Ready or not chemo

waffle8 Member Posts: 234
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi I am looking for some advice on cytoxin and taxotere which I will be starting on Thursday...It took me almost 2 months to get to this point and I am very anxious to get started....I joined the TaylorX study last Monday and on Friday they called to say the coin flip called for chemo....If I can help just one BC patient[in the grey area] not to go thru this agony of making a decision it will all be worth it......
So bring on all your great wisdom and let me know what to expect and how to get thru these 4 treatments with the courage and strength you all have.....


  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79
    There is
    no one way to get through it. I never gave up my workouts, though there were times I was pretty slow! Did accupuncture. Kept a diary of my reactions so I could give my onc as much info as possible. Ate spinach and liver to build up my blood. And as I came out of each reaction counted down: one down three to go, etc. Oh yeah, I also wattched a lot of sports. It sort of unfolds in front of you without demanding a lot from you. Always had treatments wed so I'd react on weekend.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member

    There is
    no one way to get through it. I never gave up my workouts, though there were times I was pretty slow! Did accupuncture. Kept a diary of my reactions so I could give my onc as much info as possible. Ate spinach and liver to build up my blood. And as I came out of each reaction counted down: one down three to go, etc. Oh yeah, I also wattched a lot of sports. It sort of unfolds in front of you without demanding a lot from you. Always had treatments wed so I'd react on weekend.

    I had a different "cocktail"
    I had a different "cocktail" than you're going to get but for all chemo remember to drink a lot of fluids. I got dehydrated after my 4th dose and never felt so bad and had to have 1 1/2 liters of fluids infused. Listen to your body, and do what it wants you to do. Each treatment reaction was a little different. I couldn't do any exercising but I did short walks that helped with the bone aches. Good luck to you and post often if you have and questions.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Cytoxan/Taxotere Therapy
    I am halfway through my CT therapy - going for #4 of 6 this Friday. I have seen posts from a lot of women who really did not have any problems from this combo. I have had a little but certainly not anything bad. I also get Neulasta two days after my chemo and it is pretty hard to tell which one causes the side effects. The ladies are all correct about drinking - I start really increasing my fluids the day before when I start taking the prednisone. The main thing I notice is fatigue, fogginess mentally, and bloating. But it usually is gone within a couple of days and so far I have not had any problems after that other than some mild aching and tingling.

    Best of luck - I joined the Zometa clinical trials for very similar reasons. Hopefully it will make a difference for those who come behind us to know what to do!
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    Taxotere / Cytoxan
    I had five cycles of this "cocktail" last fall...I had different reactions with each treatment, some diarrhea, a fever, and mouth sores. I continued to work throughout my chemo, missing only the day of treatment and the Monday after. It is do-able... I was never nauseated or vomited, which was what I was most worried about. OF course there was the hair loss and fatigue. I am over 60, so that could be why I had so many different reactions...and everyone is different.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. You will find that it is not as bad as you think.

  • njbaker
    njbaker Member Posts: 9
    I had four rounds of T/C
    I had four rounds of T/C this past summer/fall and was so scared. Turned out it wasn't that bad, not that I ever would want to go through it again. After the first treatment I sat around and waited for something bad to happen and it never did. The only thing I experienced was an itching and then a rash which went away immediately after I sprayed some anti-itch cream on it after the 2nd round. I continued with exercising, walked 8 miles a day, but waited about 3 days after the treatments. I added fresh spinach to my salads every day and my blood counts were always good. I know it's scary but you'll do great, count down the treatments each time - after the second one you'll be halfway done. Good luck.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    i had six cycles of the same
    i had six cycles of the same drugs and thought it was not so bad. justas someone else mentioned, i kept waiting for something bad to happen, but nothing did. it was not a walk in the park, but certainly not as devastating as i thought it would be. drinking plenty of water is a very good idea. good luck to you!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    There is
    no one way to get through it. I never gave up my workouts, though there were times I was pretty slow! Did accupuncture. Kept a diary of my reactions so I could give my onc as much info as possible. Ate spinach and liver to build up my blood. And as I came out of each reaction counted down: one down three to go, etc. Oh yeah, I also wattched a lot of sports. It sort of unfolds in front of you without demanding a lot from you. Always had treatments wed so I'd react on weekend.

    Just want to wish you good
    Just want to wish you good luck with chemo!

    Sue :)
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Be careful
    During your treatment, if they tell you your blood counts are low and they advise you to stay away from crowds and take it easy, DO IT! I have had so few side effects into my second cycle of T/C that I thought I must be superwoman. But, I did the grocery shopping, etc. even after my counts went low, and now I have a heavy cold and great fatigue. Wish I'd believed that the warnings applied to me!

    That being said, though, T/C is doable, as we all say. Follow the good advice here. You can do it!

    P.S. I've been told not to eat leafy greens, so I'm not sure about the spinach advice here. Apparently, lettuces, etc. can't be washed completely clean, which doesn't bother anyone whose immune system is strong.