select states tells me they may be doing some radical alternative treatments, which i would be in favor of. Isn't it strange how hardly anyone knows anything about them passed their commercials? I would write or call them and ask for absolute survival numbers of their patients. Don't let them give you relative numbers. There's a HUGE difference.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    Mark went there
    Claudia, i don't know if you remember hearing that Mark (Limey) had gone to one of those centers. I remember reading some of his posts where he said he was doing great there, but as we now know, he did not survive.

    My impression of the place, like everyone else's it seems, is that they're definitely for profit, and i suspect it's very expensive to go there. The fact that they're only operating out of a few select states tells me they may be doing some radical alternative treatments, which i would be in favor of. Isn't it strange how hardly anyone knows anything about them passed their commercials? I would write or call them and ask for absolute survival numbers of their patients. Don't let them give you relative numbers. There's a HUGE difference.


    Yes Krista, Mark did go there
    But it was at the end and he was in quite a bit of pain from an obstruction at the time. He knew his insurance company would pay for a surgery somewhere so he checked out 3 places to see which one could relieve the obstruction and give him the highest quality of life for the longest period of time. He was extremely pleased with the results he got and thought that his chances would have been better had he gone there from the start. He spent a month there and loved the treatment he and his family recieved while there (they were from out of town).

    I don't think CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of American) charges any more for their services then anyone else (insurance companies won't let them) and they aren't any different from private hospitals (like Duke, Wake Forest, and many other really good medical centers). Some insurance companies don't pay for the private hospitals either. Mine does but only at 80% versus 90%/100% for public hospitals. US Oncology is another for profit cancer center located in many more cites, is much larger, and greedier. My opinion is based on a few friend's personal treatment experiences with them.

    Now for the commercials, Geez they are commercials people. I don't like most of them on TV these days, who does. Are they preying on people? Sure but don't all the pink breast cancer fundraising commmercials too, along with pharmeceutical drug commercials and don't get me started on the hateful, lying political commercials we have to endure every election. Most commercials don't tell the truth or state facts, they don't have to, all they to do is pay the bill and follow the censor rules.

    I'm not sure if he is still there, but Patrick Quillan who wrote "Beating Cancer with Nutrition" was their nutritional director back when I was in the fight. They also are one of the few places in the US where you can recieve western and eastern medical options.

    Claudia, I can give you some specifics from Mark if you're interested. He asked me to make sure everyone here knew what a great place it was, so even though I don't post much anymore I try to on ones about CTCA. I know he would if he was here.

    Lisa P.
  • okthen
    okthen Member Posts: 232
    I called CTCA the night my
    I called CTCA the night my husband was diagnosed. The rep was very calming and answered a ton of questions. He ecplained they use "Mother Standards"..every patient is treated like their own mother. He said thank the lord that we still had our cobra insurance and since it would end in Oct. how lucky we were that we found out when we did, they still had time to help my husband and they were the best place for it. Then the following week they called to tell us they wouldn't take my husband, he had to have 8 months of cobra left and we only had 4 m and 20 days. I was disgusted. I guess 4 months of treatment wouldn't give them enough profit like 8 would. I would have understood if we only had weeks left...but not months. I realize they have to make money, but didn't like that they wouldn't even bring him in for a consult...his surgeon we have now acts like we should have him done with treatment by Sept at the latest.
    I guess the short answer is no, have never been there, and never will.
  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    One of my friends with Stage IV colon cancer went to CTCA in Chicago a couple of weeks ago for a second opinion on lung mets. She was favorably impressed with the treatment she received, including the transportation and lodging. She has a very deep faith in God and was interested to learn about their emphasis on the mind-body connection. They wanted her there for a week, but she was only able to be there from Tuesday to Saturday based on her work schedule. At CTCA, she underwent many tests and they had reviewed all her records and scans before she got there. CTCA told her that chemo was her only option at this time, which was not what she wanted to hear, since KU Cancer Center had told her the same thing.

    Here's the strange thing. She has Blue Cross insurance. CTCA in Oklahoma City does not accept her insurance, but CTCA in Chicago does.

    She would recommend CTCA to anyone.
