
tmc576 Member Posts: 60 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Well everyone, we saw the oncologist yesterday, and my mom did ask the right questions I think, and the doctor handled them really well.

First of all, my mom asked what would happen if she chose not to have chemo. The doctor explained that there was some cancer left behind, and that while it would not grow overnight, that it would continue to grow. She also explained that my mom's OVCA is a recurring, chronic cancer, and that the goal of chemo was to put it in remission.

My mom then asked how long does it usually stay in remission (I was so proud of her for asking these tough questions), and the doctor said hopefully several years, but it could be as little as several months, and then explained what would happen when she has a remission.

The dr than also told my mom, that she understood she was still sick, and it was understandable not to want to start chemo until she is more able to handle it. And that if once she had chemo, if her kidneys couldnt handle it, or that my mom felt she couldn't handle it, that they could stop. My mom actually said, no, lets get this started, I want to fight this. (Yeah Mom!)

So, next week we have chemo education, and the port put in, chemo should follow the following week. Now, my mom did have a hard time last night, she talked about how she couldn't imagine living the rest of her life sick/without hair. I told her that hopefully she would have long remissions, and that we were thankful that she would still be with us.

Somehow, things have a way of working out. My youngest kids, who have been a little afraid of Grandmom, because of the oxygen, and her being so ill, decided last night, that Grandmom was still Grandmom. They were sitting with her on her wheelchair, laying on the couch with her. Lots of big hugs and smiles - and we hadn't said anything to them. So, this morning, my mom said "this isn't what I planned, or what I want, but I will at least be alive, and get to enjoy my grandkids, nothing else matters"

I love her so much, and I know she can do this.



  • hockeygolf7
    hockeygolf7 Member Posts: 52
    None of us know what really
    None of us know what really lies ahead for us. I am so glad that she wants to fight this awful thing. Family is so important and it sounds as if she has a good support system. Hopefully she will be there for many many years to come. Enjoy everyday you have and remember you are in all our prayers.
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Great News
    It takes awhile to adjust your thinking when first hit by this diagnosis. Your mother is normal and now seems to be dealing with it well. You are a terrific daughter and she is lucky to have you near by.
    (((Hugs)) Saundra