Does Gerson Therapy Work?

Lisa_Kay Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone had success with Gerson? I have breast cancer that metastasized to my bone. I'm so scared of dying and leaving my little girl. A friend told me this therapy works, but I would like to find others who have done it.



  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    In 1947 and 1959, the
    In 1947 and 1959, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reviewed the cases of a total of 60 patients treated by Dr. Gerson. The NCI found that the available information did not prove the regimen had benefit.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Of course you are scared! I
    Of course you are scared! I know very little about Gerson, and no doubt the Good Dr had his heart in the right place, but I am concerned about WHEN he did his research...back in the 40's! I was "impressed" to a degree that Dr Albert Schweitzer highly esteemed him...and I can certainly see why. It must have indeed seemed like a miracle to have ones diabetes cured with this therapy! Today we know that fresh fruits, vegetables and a balanced diet is essential for diabetics! Maybe in the 40's they weren't so nutritionally aware!
    I noticed on the Gerson website that among other things it requires one to drink THIRTEEN glasses a day of freshly squeezed carrot, lettuce ,and forgive me, but I forget the other vegetable, which need to be prepared every hour. It also mentions being careful about doing any of these things if we are also in conventional therapy.

    I kept my oncologists ( both chemo and rads) apprised of any and all supplements I was wanting to take and/or was taking during treatment. Mostly the concensus was, "can't hurt, might help."

    I was convinced that I would take coffee enemas administered by apes while I was hanging upside-down from a chandelier if that would help me survive! So I truly understand your heart and the panic and will to survive. We all have it!

    I am a "woman of a certain age" and I have seen hopeful therapies come and go...Laetrile, made from I belive apricot pits ( not available or FDA approved in the USA) was a BIG "cure" in the 70's....many flocked to Mexico to avail themselves of it, including the actor Steve McQueen. It didn't work, sadly. Though I am 100% positive that there are cases in which it did work. For some.

    Talk to your Drs! Ask what they would do for their wives, mothers, sisters, daughters! They want you to live!And all of us here want that for you too! Good luck sweetie...whatever your choices are.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My thought on it is if it
    My thought on it is if it worked we'd all know about it. You can't stop people talking about something that works. I think standard treatment has more success.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    My thought on it is if it
    My thought on it is if it worked we'd all know about it. You can't stop people talking about something that works. I think standard treatment has more success.

    Welcome Lisa
    Sorry for your situation. Please be careful with alternative treatments. Any diet adjutants are complementary to conventional treatment. There are new approved drugs and treatments which work against mets to the bones. There are good outcomes with conventional treatment and we have several members on this board who have been doing well. Please talk to your doctors. Your friend who suggested Gerson instead of conventional treatments did disservice to you. You cannot loose time and try Gerson.
    Good luck,
    New Flower
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    One thing Gerson Therapy
    One thing Gerson Therapy does not offer and that is being under the constant care of a physician to monitor your health. Even if you go to a Gerson Institute there isn't someone following up after you leave or can even tell you that you are cancer free or in remission. There also hasn't been enough conclusive evidence to say that it does work and many patients have suffered from the lack of sodium in their bodies as it is a low sodium diet, amoungst other things. Research it carefully before diving into it. Unfortunately there are many, many claims of cancer cures on the internet, they might work for some people and some cancers but we don't know if they will work at all for others.

    I do know someone who used Gerson Therapy at home because his cancer metastized to the liver during chemo and he died several months later. He was also almost 80 years old and his cancer was pretty bad. One can't say it was Gerson Therapy that did it because of all the factors involved.
  • Bigbraintheory
    Bigbraintheory Member Posts: 1

    One thing Gerson Therapy
    One thing Gerson Therapy does not offer and that is being under the constant care of a physician to monitor your health. Even if you go to a Gerson Institute there isn't someone following up after you leave or can even tell you that you are cancer free or in remission. There also hasn't been enough conclusive evidence to say that it does work and many patients have suffered from the lack of sodium in their bodies as it is a low sodium diet, amoungst other things. Research it carefully before diving into it. Unfortunately there are many, many claims of cancer cures on the internet, they might work for some people and some cancers but we don't know if they will work at all for others.

    I do know someone who used Gerson Therapy at home because his cancer metastized to the liver during chemo and he died several months later. He was also almost 80 years old and his cancer was pretty bad. One can't say it was Gerson Therapy that did it because of all the factors involved.

    Gerson is healthy and helpful.

    Quote "I do know someone who used Gerson Therapy at home because his cancer metastized to the liver during chemo and he died several months later. He was also almost 80 years old and his cancer was pretty bad. One can't say it was Gerson Therapy that did it because of all the factors involved."


    ----I think it is quite obvious that Gerson had absolutely nothing to do with it, definitely because of what you pointed out, many factors involved. But much more prevalent and concrete in that the man went to the Gerson treatment for cancer relief after already having a hard hitting case of the disease which is beatable, called cancer. People should quit saying that they have cancer and try even when they don't feel like it and say "watch out, I don't have cancer, cancer has me, and I'm beating cancers **** up and down the street." Please just try it. Try anything and try it fully committed for at least 7 days and then make the choice to continue or not. GOD BLESS all of you. I will start praying for all the people who cancer is facing.