Social Security Disability



  • backachedp
    backachedp Member Posts: 132

    aww, you guys have your plates full
    I am glad that they will be hearing from you. You need to go to bat for your hubby when he can't. I suffered for years with SEVERE depression and anxiety, even before I was diagnosed with my FA and HNC. (I can remember being severely sick and very anxious even as a young lady in grammar school. I had every single symptom of generalized anxiety disorder, and my clinical depression was extreme. it came to a nightmare explosion for me in 2005. I had a pretty bad snap, and a breakdown) My mother is bi-polar, and I have a lot of depression on the "sweetblood" (dad's) side of the family. Part of the joy when you suffer from a problem like this is sometimes you don't take your meds. I know better, and you think I would. But no, I can be stupid and stubborn sometimes. I had stopped for a while, and I realized that they ARE needed in my case. I am begining to feel balanced again. Back on my meds.

    I wish there was a way your hubby would listen to the doctors and take what they perscribed. It literally changed and saved my life in 2006. Best of luck my dear. praying for you both.

    Social Security..
    Have you gotten a SSD Check yet? we talked about it a month or so ago and I was wondering..Bob got his on the 3rd Wedsnesday of this month....hope u got it..
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Social Security..
    Have you gotten a SSD Check yet? we talked about it a month or so ago and I was wondering..Bob got his on the 3rd Wedsnesday of this month....hope u got it..

    I also get my check on the
    I also get my check on the 3rd wenesday of the month.
  • stonepepper
    stonepepper Member Posts: 2
    beaver1 said:

    Social Security Disability
    By all means you shoud apply. Here is a website that might help. Do not feel like you are on the dole.

    Go for it. You Deserve it and owe it to yourself ! ! !

    When i was diagnosed with a node on my neck this time around i went to the social secutity office right away. Fortunatly i was accepted within two months. It was truly a blessing and will start receiving payments the middle of June. Just knowing that i have the extra funds coming in has releived the stress and tensions from wondering how i was going to handle things financially. Head and neck cancer is one of the compassionate allowances. When one has a compassionate allowence it takes their application and moves it to the front of the line speeding up the process.

    I have other sites from the social security web site if needed.

    I am new here and have not ben on for a few days. Hopefully i will get to know a few people here over time and undoubtebly pick up some good ideas and advice.

    Tomorrow i go for third radiation third radiation treatment and two to follow.

    Take care and God Bless.

    every thing
    thanks to all of you. my husband just got Dx a month ago, & we are still in that foggy phase. It does look bleak with out insurance, but I feel better having read all your notes. we also applied right away, for SSD, the Doctors told us to. i was afraid it could take up to 9 months to find out. but it sounds we should know real soon now.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228

    Social Security..
    Have you gotten a SSD Check yet? we talked about it a month or so ago and I was wondering..Bob got his on the 3rd Wedsnesday of this month....hope u got it..

    Not yet. I believe I am the
    Not yet. I believe I am the fourth wednesday of the month. I am hoping I get it because I a
    broke right now. Lol.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228

    Social Security..
    Have you gotten a SSD Check yet? we talked about it a month or so ago and I was wondering..Bob got his on the 3rd Wedsnesday of this month....hope u got it..

    Not yet. I believe I am the
    Not yet. I believe I am the fourth wednesday of the month. I am hoping I get it because I a
    broke right now. Lol.
  • finz2lft
    finz2lft Member Posts: 43

    Social Security
    My Husband was Diagnosed with Tognue and Jaw and Pallet Cancer Stage 4 Sept 29 2009 I went to the S.Sec Office right away and because of his Dx he was approved right away. He has not received a check yet we were told his first one would be April, it did not come I called they now said May third Wednesday..we will see....I am sure he will get it, but we were hoping it would come last month...most Cancer Patients I have heard get approved right away depending on stage and Dx. One thing that bothered me was the woman I spoke to there said you better hope he lives till you turn 50...I said what? She said if he passed away before I am 50 I would not be entitled to his Benefits until I am 50. I have been diabled since 2002 and could never live off my income, but he will get better. He will be having Surgery May 17th on his Tognue and 2 nodules in his Chest. He and I cannot believe it bought a bottle of Listerine and he has been loosing pieces of his tognue it looks like tobacco in the sink..shower...he will not make that mistake again. He tried to tell me it was from his teeth. He also said it hurt so bad...he has all the mouth stuff for dry mouth etc...why on earth would he do that? I hope he learned a lesson. This has been such a struggle for both of us. Most of all him, but it is taking a toll on everyone in our family. Better Days ahead...

    Social Secrity Disability
    I was just diagnosed with Squmous Cell cancer of Lymph node with Occult primary tumor. I am a substitute teacher and make about 900 per month gross. School is out know for the summer. What should I do? My treatment will run about 2 months, and then see where we are. Treatments could last longer, I just dont know as of know. should I go ahead and apply for SS Disability. Does anyone know if I qualify or not. I am still in shock and do not know how or where to proceed from here. I have been told so many different things by so many people. Can anybody tell me what to do,or give me some type of rundown as to what I should do. I live in N Carolina and the local hospital said I qualify for Medicade afte accumulating $4,000 in bills. I have no insurance, and just do not know what to do Thank you to every one. Finz
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    beaver1 said:

    Social Security Disability
    By all means you shoud apply. Here is a website that might help. Do not feel like you are on the dole.

    Go for it. You Deserve it and owe it to yourself ! ! !

    When i was diagnosed with a node on my neck this time around i went to the social secutity office right away. Fortunatly i was accepted within two months. It was truly a blessing and will start receiving payments the middle of June. Just knowing that i have the extra funds coming in has releived the stress and tensions from wondering how i was going to handle things financially. Head and neck cancer is one of the compassionate allowances. When one has a compassionate allowence it takes their application and moves it to the front of the line speeding up the process.

    I have other sites from the social security web site if needed.

    I am new here and have not ben on for a few days. Hopefully i will get to know a few people here over time and undoubtebly pick up some good ideas and advice.

    Tomorrow i go for third radiation third radiation treatment and two to follow.

    Take care and God Bless.

    Great information

    Thank you for posting that information about the Compassionate Allowances. That is good information for the future Head and Neck cancer patients.

    When I was going thru this nearly 6 years ago, Social Security denied me my claim as the Doctor's said I would be back to work within 6-8 months. At the time, we had to out of work for longer then one year to be concidered. I see that Social Security started this newer program in 2008.

    Again, thank you for posting this most helpful information for future patients. I have bookmarked it for future use for others.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    finz2lft said:

    Social Secrity Disability
    I was just diagnosed with Squmous Cell cancer of Lymph node with Occult primary tumor. I am a substitute teacher and make about 900 per month gross. School is out know for the summer. What should I do? My treatment will run about 2 months, and then see where we are. Treatments could last longer, I just dont know as of know. should I go ahead and apply for SS Disability. Does anyone know if I qualify or not. I am still in shock and do not know how or where to proceed from here. I have been told so many different things by so many people. Can anybody tell me what to do,or give me some type of rundown as to what I should do. I live in N Carolina and the local hospital said I qualify for Medicade afte accumulating $4,000 in bills. I have no insurance, and just do not know what to do Thank you to every one. Finz

    Move this.
    This is buried in someone else's thread. Start a new thread so people can see your question.

  • dennis318
    dennis318 Member Posts: 349 Member
    MarineE5 said:

    Great information

    Thank you for posting that information about the Compassionate Allowances. That is good information for the future Head and Neck cancer patients.

    When I was going thru this nearly 6 years ago, Social Security denied me my claim as the Doctor's said I would be back to work within 6-8 months. At the time, we had to out of work for longer then one year to be concidered. I see that Social Security started this newer program in 2008.

    Again, thank you for posting this most helpful information for future patients. I have bookmarked it for future use for others.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

    Nice to see you SweetBlood and Patty
    I have had a rough week, and my antidepresents didn't work and i crashed, so, I am still taking the hyperberic treatments, i amd working with the hospital and there dissapibilty paper work from the doctor, i can't seem to get them to lick the stamps and get the dam thing in the mailbox...all i hear it's done and in the mail...WHERE?, so no SSI yet, I go see my Doctor (Cancer) to see what he feels I can take this trach out, his assistant is an airhead, still wants to know why I'm taking hydros for pain, because i enjoy a hole in my throat...DUH, and the rubbing against my sore neck feels good. I am so glad there's people here that will put up with me, I am so sorry, but June 2nd, marks for my first years of this trip starting with cancer, they say I have turned around and teh air is opening, cancer is gone, I eat like a horse and no weight gain, weak, attitude sucks, i am working part time, but the bills are going to catch up, thank god for my wifes insurance, it would have sunk our household, since i pay the bils what i can make. In ending, you girls put a smile on my face, and this site took me away reading other peoples problems.....thank you all for a 5 minute vacation from my troubles....Dennis
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    pattyanny said:

    Hi Sweetblood
    Yes, you are right, I have worked for 35 years and that is what it is there for. I guess I just hate the idea of coming to the realization that I truly cannot work. I have been pretty independent all my life. It is a good thing you took care of your investments (401k & stock), I have my Dad's small inheritance I invested in a private a/c, after taking care of some family expenses. My hubby is still angered at me for that.
    I understand about, if there was a possibility of working, you would. I feel the same way.
    I had an offer for 3 days a week job, but had a bad feeling about it. I need to be available for my 15 yr old daughter and my Mom at the N.H. If I don't show up every day or so, they will kill her. I am also very fatigued, and am up in bed at 6pm.
    I am so sorry about your issues with eating, fatigue, and swallowing etc. You are one tough cookie, and will get thru this too!
    Your living conditions are less then ideal, but at least you had somewhere to go, like you said. And also the support is very important.
    I know because I do not need the stress either. I do not eat when I am stressed.
    Hey Sweet - wouldn't it be great if we could be roommates? Now that would be great! We could open a house for people like us, with just our pets, big backyard, and lots of nutritious drinks to eat. No stress - just healing! Hey, this may be an idea - a Healing Home. :)
    Stay strong sweet, you are always in my prayers! Love, Patty

    when you open that home, put
    when you open that home, put me at the top of the list who want to Sounds like it would be a sampling of what Heaven is.
    Take care all and God Bless,
  • finz2lft
    finz2lft Member Posts: 43
    Social Secrity Disability
    Everybody go to the Social Security Disabiliyt-SSD- site, and go to "Compassionate Allowance"--type it in the search box-it is a relatively new process that SSD has to process SS Disability. It fastracks cerain illness' for SS review. You do have to ask them to process it under the Compassionate Allowance-CA-as they will not automatically do it. If your illness is on the list, then they will process the app in as little as 6 days to give you an answer. You do have to do some leg work, but it speeds up the whole SSD process for approval. If you fit into the criterea, that is listed on the site, then you are suppossed to be automatically approved for SS. I do fit in, and have my meeting next week. They tell you what qualifies you, and what documents you need. It is suppossed to greatly reduce the amount of paperwork and Pyscian exams needed to qualify for SSD. I will keep all posted, but my Social Worker, whom is an angel, told me about it. So, this is a viable and working program. You just have to SPECIFICALLY ask for the program! God Bless you all
  • PattyNC
    PattyNC Member Posts: 65
    finz2lft said:

    Social Secrity Disability
    I was just diagnosed with Squmous Cell cancer of Lymph node with Occult primary tumor. I am a substitute teacher and make about 900 per month gross. School is out know for the summer. What should I do? My treatment will run about 2 months, and then see where we are. Treatments could last longer, I just dont know as of know. should I go ahead and apply for SS Disability. Does anyone know if I qualify or not. I am still in shock and do not know how or where to proceed from here. I have been told so many different things by so many people. Can anybody tell me what to do,or give me some type of rundown as to what I should do. I live in N Carolina and the local hospital said I qualify for Medicade afte accumulating $4,000 in bills. I have no insurance, and just do not know what to do Thank you to every one. Finz

    Did you file for Social Security Disability --or are you filing?
    finz2lft: I see you are also in NC. I am in the midst of helping my brother (who is 53) apply for SSD. He also had squamous cell cancer of lymph node with occult primary tumor. He had radical neck in 2006 ...had a clean PET approx mid 2009. Just recently lost his job and has relocated from Sav GA now living with us. He is afraid to answer his telephone trying to avoid bill collectors. He has no income and no way to pay. He needs to see a doctor here but I am having trouble finding indigent care for cancer patients. I have a few calls in to clinics and hope they phone me back soon. Did you ever file for SSD or will you be filing? It is intimidating to say the least so I'm looking for support from those who have walked that prickly path.

    Hope you are progressing well with your treatments.
  • JUDYV5
    JUDYV5 Member Posts: 392
    I applied on line (by myself) and was approved for social security disabilty the first time I applied in 5 weeks. I never actually received a check (I was able to go back to work - so I cancelled it). When they called for the interview - I couldn't talk (to painful) and my husband told her so. When I sent in the orginal paperwork they requested
    (to verify income) I also sent in a copy of my orginal pathology report, maybe that helped.
    The only reason I applied in the first place was that I was receiving disabilty from my job and they requested that I did.
  • PattyNC
    PattyNC Member Posts: 65
    JUDYV5 said:

    I applied on line (by myself) and was approved for social security disabilty the first time I applied in 5 weeks. I never actually received a check (I was able to go back to work - so I cancelled it). When they called for the interview - I couldn't talk (to painful) and my husband told her so. When I sent in the orginal paperwork they requested
    (to verify income) I also sent in a copy of my orginal pathology report, maybe that helped.
    The only reason I applied in the first place was that I was receiving disabilty from my job and they requested that I did.

    SSD Compassionate Allowance #22
    I found the compassionate allowance (I think) -- & verbatim it says:

    #22) Head and Neck Cancers - with distant metastasis or inoperable or unresectable.

    Since my brother hasn't been to a doctor since Oct 2009 & his PET was clean then, without a current PET or MRI I believe we will get denied. So I have to get him re-evaluated somehow but other than dropping him at the emergency room, I am not having success with the clinics so far. Besides, # 22 seems so grim ... you have to be almost certified terminal to get SSD or am I misinterpreting? Doesn't seem fair since people get it for back pain, etc. I do agree back pain should qualify ... but you don't DIE usually from back pain. Am I wrong here about interpreting #22? I'm very frustrated since Michael will not be willing to go to the emergency room unless he feels it is a true dire emergency, so I'm suck at this point and if I don't get him to a doctor, the claim will probably be denied. Then to pour salt on my psychic wounds, the Charlotte newspaper yesterday ran a front page article on "health care for the unemployed in Charlotte" and it told glowing stories of people getting free eye glasses and free weight loss counceling and free help with diabetes and free nutrition. It specifically mentioned the grandmother that doesn't speak English and can't answer when they asked her what she had for dinner. The article says "she glances over at her young grandchild who is busy TEXTING & the grandson interprets back to the nurse what she had for dinner." Boy, she can't speak English but she is more adept at working the system than I am!!!! I'm not as smart as I think I am. I called that clinic and they said Michael hadn't lived here six months yet so he was ineligible. Sorry for venting again. This is a very bad time to be unemployed, uninsured and trying to survive cancer. Poverty sucks and cancer sucks --- together they are trying to suck the joy from my universe. But I have only begun to fight. I've got Michael's back and they all better prepare for a battle royal. He will get HELP if I have to kick a** & take names and get written up in the Char Obs myself.