Please pray for BIL

Cindy Bear
Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hello everyone. I usually only post on the uterine or ovarian boards. (lost my mother to uterine last year). Anyhow, my BIL , Dan, has EC. He was diag. last year, stage IV and he is terminal. In fact he's in the hospital now with a blood clot. At first they thought he had stomach cancer but it started in the esophagus. He has had chemo and radiation and now a stent in so he can eat (all liquid diet) Surgery was never an option due to pre-existing heart condition. I guess what he has is very rare. He was doing so well and then all the cancer grew back. He has outlived prognosis but it's really just a matter of time now, short of a miracle, there's nothing more they can do. Please pray that he makes it through to his birthday next month. Thank you.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    We will be sending our prayers

    Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and Dan. We will be praying he is here on his birthday next month and as long as he and God wish to have him here on earth.

    Paul and Karen Adams
    AKA "paul61"

    McCormick, South Carolina
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi Cindybear, So sorry that
    Hi Cindybear,
    So sorry that your brother in laws journey has gotten worse. His story sounds a lot like my dad's. He too had had heart surgery in 94, so when he was dx in 08 with ec stage IV, surgery was not an option either. He went through chemo and radiation and did very well. In December 09 he developed mets to his liver. Unfortunately this is when his journey ended. There does come a time when everyone has to realize that the fighting does have to stop. You have to respect his wishes. Hospice is a wonderful option. Best of luck to him, cherish every single moment with him, tell him how much you love him.My dad did make one more birthday on 2/26, and on 3/9 he passed away. Keep in touch.
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    Thank you
    Hello and thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I am torn between not wanting to lose him but not wanting to see him suffer another day. Cancer sucks doesn't it. It truly does. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone else on this site, including spouses, siblings, children and caretakers . A friend once told me, "You don't know how strong you are, until you have to be strong." I believe that is true. We will all find the strength deep down inside of us to handle what comes our way.
  • Ellie_E
    Ellie_E Member Posts: 50

    Thank you
    Hello and thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I am torn between not wanting to lose him but not wanting to see him suffer another day. Cancer sucks doesn't it. It truly does. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone else on this site, including spouses, siblings, children and caretakers . A friend once told me, "You don't know how strong you are, until you have to be strong." I believe that is true. We will all find the strength deep down inside of us to handle what comes our way.

    Hi Cindy Bear,
    My husband,

    Hi Cindy Bear,

    My husband, Jim, also has Stage IV EC. He was dx last September with mets to liver and lymph nodes. Cancer does suck but we take one day at a time and pray that he has more good days. We will be praying for you and your family and hope Dan makes his birthday.

  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    Ellie_E said:

    Hi Cindy Bear,
    My husband,

    Hi Cindy Bear,

    My husband, Jim, also has Stage IV EC. He was dx last September with mets to liver and lymph nodes. Cancer does suck but we take one day at a time and pray that he has more good days. We will be praying for you and your family and hope Dan makes his birthday.


    Update on BIL
    Hi everyone. Well BIL is home. He's been home about a week and a half now. He's happy there. Home is where the heart is. With his wife, his doggies, his family and friends come and go. When my SIL works, someone is with him. His brother, his son, his buddy so he's not alone. He is alert when awake (though he sleeps most of the time) and able to keep down liquid diet. His bday is this Sat. June 5th.. let's see if he can hold out and he's just stubborn enough to do it. Hugs to all!
  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    You have our prayers for
    You have our prayers for your BIL...many of them.
