Headaches during Radiation



  • pjbfromsearcy
    pjbfromsearcy Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hello, I am 71, being treated for ductal carcinoma with RT, and after a week I developed headaches, neck stiffness, and severe fatigue. My oncologist stated my problem was not due to the therapy, and dismissed it as related to position in the scanner. Went to ER, had a brain CT, spinal tap, and blood work, all negative. I am miserable and not myself. My husband and I decided not to continue because I can't function. Is there anyone who can relate and has an answer for the etiology. I am taking OTC meds which give some relief.

    The headache is not like my migraines, it is constant and feels like pressure from the inside. The spinal fluid was clear, with normal opening pressure, and provided no relief. My neck is very sore with decreased range of motion. The fatigue is overwhelming with my smart watch demonstrating an excess of Stage 4 deep sleep. I would be interested in others' experiences, especially how long this might last. Good luck to all of us.

  • TCanales
    TCanales Member Posts: 1 *


    I started radiation on Dec 12th and started having headache immediately after the radiation treatment. I have had 10 treatments and headache each time. The headache last from couple of hours to all day. The doctor and staff have never heard anyone complain of headache and continue to tell me it is not from the radiation. I was wondering if anyone that has experienced the headaches can share their experiences post radiation.

    Thank you

  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 151 Member

    I would kindly remind the doctor that everyone can respond differently and the headaches can be due to RT in your case. Position of the instrument and where dosage is delivered? Have you checked into Proton Therapy?

  • pjbfromsearcy
    pjbfromsearcy Member Posts: 2 Member

    God Bless you all, I was led to believe my severe headaches and fatigue was not due to radiation. I had multiple investigations, and was diagnosed with cerebral arteritis, not otherwise specified. I was treated with about 6 weeks of corticosteroids, oral methylprednisolone, before the headaches and tinnitus went away. Tried several tapers of the drug; the headache eventually cleared up and the hissing in my ears finally went away, too. The fatigue let up gradually, and I started driving again.

    Don't be afraid to talk to your family doctor, as the radiation specialist and oncologist don't have literature to support headache, and they are very dependent on numbers; we with headaches seem to be those outside their box. For what it's worth I am a retired neurologist, and my first thought was pseudotumor cerebri, but I could not find anyone in practice to check my fundi (eyes) for papilledema. Temporal arteritis was ruled out. Spinal tap and MRI were basically negative. I am adding this information in case someone can use it for further discussion with their family physician and would be able to take methylprednisolone or dexamethasone for several weeks. I had almost no side effects. Good luck to you, you are not crazy, there are just two few of us to perform randomized trials, and sometimes empiric therapy with corticosteroids can benefit.