
24242 Member Posts: 1,398
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well it happened I finally had not only CT scan but MRI of my arm. I finally got the action I was hoping for and it sounds as though the Dr. who heads MRI department helped to get me in quicker.
Funny my Oncologist didn't seem to happy that I was requesting faster action and she was even defensive when I asked her had she got my file out of archives. I think my file would spell out my history something she cannot know after seeing all the people she does. She remembers us mostly by face and voice.
I don't know when I will get results since having another MRI of brain on thursday afternoon. Just finally getting these two lumps looked at is a relief and hopefully the results will be fine.
I did find out I was HER triple negative and genetic testing will occur at some point to see if I carry gene.
I think one reason why so difficult for doctors is because I look healthy and well built but my weight is dropping drastically just as it did before. I have always worked in a Man's world so always worked hard and able to keep weight on. I had to drop 40 lbs the first time before anyone saw me as being sickly.
Why is it we have to wait till we are deathly ill to be taken seriously sometimes. In my case all the time it seems making this time around just Like the last all those 14 years ago. Preventative diagnostics should be apart of this picture I would have thought.
Well now my mother can sleep better at night knowing I finally am getting the MRI's she thought I should have had 14 years ago.
Thanks for listen as you always do.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Bless your heart, Tara! It
    Bless your heart, Tara! It is so necessary, yet oftentimes so difficult being pro-active with our own health, isn't it? We think we should have a medical TEAM behind us, or alongside of us, or at least cheering us on and helping us, but as you have seen for too long, it is not the case. I am very glad that you have persevered, and are making the progress you need!

    I hope that your test results turn out to be something you can handle/manage with relative ease~if you only had US as your medical team, you'd be 3/4 finished with all of your treatment by now!

    Hugs and keep us posted!
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    chenheart said:

    Bless your heart, Tara! It
    Bless your heart, Tara! It is so necessary, yet oftentimes so difficult being pro-active with our own health, isn't it? We think we should have a medical TEAM behind us, or alongside of us, or at least cheering us on and helping us, but as you have seen for too long, it is not the case. I am very glad that you have persevered, and are making the progress you need!

    I hope that your test results turn out to be something you can handle/manage with relative ease~if you only had US as your medical team, you'd be 3/4 finished with all of your treatment by now!

    Hugs and keep us posted!

    Thanks Chen
    Well I had my brain MRI on Thursday and your right you would all hurry this along knowing what we all know now. I had to sit and listen to some MRI technician go on and on about people jumping the cue when there is such a waiting list. She didn't have the balls to talk to me in person though I knew this was for my benefit. I almost thought she would be the technician doing me but then in walked the girl that did my arm and I immediately was put at ease. My partner said I should of marched over and got her name and name of surpervisor because she had no business saying those things in ear shot of any patient. I don't like to make waves unless necessary so said nothing and did nothing. I will tell my doctor I wasn't too happy about it when I see her.
    I don't feel bad insisting on fast tracked diagnosis since I faired so poorly all those years ago. I know a woman who is in her 80's doing her 4th or 5th cancer treatment and all for different types of cancer. I don't see them slowly diagnosing her.
    Now to the neorologist and hopefully finding some answers to this leg dragging and dizziness that is getting progressively worse. I am now falling down stairs because my foot is dragging and catching the step something that is new. Oh by the way they have told me for the past 4 years this is menopause related and so I went on to live my life once again and now can only hope that this wasn't something I should have been taking care of years ago. I guess until I fall and really hurt myself it won't be something they are too worried about.
    You know Chen I am tired of having to make waves to get heard. I am already tired of being poked and prodded and wonder what doctor thinks we want to go through all this ****.
    I am once again just to healthy looking for them much like the first go around with big C.
    I think it is just sad that people have to be dealthly ill before being taken seriously.
    thanks for your hugs and support.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    24242 said:

    Thanks Chen
    Well I had my brain MRI on Thursday and your right you would all hurry this along knowing what we all know now. I had to sit and listen to some MRI technician go on and on about people jumping the cue when there is such a waiting list. She didn't have the balls to talk to me in person though I knew this was for my benefit. I almost thought she would be the technician doing me but then in walked the girl that did my arm and I immediately was put at ease. My partner said I should of marched over and got her name and name of surpervisor because she had no business saying those things in ear shot of any patient. I don't like to make waves unless necessary so said nothing and did nothing. I will tell my doctor I wasn't too happy about it when I see her.
    I don't feel bad insisting on fast tracked diagnosis since I faired so poorly all those years ago. I know a woman who is in her 80's doing her 4th or 5th cancer treatment and all for different types of cancer. I don't see them slowly diagnosing her.
    Now to the neorologist and hopefully finding some answers to this leg dragging and dizziness that is getting progressively worse. I am now falling down stairs because my foot is dragging and catching the step something that is new. Oh by the way they have told me for the past 4 years this is menopause related and so I went on to live my life once again and now can only hope that this wasn't something I should have been taking care of years ago. I guess until I fall and really hurt myself it won't be something they are too worried about.
    You know Chen I am tired of having to make waves to get heard. I am already tired of being poked and prodded and wonder what doctor thinks we want to go through all this ****.
    I am once again just to healthy looking for them much like the first go around with big C.
    I think it is just sad that people have to be dealthly ill before being taken seriously.
    thanks for your hugs and support.

    Hi Tara
    I am glad that you have gotten medical attention and moving forward with your treatments. Is it ironic to look young, nice and healthy and being seriously sick? Even oncologist, who should know better do not have compassion thinking "you do not look sick"'. Unfortunately being your own advocate is the only way to get medical attention which you desperately need. I learn a hard way to stand up for myself .

    Wishing you the best. Please keep fighting the system. Hopefully you will get treatment and feel healthy again.
    New Flower
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398

    Hi Tara
    I am glad that you have gotten medical attention and moving forward with your treatments. Is it ironic to look young, nice and healthy and being seriously sick? Even oncologist, who should know better do not have compassion thinking "you do not look sick"'. Unfortunately being your own advocate is the only way to get medical attention which you desperately need. I learn a hard way to stand up for myself .

    Wishing you the best. Please keep fighting the system. Hopefully you will get treatment and feel healthy again.
    New Flower

    Lucky for me
    Thanks for your kindness,
    I am so lucky to have a mother who has taken care of cancer patients most of my life and gone out of her way for them often being their for families. Our very dear friend of family who lives across the alley from parents is a doctr and still practicing at 77. I sure do get the best of advice and so glad for that.
    Basically we still have more questions than answers and will have to ask for a biopsy of the two lumps I am sure tomorrow. I think this is the only way to be sure that none of the two are cancerous.
    Today my very good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a very small lump with another that grew quickly. The big lump that grew quickly is not cancerous but the small one is. I am so glad that she is getting the care she needs quickly where she lives. She is the only person I have known in all these years now who has gotten this disease. Hopefully won't be as aggessive since she is older now.
    Thanks again flower.