children's prayers

nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
My 6yr old and 4yr old sons are in Catholic school. My 6yr old prays for his Mom to get better. Last night he ask me if I am still sick. He want to know why. He said well I pray to Jesus and Jesus always listens. How do I explain this?


  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    Oh Nancy, you are blessed
    Oh Nancy, you are blessed with a sweetie. But I don't have any answers for you. I know that prayer helps me get through each day, but a six year old is expecting the miracles in the stories. This is one you might have to call an expert on, perhaps there's a priest or a nun who could help you with the answer to this one?

    My prayers are added to his, and hugs go out to you and your family.


  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    kids and cancer
    Hi Nancy, this brought tears to my eyes, because it is so sweet, and as you know a little too close to home. I have been talking with my therapy group a lot about my kids. No answers of-course, but feels good to process. It is my biggest hurdle, as I suspect yours too, in this dx.

    Thanks for sharing,
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Children and Prayer
    Good Morning,

    Yes this is difficult because you have to be very careful with the answers we give our children especially questions involving faith.

    You truly are blessed to have little ones with heart; these days this is a rarity so it says a lot of positive things about you too. :-)

    If these types of questions persist and it could possibly... you will probably have to seek the advice of a professional, because this has just got to be overwhelming for you on type of your cancer experience.

    But I have a little tip for you to just consider as an immediate answer that his young mind can grasp and be satisfied with. is the scenario. Tell him; "Yes honey, Jesus does listen and he is listening now. It's just it takes time to heal certain illness. Do you know how many illnesses are out there son?" (smile)

    Continue to let him know it takes time and constant prayer and know Jesus is trying is mightiest to get you better, it just doesn't always happen overnight. I hope I am not stepping over any boundaries, but I have grandbabies and have heard these questions sooo many times. But all in all I'm just offering possible ideas and or tips that could just be an immediate solution, until you work things out with that.

    Hoping the best on this one. Children are a challenge, but your son sounds like a cutey pie.

    Take care,

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    A Gift
    Dear Nancy, thanks so for sharing, what a precious gift our children our, no matter what age. Tell him he is so right that Jesus always listens and is there for him and you. I think that sometimes simple is best and will be what will help him continue to grow in faith.

    What a faith this little one already has ~ God's Blessings to you my friend.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie

    "A child is a special gift sent from heaven to love and cherish throughout eternity and bring us all the message that God is close and listening"
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    BonnieR said:

    A Gift
    Dear Nancy, thanks so for sharing, what a precious gift our children our, no matter what age. Tell him he is so right that Jesus always listens and is there for him and you. I think that sometimes simple is best and will be what will help him continue to grow in faith.

    What a faith this little one already has ~ God's Blessings to you my friend.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie

    "A child is a special gift sent from heaven to love and cherish throughout eternity and bring us all the message that God is close and listening"

    My grandson asked "Will you be able to see me from heaven?"
    I told him, "It wouldn't be that heavenly if I couldn't see you now, would it? Sure, I'll be able to see you. That way when you're super old and come up to heaven, I'll know exactly who you are and won't be surprised that you are old. I'll watch you grow up. I'll see you even if you can't see me."

    He seemed satisfied with that, comforted that I could still watch him fish and play football and grow up. My grandkids have always accepted that I will probably be the first person they love that will die and are more prepared than any of the adults that love me. Their faith is so pure and rock solid. They understand that I have a family in Heaven waiting for me that misses me; and even though I'd rather stay here with THEM, this is how it works. They see the circle of life in my garden and can apply that to themselves.

    I guess my grandkids (ages 8 and 9) already understand that bad things happen to good people and that God may not cure me. But they see that I am happy with each day I have with them and doing all I can to stay here on earth. I know they pray for me, but they have gotten a 'no' answer for other prayers they've sent up to God, so I think they understand that God sometimes says 'no'. I myself never pray for a cure, only for grace.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    My grandson asked "Will you be able to see me from heaven?"
    I told him, "It wouldn't be that heavenly if I couldn't see you now, would it? Sure, I'll be able to see you. That way when you're super old and come up to heaven, I'll know exactly who you are and won't be surprised that you are old. I'll watch you grow up. I'll see you even if you can't see me."

    He seemed satisfied with that, comforted that I could still watch him fish and play football and grow up. My grandkids have always accepted that I will probably be the first person they love that will die and are more prepared than any of the adults that love me. Their faith is so pure and rock solid. They understand that I have a family in Heaven waiting for me that misses me; and even though I'd rather stay here with THEM, this is how it works. They see the circle of life in my garden and can apply that to themselves.

    I guess my grandkids (ages 8 and 9) already understand that bad things happen to good people and that God may not cure me. But they see that I am happy with each day I have with them and doing all I can to stay here on earth. I know they pray for me, but they have gotten a 'no' answer for other prayers they've sent up to God, so I think they understand that God sometimes says 'no'. I myself never pray for a cure, only for grace.

    Dearest Linda, thank so much for sharing ~ grandkids are the frosting on the cake and for them to know you are and well always be with them is heartwarming. Mine have always known too ... and as I made them each a quilt I would say when you need to feel a hug from grandma just wrap up in this quilt. Love Bonnie
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    thanks for all responses
    I appreciate all your insight. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    nancy591 said:

    thanks for all responses
    I appreciate all your insight. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

    When I started to meet young women at the chemo lounge that had little children, I totally stopped praying to be cured. It just seems morally wrong for me to ask to be spared when there are so many others who need to stay here more than I do. Your situation, Dorian's, other young mothers, breaks my heart. You dear ones need to be the winners here, that lucky % that come out of this healthy and live to be old. ((((((hugs)))))), for I can only imagine how much harder this must make this for you. The only thing sadder is the parents of little children that have cancer. I think all of us would agree that I would rather HAVE cancer than be the parent of a child with cancer. I can't even go there in my mind; it's that awful a thought. I am haunted by the face of a young father pushing his poor ematiated little boy into the oncology radiation suite in a wheelchair, passing me on the way in. No matter how bad our situation, there is always someone else whose pain is even worse, I guess. Sad, sad, sad.

    Thankfully life is as incredible BEAUTIFUL as it is sharply painful; and we all are ALIVE this spring day!! Let's make the most of it!
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member

    When I started to meet young women at the chemo lounge that had little children, I totally stopped praying to be cured. It just seems morally wrong for me to ask to be spared when there are so many others who need to stay here more than I do. Your situation, Dorian's, other young mothers, breaks my heart. You dear ones need to be the winners here, that lucky % that come out of this healthy and live to be old. ((((((hugs)))))), for I can only imagine how much harder this must make this for you. The only thing sadder is the parents of little children that have cancer. I think all of us would agree that I would rather HAVE cancer than be the parent of a child with cancer. I can't even go there in my mind; it's that awful a thought. I am haunted by the face of a young father pushing his poor ematiated little boy into the oncology radiation suite in a wheelchair, passing me on the way in. No matter how bad our situation, there is always someone else whose pain is even worse, I guess. Sad, sad, sad.

    Thankfully life is as incredible BEAUTIFUL as it is sharply painful; and we all are ALIVE this spring day!! Let's make the most of it!

    I appreciate your awareness and sympathy. Since I've started on the journey. The images of the young children being treated haunts me too. At first, I didn't realize it was the child who was the patient. I would think, why is that big kid being pushed in the carriage. I am being treated at a major cancer center in NYC. Everytime I go, EVERYTIME, I see children there. It breaks my heart. It is the ONLY thing that keeps things in perspective for me. It brings myself and my husband to tears. I always say, I'd rather it be me then one of my helps ease my sorrow.

    I don't pray to be cured either...I feel selfish. I think of how terribly cruel the world can be. Especially for children. I've had a wonderful life. I pray for strength...for me and my family. I always pray for all the children suffering in the world.

    Sad...too sad.

    thanks again for your thoughts.