an alternative

RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My wife found an alternative to Depends well kind of. They are called Guards for Men, made by Depends. On the side of the package there was pictures and descriptions of the Depends line of products and it showed a similar looking product that was listed as Depends Boost Inserts, "For added protection in Depends Absorbent garments." They are both pretty small and and the Guards have adhesive strips to hold them in place on your underwear. I am not sure if the Boost Inserts have the adhesive strips.

Folded Guards are 4X4 inches, 4X8 opened. I am not sure about volume, but I think are good for spotting. They could hold a bit if the output was a bit solid (not my problem at the moment). After a day of being worn, mine get kind of squashed which may reduce their volume capacity a bit.

I found out more info today. The Guard worked like magic. I went back to sleep this moring as I was not feeling well and when I awoke, I had a surprise. The pad did its job. I can not tell for sure how much liquid was absorbed because I was sleeping through most of the excitement, but the pad was heavy with liquid and there was some stool on the liner. That liner was even a day old compressed one. I can't say I would like to fully test these things, but so far they seem to work well enough.


  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Male guards
    We use them to line my Dad's diaper at night. They are a life saver. In the morning when he is changed I suspect that guard weighs about 10 lbs!Walgreen's brand works well too.
